Chapter 19

"You really defeated all of them by yourself?" A black haired, glasses wearing woman looked at us in disbelief but who could blame her?

Two ten year old kids show up with one of the most dangerous bandits in tow and said they defeated them without any casualty.

If it wasn't us who pulled the feat off, I would have had a little doubt about it.

"Yes."I replied and Katarina heaved a sigh.

We had already been at it several times.

One at the gate, one at the entrance and then now.

As for our currently location, it was a river town named Bolhest, situated near a river that I completely forgot the name of.

Katarina would probably get mad at me for unknown reasons so I wouldn't mention that fact.

"Despite how we look, we're actually quite tough." I flexed my arms and laughter erupted behind us.

We were currently in the infamous Adventurers guild that was founded by this great figure centuries ago.

I'm secretly suspecting that he or she was from earth but as the person is long gone, it would be meaningless to pursue it now.

"Hey kid. You can't just show up here and expect a reward. You gotta sign up first."

A gruff man approached us and at first I thought it was going to go like how it does in the novels but he gave us surprisingly kind advise in a rough voice.

"Thank you." And sorry for assuming you were a ruffian.

"No probs. We occasionally get monster-like kids like you so everyone here knows not to judge by appearance." He nodded at the people who were finishing up their business.

Contrary to thought, the Adventurers guild did not serve as a pub but there was a functioning one in the other side of the street so most people just gathered there.

"The bounty would be ready in two days time. In the meantime, would you like to register as adventurers?" The receptionist asked and Katarina and I looked at each other and nodded.

""Yes please""


"That was quite interesting." Katarina said as she stretches in our room.

I don't know whether it was Sur to a reincarnator's influence by we were only required to put down our first name and our state of origin when we were registering.

I looked at the card in my hand and could see a complicated flow of mana and could roughly guess some of its effects.

Mana tracking and recording. Observation. Number reduction. And other effects I still haven't cracked.

But from what I could see, it didn't have a spying effect so I was probably good to go.

But just in case...

"Katarina, please can you help me keep the card in your dimensional box?"

Turns out the name of her space magic she used to store objects was dimensional box.

It was simple, straight to the point and very practical.

"Sure but don't you want to check it out first?" Katarina hopped onto my bed and leered over my shoulder.

"What do you mean.

"Look over here." She pointed at the empty spot below my picture and name and mana flowed from her hand and small lines of text appeared.

"If you input mana into the card, it can give you a rough measurement of your strength. For example, mine is... 10,000. About a thousand times higher than an average person."

She removed her hand and the text faded away.

"Try it out and see."

I followed her advice and pointed my hand at the card and watched as my mana got sucked in.

A few seconds later, a digit appeared on my card and I fell silent.

"Hmm? What did you get?" Katarina peeked and she took fell silent.

"I-it can't be." She stuttered and I could imagine why.

"1,000,000. About a hundred thousand times larger than the average person." I said and began wondering something.

I refined the vast majority of my mana into a higher quality form and stored it in my heart. 

The one I used earlier was the remnants so it should be weaker than my true power.

If I were to put my full and complete mana into it...

"Is there a way to hide your level?" I trembled as I asked Katarina.

Don't get me wrong. I love fighting strong people. But if my true strength becomes known, I would be saddled with so many responsibilities and that is the one thing I hate more than weasels.

"Luckily, there is." Katarina opened her palm and gestured at me and I placed my hand in hers.

A faint white circle was inscribed onto my skin before it faded and blended into a part of my skin.

"Try it again." I placed my hand on the card and a different, shorter number appeared.

"9,899. Not too bad I suppose." It was a little bit lower than Katarina's own but not by much that it will draw too much attention.

"What rank are we in?"

"The lowest rank. F rank."

The Adventurers guild assigned letters to it's members based on their strength and mission completion rate.

With F as the lowest, it reached up to A and then S, SS, SSS, Kingdom, Saint and finally Hero.

According to my studies, there can only be one Hero rank adventurer at a time but the whereabouts of the current one was unknown.

Me and katarina were currently at the lowest rank, F.

An adventurer's rank does not often represent their strength but it's an easy way of seeing how strong a person is.

"If I had to evaluate my strength, I'll most likely be around an SSS rank or so." Katarina mumbled.

"And I'm a hundred times stronger than you."

"But in terms of survival, I'm a hundred times more valuable than you."

"And in terms of-"

We were interrupted by a huge boom that echoed in the surroundings as the floor shook causing tiny bits of dust to fall from the ceiling.

"What was that?" Katarina looked up concerned but me...

Well, I was just excited that an event has come.

Travelling with MC-like figures really is the best.