Chapter 39


A firework exploded in the skies above us.

Right now, we were currently attending a festival that I definitely did not recall giving my permission for because you know, I was frozen and silenced.

"I can't believe you dragged me out." Staying inside and training would have been much more better.

"Shut up, retard. Going to a festival with Katarina is the best thing that will happen in your pathetic little life so savor it the best you can." There was literally no other soul that could say something so cringe except him.

"How did she manage to tame you this much?"

"If you had eyes, you would be able to see why."

"So you don't deny the taming part."

"The two of you, shut it."

"Yes mom." Ouch! And not the good kind for there was a knife sticking out of my stomach.

I looked at the perpetrator who looked at me with a victorious look and pulled the knife out and healed the wound.