Chapter 117

Eliza felt the knife headed towards her and she brought her hand up and caught the blade with her hand.

"Don't..." She said as she stood up and punched her attacker away.

"Think you will get me that easily." She said as she forcefully ensured the pain and began casting magic.

The pain in her head increased and blood began dripping out of her offices but she endured it as a tiny drop of blood emerged from her forehead.

"Blood magic - Red Sea." The drop of blood floated to the ground slowly. Sylphie didn't know what it was but her instincts hinted over the years alerted her to its danger and she flung a knife at it but it was repelled by a thin layer of blood.

The drop crashed into the earth and was absorbed without any fanfare and Sylphie would have sighed had she not sensed the ground begin to tremble.