Chapter 127

"... I see. That's what happened." Katarina nodded as she heard Sylphie's story.

A being that promised to bring you back to life in exchange for just becoming famous sounded as fishy as hell.

"I deeply apologize. I should not have accepted its offer." Sylphie lowered her head but Katarina gestures for her to lift it.

"So long as you are fine, it is alright. We can solve whatever will happen when the time comes." She said as they started walking back towards Renarda.

"My lady..." Sylphie almost burst into tears as she once again learnt the greatness of her mistress.

"Forgive me for asking this, my lady but where is your sword?" Sylphie asked and Katarina turned with question marks above her head.

"Sword? I don't recall having one."



"Where am I?" Cynthia had just arrived in the real world and found herself next to a burning building.