Chapter 135

"Kire is currently fighting, or rather, beating up a comrade who turned traitor. More than half of the knights stationed throughout the kingdom have turned coats, or rather, armour and are currently joining forces with the devils and monsters to destroy the kingdom." A member of the Dark Corps said as she reported to Katarina.

"Of all the times... why don't those assholes just stay down." Katarina cursed and the Dark Corps member coughed and she noticed her language and coughed.

"Ahem, just go ahead and assist them. The others should be arriving soon so things should lighten up." She said with red cheeks as she tried to regain her composure.

"About that... there is a mysterious barrier covering the kingdom. It doesn't seem particularly strong but a lot of our members have had trouble coming here." The other person shook her head and said.