Chapter 155

"You..." The world had turned into a broken landscape and the memories of the real world rushed towards him and he understood what was happening.


"What is this? I get here expecting to see a crying child and all I see is a boy whining about how 'normal' he is. What is this? Shounen?" Sai clicked his tongue and looked Reginald.

"Doesn't matter whether you're talented or not. The last person standing is the winner. If everyone stronger and talented thank you were to die, then you would be number one. So can you stop grumbling and come help us. Please."

"That doesn't sound like the tone someone uses for help." Reginald shit back and a small smile crept onto his face.

"Well, as it turns out, your power is necessary for taking Azazel down. Not mine." Sai said and stared up and his hair covered his eyes.