Chapter 160

'No.' Although it knew it was coming, as the moment arrives, Azazel struggled against it with all its might.

"World End-" If was about to cast a spell when he senses another energy of energy headed its way and it quickly creates a barrier to block it.

'They should be at the end of their ropes soon.' It knew that not everyone was like it and concluded that this was likely their final barrage.

Until it sensed another similar burst of energy and it raises another barrier to block it.


Fake Out. Cynthia's nature magic that allows her to create the most realistic illusion but with zero attack power.

No matter how amazing it may seem, it would never be able to create energy fluctuations larger than hers.

Until Reginald came in.

Every one in Reias was born with only a single nature magic. Due to an anomaly, Reginald was born with two nature magic instead.