"I want to ask why you're here but I think I already know the answer." I said ask I dressed up under the creepy gaze of Leo who refused to take his eyes off me.
"Princess said I should watch over you. Looks like she doesn't trust me one bit. I knew that, though." Leo said with an annoying smile but it did not serve to make him less funny as the bruises on his face had not yet healed.
"She asked you to watch me. That's plenty of proof that she trusts you." I lied as easily as I breathed.
Even in my base state, healing mana was concentrated in my body to the point that just drinking my blood was enough to heal a wounded person.
I could probably be considered as an elixir capable of curing all illnesses and wounds. If the fact got out, the number of people that will be willing to hunt me down....
"Your mana is quite distracting. It feels like it might kill me at any moment." Leo said and I flicked a strand of mana to the area besides his feet.