If you’re lying, I’ll kill you myself

Seeing Zaya standing at the door was unexpected, and for a moment, I didn't know how to react. The awkwardness between us was palpable, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of conflicting emotions.

Zaya had been a good friend, but things had become complicated between us after Carmen and I broke up. She had made it clear back then that she didn't want me to get back together with Carmen.

And, well, there were feelings involved Zaya had been in love with me. But we'd decided to stay friends.

Still, that didn't erase the strange undercurrent that now flowed between us, and her sudden appearance felt oddly timed.

"Zaya?" I managed to say, my voice betraying the surprise I felt. "What are you doing here?"

She stepped inside, her movements slow, measured. Her eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail before they settled back on me. The silence hung in the air like thick fog, making the moment feel tenser than it needed to be.