You’re playing with fire

Chloe yanked on the door handle like her life depended on it, but too bad for her—I had already locked the doors. She shook it violently, letting out a frustrated noise when it wouldn't budge.


"Oh, I could," I said, leaning back against my seat, stretching my arms behind my head. "But where would the fun be in that?"

Chloe shot me a glare, her face full of regret. "Look, let's just be rational adults about this—"

"You slapped me."

"It was self-defense!"

"Oh?" I raised a brow. "Self-defense?"

"Yes!" she insisted. "You were attacking me with those forehead flicks, and I had to protect myself!"

I let out a slow, deliberate sigh. "So, what I'm hearing is, you're justifying slapping me?"

"Yes—I mean, no—I mean—" Chloe groaned, rubbing her face. "Can't you just let this go?"

I tilted my head, pretending to consider it. "Hmm. Let me think—" I gave her a deadpan look. "No."