Chapter 16: Gathering Allies

Jay returned to the inn, his mind racing with possibilities. If the strangers were looking for him, they might also be searching for Elena. He needed to find her and ensure her safety. As he entered the inn, he noticed that the innkeeper had become more cautious, watching the door with a wary eye.

"Back already?" the innkeeper asked, glancing at Jay.

"Just for a moment," Jay replied. "I'm looking for a friend—Elena. Have you seen her?"

The innkeeper shook his head. "Haven't seen her around. She comes and goes, but usually keeps a low profile. If you're looking for her, you'd best check the outskirts of the village. She likes to keep to herself."

Jay thanked the innkeeper and left the inn, heading toward the outskirts of Arborn. The village was surrounded by dense forest, with narrow paths leading into the wilderness. It was the perfect place to hide if you didn't want to be found.

As Jay walked through the forest, he kept his senses alert. The air was filled with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves, but he also heard the distant sound of footsteps. He paused, hiding behind a tree, and saw a group of men walking along the path. They were dressed in dark cloaks, their faces hidden beneath hoods.

These had to be the strangers the innkeeper had mentioned. Jay watched as they passed by, their voices low and muffled. He caught snippets of their conversation, enough to know they were still looking for him.

"He's got to be around here somewhere," one of the men said. "The boss won't be happy if we don't find him."

"Just keep searching," another replied. "He's a slippery one, but he'll slip up eventually."

Jay waited until they were out of sight before continuing down the path. If these men were working for a boss, it meant there was a larger organization behind them. He needed to find out who they were and why they wanted the relic.

The path led to a small clearing, where he saw Elena sitting on a rock, sharpening her sword. She looked up as he approached, her expression guarded but not hostile.

"Jay," she said, her voice even. "What brings you here? I thought you'd be long gone by now."

"I would be," Jay replied, "but it seems I've got some unwanted attention. Strangers are looking for me, and they mentioned you as well. I think it has to do with the relic at the shrine."

Elena's eyes narrowed. "I knew this would happen. The relic is too powerful, too dangerous. It attracts those who seek power for their own gain. What do you want me to do?"

"I need your help," Jay said, his voice earnest. "We need to find out who these men are and what they want. If they're after the relic, we need to make sure they don't get their hands on it."

Elena considered his words, then nodded. "I agree. But we need to be careful. These men aren't ordinary thugs. They're skilled and well-organized. If we make the wrong move, it could lead to more trouble than we can handle."

Jay understood the risk, but he was determined to protect the village and the people he cared about. He knew he couldn't do it alone, and he hoped Elena would stand by his side.

"Then let's be smart about it," he said. "We need to gather allies, people we can trust. If these men are part of a larger group, we'll need all the help we can get."

Elena nodded, her expression resolute. "Agreed. Let's start with those we know we can trust. And Jay, be careful. If they find out you're onto them, they won't hesitate to come after you."

Jay knew the dangers, but he was ready to face them. He was determined to uncover the truth behind the strangers and their connection to the relic. He would do whatever it took to protect the village and ensure that the relic didn't fall into the wrong hands.