Chapter 41: The Files

Elena sorted through the files with practiced efficiency, her movements quick but quiet. She was looking for anything that could link the shipments to the Mastermind's network, while Jay kept watch at the door. The commotion from the riot outside was growing louder, a crescendo of shouts and clashes.

"Found something," Elena whispered, pulling out a thick folder. "These documents show a list of shipments that went through this hub. If we can find the ones that don't match up with the usual schedule, we might be onto something."

Jay nodded, glancing down the corridor to ensure they weren't being observed. "Hurry," he replied. "We don't have much time before they send more guards this way."

Elena flipped through the pages, her eyes darting over the information. "Got it," she said, pointing to a specific entry. "These shipments are marked as 'classified' and have no clear origin. This could be what we're looking for."

"Take the whole folder," Jay suggested. "We can analyze it later. Right now, we need to get out of here."

Elena agreed and quickly stuffed the folder into her bag. As they turned to leave, they heard voices approaching from the far end of the corridor. Jay signaled for Elena to hide behind a stack of crates, and they ducked out of sight just as two guards entered the warehouse.

The guards were talking about the riot, discussing how it was spreading across the district. Jay could feel Elena tensing beside him. This was a bad sign—the more chaotic the situation became, the more likely the guards would lock down the area.

"We need a distraction," Jay whispered. "We can't just walk out of here with these guards around."

Elena thought for a moment, then reached into her pocket and pulled out a small smoke bomb. "This should do the trick. When it goes off, we move. Got it?"

Jay nodded, watching the guards' movements. They were headed toward the offices, talking about reinforcements. Elena tossed the smoke bomb down the corridor, and it erupted in a cloud of thick, billowing smoke.

The guards reacted immediately, coughing and shouting as they stumbled back. Jay grabbed Elena's arm, and they darted through the smoke, keeping low to avoid being seen. The confusion was perfect—they could hear the guards shouting for backup, but no one could see through the dense haze.

"Let's go!" Jay urged, leading Elena toward the exit. The smoke was spreading fast, obscuring the entire warehouse. They had a narrow window to escape before the guards regained control.

They reached the exit and slipped outside, blending into the crowd of dockworkers who were evacuating due to the riot. Owen was waiting in the van, his eyes scanning the area for signs of trouble.

"Get in!" he called, waving them over. "We need to get out of here before they lock down the entire district!"

Jay and Elena climbed into the van, and Owen hit the gas, speeding away from the warehouse. The streets were chaos, filled with rioters, police, and emergency vehicles. It was a perfect cover for their escape, but it also meant they had to be careful not to draw attention.

"Did you get what we needed?" Owen asked, glancing at Elena's bag.

"Yes," she replied, holding up the folder. "These documents should give us a lead on where the Mastermind is getting his supplies. It's a start, at least."

Jay nodded, his heart still racing from the adrenaline. "Good work, everyone. Let's get back to base and figure out our next move. We need to act fast before the Mastermind has a chance to cover his tracks."

The van sped through the chaotic streets, weaving through the traffic and avoiding the worst of the riot. Jay knew that they had just begun a dangerous journey, one that would test their skills, their resolve, and their trust in each other.