When did I start this kind of life? Oh I remember, it was on that particular day.
(Flashback to 5 years ago...)
"Mummy," I said as I tugged on her sleeve repeatedly. "You should turn left now!"
"And I don't care if he can't make it on Tuesday! I have to make sure, hold on. Kuroi, can't you see Mummy's busy at the moment? Go play with Daddy." My mother replied, gently pushing me away and gesturing her arm to her husband.
"Kuroi, not now. I'm in a meeting. If I were to make time for the family I would have to clear up some work first. Go use your phone or something." That was my father's response when I tried to talk to him.
"Mummy, Daddy, there's a truck coming our way, we need to move, like now!" I breathed out frantically, heart beat rising by the second. My eyes nervously darted to and fro from one parent to the other. My words had fallen on deaf ears.
"We have to turn now, hurry up!" I shouted in distress as I tried to get their attention.
"Guys we have to turn n-"
It was too late.
Those words were followed by the sound of glass shattering. Before I knew it we were flipped upside down. I could feel my consciousness leaving me, second by second. The last thing I remembered was the sound of sirens wailing, people shouting, loud honking and the smell of blood.
I woke up with a jolt. My chest heaving up and down, the sound of my heart beating was so loud that it could be heard all over the room.
It was just a dream.
A dream that I kept coming back to.
I sighed as I got out of bed. I couldn't think of negative thoughts like this. It's always good to start the day on a positive note. Especially since today was the first day of school, my first day of transferring to a new school to be exact. Already finished changing, I grabbed my briefcase and headed out of my dorm room. I walked towards the lift, greeting employees on the way. As I exited the company building, I checked the time on my watch.
"It's already 7.45am? But school starts at 8.00am! I'm gonna be late!" I stiffled a curse. How did time pass by so fast while I was changing?
While brisk-walking and focusing on how I should be politely apologising to the teacher for being late on my first day of school, I happened to bump into a tall figure.
"Owww, my head!" I whined.
"Oh sorry, I wasn't looking, forgive me."
"Huh? Oh it's alright, I wasn't looking either." I answered. I looked up to see a tall boy that was older than me. He had smiing eyes and a heavenly smile. He looked like a ray of sunshine amidst the shadows. His smile looked perfect, almost too perfect. His hair was in a shade of a vibrant vermillion. How ironic for someone who could be nicknamed "Sunshine Boy". Now inspecting him closer, he seemed familiar. Almost as if I've seen him somewhere on TV before.
"Sorry for bumping into ya! Oh we're wearing the same school uniform! You must be from Fukuhara Joint School too! I'm Nezuko Kazuya, nice to meet ya!" He introduced himself cheerfully.
"I'm Kuroi Tenshi, the feeling is mutual. Are you the famous idol Nezuko?" I asked.
"Yup! But you can just call me what my friends call me, Zuko! Speaking about appearing on TV, aren't you the famous model with a pretty face that always goes viral? That model Kuroi Tenshi!" Nezuko questioned.
"Yeah that's me, I didn't know I was that popular," My eyes widened at his response before, turing my head away to hide my slightly pink cheeks.
Nezuko's POV:
Did she turn her head the other way so I wouldn't see her blushing? How cute. Who would have known the one and only Kuroi Tenshi would turn pink just because a boy told her she was pretty. Perhaps there was more to her that I should find out. Could she have the same thing as me? Did she have 2-
"How about you? Aren't you the super famous idol, Nezuko Kazuya, known for his sunshine smile and radiant aura!" Kuroi said.
I saw how her eyes lit up while saying stuff about me but quickly faded into emptiness again. How peculiar. To any normal person, they wouldn't notice. But for someone like me, it's hard not to notice when you feel the same thing.
"Hey, sunshine boy! What, after seeing me blush made you feel like shutting up too?" She called out to me.
"Sorry I was in, deep thought. I am the one and only, the best idol in the idustry, your sunshine boy, Nezuko Kazuya! If that's what you're asking." I declared as I gave Kuroi a wink.
"Hmph, whatever you say," she said, rolling her eyes.
"Also, I noticed that you were rushing ahead just now, before you bumped into me. You do know school officially starts at 8.30am sharp for all students. It's currently, 8.00am on the dot. I'm guessing you're new. Not like I've seen you on campus before!"
I asked. She must be that new student that he was talking about.
Kuroi's POV
"It was that obvious?" I sighed, "Well we've arrived already. Thanks for walking with me."
"Your welcome! It was nice knowing ya'! Hope we see each other again!" Nezuko called out to me as he waved his hand and ran towards the school gate.
Turning around the corner, I could see the prestigious academy in all its glory. Tall school buildings built in a modern style, walls of white were everywhere to see. The colour scheme of this whole school campus made it look like a futuristic headquarters coming straight from a movie!
Makes me feel ashamed of cheating my way into the school.
Flashback To 1 Day Ago:
"WHAT!? OF ALL TIMES WHY NOW?" I shouted loudly.
"What do you mean, "Why now"? You are at your peak of your career! Is this not a perfect time to attend school?" My manager, Haruka, calmly responded, paying no heed to what I had just said.
"Exactly! Why now? Shouldn't I be focusing on promoting more? Doing more photoshoots, endorsing more brands, filming more advertisements?" I retaliated.
"Since everyone and their mother now knows you, your popularity is at an all-time high. Going to school, might I add a very prestigious and popular school, will be benefitting not just for the school but for you too." Haruka paused to let the words she just said to sink in before continuing.
"Going to a popular and good school will influence other people to join in the future. To be precise, your fans would want to join in the future, leading them to study hard. This helps as the parents of these young children will be proud that their child is working hard and will view you in a good way. On the other hand, the school benefits from this due to more people wanting to join their academy. As of now, this academy has quite a bit of supply, but not quite as much demand. This is due to its high standards in picking the most talented and brightest students. Now comes to you, Kuroi. You're at this age. I know you don't have a lot of friends, none at all to be exact. This will be a good opportunity for you to open up and meet new people, experience new things, and enjoy yourself. Think of it as a "break". We do still need you to put on a polite and respectful front but this is a win-win situation for multiple groups of people! This is a really good chance you shouldn't pass up."
"The no friend thing was harsh, not gonna lie. But if you say that it's for the better of company and the people in general, than I'll go." I answered, lips tightened into a thin line.
"Good to hear. Now as for what school you are going to, you are going to Fukuhara Joint School, otherwise known as FJS."
"THE FJS? Isn't that the school for either rich, smart or talented kids? How did you even get me inside?" I blurted out.
"Well I may have bribed them a bit and considering how big your name is now. I had no problem getting you enrolled into the school." Haruka stated as if she wasn't aware of what she just did.
End Of Flashback
Ugh, how stupid could she be to bribe the academy. She literally has no shame whatsoever.
I sighed out loud as I walked around the hallways trying to find my class. Apparently, I was in 1C. As I slowly turned on the door of my classroom I had finally found, I gingerly stepped in only to be greeted with the sight of many heads all whipping around towards the sound of the door.
I felt my anxiety spike at that very moment. Enochlophobia, the fear of large crowds, is not an easy thing to deal with. Many times, I had almost fainted in public at fanmeetings or events due their being many, many people. I would get light-headed, irregular breathing and dizziness. I hated having to go to many events where I get swarmed by hundreds of fans. However, I didn't have a choice. I felt like I owed Haruka something. I didn't know what, but there was definitely something. My memory was just weirdly foggy.
I looked around the room anxiously while slowly walking to the front of the classroom. I had to calm myself down. You cannot faint in front of 40 plus people!
"G-Good day, I'm Kuroi T-Tenshi. I hope w-we can get along." I announced to the class. It felt like thousands of spotlights were shining on me. The sound of quiet mumbling could be heard from all corners of the classroom. Although the room was air conditioned, I could feel beads of perspiration form on my forehead.
"Is that really THE Kuroi Tenshi?"
"Oh my god! She's even prettier in real life!"
"Isn't she your type? You should go ask her out!"
"Hey, I'm even using the lipstick she used in a commercial last week!"
"We absolutely, MUST, get her autograph later!"
Just before the whispering got out of hand, the homeroom tea her walked in.
"Ah, you must be Kuroi Tenshi. I'm your homeroom teacher, Mrs Aoi. You can sit at the middle row back seat." Mrs Aoi told me.
Upon sitting down at my assigned seat, a boy sitting next to me tried flirt with me with a pickup line. I rejected him without a second thought. Not my type, not in my contract. Ugh, boys these days.
After long treacherous hours of lesson, it was finally lunch break. We had 1h 30min before after school clubs began activity. Having no one to go recess with, I stayed in the classroom by myself. No problem, I'd rather be by myself. The classroom has free air conditioning, free WiFi, and an escape from people asking me for my autograph. Though the air conditioning was great and all, I was kinda cold. I decided to take a stroll in the hallways outside the classrooms. It was peaceful and quiet. Perfect for self reflection and extremely therapeutic. Maybe this school wasn't so bad after a-
"THERE SHE IS! GUYS I FOUND HER! LET'S GO GET OUR AUTOGRAPHS!" A girl shouted at the top of her lungs. In a blink of an eye, people were already runing towards me and totally surrounded me so I couldn't escape. Were they crazy or some shit? As if answering my question, I felt my anxiety shoot through the roof and my heart rate sped up at an incredible speed. I looked around. There must have been at least 60 people surrounding me.
I felt the light-headedness kicking in and the next second, my head felt like it was turing around in circles. I've got to get out of here. Even that thought alone took a lot of strength just to think about. I mustered up all my strength and made a run for it, pushing through crowds of people. The more I ran, the more I felt like passing out. It didn't help that the crowd looked like it had doubled in size and was chasing me down. I managed to out run them but the sound of thunderous feet chasing was only several seconds away. I guess this is where it ends.
My heart gave out and my vision slowly began to black out as I felt myself dropping nearer and nearer to the ground.
"Thud" a soft sound caught my attention. I didn't feel the impact of the cold, hard, ground. But rather, the strong arms of someone carrying me? Being too tired to think, I just passed out right there on the spot. Somehow, I trusted my savior who had stopped me from falling and let him or her take care of me. How peculiar, I could have sworn his face looks familiar somehow... Foggy,.....Mem...orie...sss
"We finally meet again, Kuroi Tenshi."
~The End~
A/n : Hmmm I wonder who that mystery person is...