6.) Behind the Mask

"Hey, Kuroi! How did the photoshoot go?" Yuta asked.

"What photoshoot?" I replied in confusion.

"The secret one."

"How did you know about my photoshoot for a new brand?"

"Another endorsement? Geez, how many do you have? Welp, this is news to me. Thanks for the information!"

"Thank- OH SHIT!"

Yuta had a smug smile on his face after hearing my rather loud response. I sighed in defeat.

Yuta: 1 Kuroi: 0

"Yuta, don't just sit there and smirk your ass off. Tell me about the 'secret photoshoot'!" I whined.

"You really don't know? I guess you haven't done it yet. The photoshoot is for your official acknowledgement that you are the new face of the school. It's called a secret because the school doesn't know that they have a new face of the school. This will be a revelation of some sorts." Yuta explained.

"Oh, that's, rather normal. Is Nezuko doing the photoshoot as well?" I asked.

"Yes, of course." Yuta said before suddenly adding, "Speak of the devil, I think someone is here to drag you along with them for break!"

The sliding doors of Yuta's office was suddenly opened with a loud bang. In came Nezuko, looking as cheerful as always.

"There you are! I was looking for you in your class but couldn't find you. Let's go! You're following me, Kuromi!" Nezuko exclaimed before dragging me by the arm.

"K-kuromi? What the hell is that?" I blurted.

Nezuko just cheekily smiled at me. I turned to Yuta for help.

"Have fun, Kuromi!" He teased, smiling and waving at me.

They definitely were talking about me when I was absent that day.

(Yuta's POV)

Seeing that the 2 left the room, I checked my emails on my computer. Most of them were all promotions and spam. However, one particular email caught my attention. The sender of the email, their name was "SQP Organisation". How strange. Among all the different companies and organisations that I've worked with, I've never encountered this organisation before. On the email, it read:

Dear Yuta,

  We would formally like to invite you to join the SQP Organisation.

   You are classified as an unique individual possessing supernatural powers. You possess the power of mind reading, being able to freely read any person's mind on command, knowing there deepest thougts. Therefore we would like you to join the SQP Organisation as a member of the SQP Project. Our main objective is to use these powers for the greater good. You will be a key asset in our missions, gathering intel and information for the organisation, and also helping out when the need for combat is necessary. You'll also be with other people similar to you in a team. If you join us, we will grant you for whatever you wish for. We'll help you get whatever you want.

  We do hope you consider joining us as it will be highly beneficial for both parties. If you are interested, please reply us through this email in 2 days. You must understand that we have a tight schedule so we urge you to reply on time. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

Ayumi Yamamoto

"What did I just read, oh my god. Whatever I wish for? Yeah, right." I said out loud with a scoff.

I closed my laptop. Looks like I won't be replying to that email.

(Kuroi's POV)

"So, what's up Kuroi? It's been a while since I got to spend time talking to you in private." Nezuko asked.

"Nothing much. Just enjoying high school life for once." I answered.

I have been enjoying my time in FJS. Having the chance to meet all kinds of people. I even found a group of people that I want to hang out with. I liked life right now. It was peaceful. 

"Good to hear. By the way, I'm curious. What were your first impressions of the 4 of us?"

"First impressions? Well, the first person I met was you. When I first saw you, you looked like a super positive and energetic person. I wasn't kidding when I called you 'sunshine boy'." I told him with a slight smile.

"Oh, really?" He chuckled.

"One thing I also noticed is that all of you are so tall!" I complained.

"Well you're tall too, are you not?" Nezuko said with a smirk.

"Okay…" I gave him the side eye.

TMI of the day, I found out I'm basically a middle schooler compared to the other 4. Yuta and Nezuko were basically giants being just above 180cm. Masato was just under 180cm while Sayo is 170cm. They all towered over me who was a mere 163cm. It's embarrassing to admit how I became a model with that height. That comment from Sayo's mum was stuck in my head.

"Yes, yes, whatever. Oh, who is this? What a pretty girl! Slim, sharp features, perfect body ratio! Well height we can work on that but, wow! So beautiful!" Sayo's mother exclaimed.

I'm still kind of offended, not gonna lie.

"How about the others?" Nezuko asked, curiosity evident in his tone.

The others? Well Yuta was, annoying but impressive. He was at the top of the school. Everyone knew him and he knew everything about everyone. I still do appreciate Yuta for helping me with any homework I didn't understand. And he always got me my favourite drink in school. I guess he can be helpful at times. But, don't tell him I said that. Masato was comfortable to be with except for that one time where he showed me that thing. I still remember that vividly. Thinking about it sends chills down my spine. But, he was friendly and nice. He always looked out for me. I'm quite thankful for him. Sayo was the sweetest person I've ever met! She's an angel! She's your epitome of what you call a 'big sister'. Sayo always bought me snacks and shared her snacks with me. She always helped me out with everything.

"Well Yuta is annoyingly impressive. Masato is nice to be around and Sayo is an absolute angel!" I summarised.

"I get that! Sayo is like the sweetest person alive! She's so kind and helpful. No wonder she's one of the student council heads."

"Yeah, right? Anyways, I have a really important question to ask you." I faced him seriously.

"Sure, ask away!" He said curiously.

"Why is your name Nezuko?" I asked.





"Hey, answer the question!"

"Sorry, it's just that," Nezuko tried to compose himself from his laughing fit. "I've never had someone ask me this directly in my face before."

He was still trying not to laugh. I could see him wiping the small beads of tears from his eyes.

"Are you gonna answer the question or am I gonna to have to watch you suffer while controlling your laughter some more?" I looked at him in disapproval.

"Alright, alright. Not gonna lie, that was pretty funny!" Nezuko commented with a sigh before facing me again.

"Basically, when my mum was still pregnant with me, the doctors told my parents that they were having a boy. My parents must have been too tired that day cause they told the wrong information to everyone. They told my grandparents, my extended family that they were having a girl." Nezuko explained, embarrassment evident in his words.

"Wait, that's the story? That's kind of unhinged." I said, trying to hold back my laughter.

"So, they decided on the name Nezuko which is clearly not suitable for me. That's why my friends call me Zuko sometimes. Sounds more appropriate anyways." Nezuko added.

"I'll call you Zuko from now on. I think you'd prefer that anyway." I told him. His smile of appreciation reflected his approval.

After our endless chatting and walking, we reached the our allocated location for our photoshoot. Because both of us were experienced in photoshoots, the whole entire session proceeded in a flash. Once we entered the venue, the staff ushered us to the dressing table where they neatened our clothes and hair. The set was really pretty though. It was school themed(obviously) with chesnut brown bookshelves and a big table of the same colour. The room gave off a victorian yet modern look with a few plush sofa chairs and day curtains letting a few rays of the morning sunlight to pass through.

"Miss Tenshi could you sit on the chair while Mr Kazuya leans on the desk table?"

"Great! Let's do some solo shots. Mr Kazuya you're up first."

"Can Mr Kazuya and Miss Tenshi come look through their photos?"

The photos were normal but professionally done. You could clearly see the message behind the photos, clear and straightforward. I peeked at Nezuko who was busy examining his photos. I was about to tease him when I saw the look in his eyes as he observed the photos. It looked like he was confused to put it simply. It was like he was bewildered to see himself in the photo and confused by the photos. I quickly averted my eyes away, just in time when Nezuko looked over at my photos.

"Hey, looking good!" He commented.

"Thanks. I think yours looks good too." I replied, eyes shifting their gaze towards his photos. I have to admit, they were shot perfectly. Even the lighting was in Nezuko's favor. I totally wasn't just gawking at how stunning he- I MEAN how the picture looked! Umm yeah, that was totally the truth.

"I think that wraps up our session for today. Thank you for everybody's cooperation!" Nezuko announced with a bright smile.

"What a great role model!" I said with teasing smile while bowing at the staff.

"Can't say the same about you." He playfully responded.

I jokingly rolled my eyes in response. We then exited the room together.

"So, how was your task as the new face of the school?" Nezuko asked.

"It was rather fun, I guess? I mean I experience similar things at work so, not much of a difference." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, you still did a good job!"


That was when we parted ways to head to our classes. The photoshoot was during our break and took up a lot of time despite it being done quickly.

Several periods of mentally draining classes later, I found myself dozing off, head drooping while trying to listen to the teacher's monotonous explanation on something about x equals to 2 or something. I looked up drowsily at the clock. How much longer do I have to-

It read 1.55pm.

I stared blankly at the clock, blinking several times trying to process what I just saw.

Oh, there's 5 more minutes until class ends?

It took a while for realisation to hit me.

Suddenly feeling refreshed and wide awake, I sat up straight and pretended to listen to the teacher's lesson while checking the clock every 10 seconds.

"Psst, hey Kuroi? Are you friends with Nezuko from 2nd grade?" My seat mate whispered.

"Yeah, what about?"

"Him and another girl are looking at you and the teacher. They seem to be waiting for you."

"Oh, I see."

Nezuko and Sayo were continuously peeking into my classroom to see whether we were dismissed yet. I saw Nezuko looking at me trying to say hi. I mouthed a message, asking them to leave first. He shook his head in reply. I was about to respond when the teacher announced, "Class, I think we'll end here for today. I will leave the classroom first, see you tomorrow." She waved while rushing out of the classroom. 

Seeing this, Nezuko rushed into my classroom almost immediately, Sayo following behind. Upon realisation that an idol had entered their classroom, many of my classmates were shocked and surprised. They hurriedly rushed to the where Nezuko was standing, pushing and shoving each other to get Nezuko's autograph.

Already finished packing up, I walked towards the big crowd, trying to get to Nezuko. It was nearly impossible to get through a mob of Nezuko's fans. I tried to get his attention but it's hard to do that when you're the height of a middle school kid and at the back of the crowd. Luckily, he managed to see me, struggling probably. I bet he was holding in his laughter.

"Guys, I appreciate the love and support but could we let Kuroi come through, please?"

I sighed in relief. A bunch of "excuse me"s and "sorry"s later, I finally got through the crowd.

"Sorry my dear lovely fans, but we must go." Nezuko said dramatically. Sayo and I both rolled our eyes.

"See you around!" He exclaimed, blowing kisses at the crowd.

When we were all out of the classroom, Nezuko faced me and asked, "How was trying to get my attention at the back of the crowd like?" Sayo playfully slapped him.

"Are you making fun of my height?" I asked feeling offended.

"Yeah, maybe." He said with a smirk.

"Alright, before you continue fighting, I'll just tell you that both of you can go home today. There's no need to stay for council duties." Sayo told us. "It was fun walking with y'all, I have a meeting to attend, bye!" She rushed off after that.

After seeing Sayo leave, Nezuko and I stood there staring blankly. It was awkward until Nezuko broke the silence.

"Wanna go shopping?"


It was more like window shopping because we were kind of tired and notbecausewewerebroke.

(3rd Person POV)

Kuroi and Nezuko were walking along the street while leisurely chatting without a car They were similar to the people around them, family or couples, everybody was enjoying the time spent with each other. However, one person was not. Someone was not happy about a certain 2 people walking together.

"Is that Kuroi Tenshi and Nezuko Kazuya walking together? I can't believe this! I need to catch this on camera." The person mumbled in disbelief and anger.

She hid in the shadows of an alleyway and waited for the 2 high schoolers to pass by.


The person managed to capture a clear picture of both Kuroi and Nezuko smiling and chatting with each other.

"Time to ruin their careers!" She whispered quietly to herself, making sure no one except herself could hear that.

The person lit a cigarette and placed it in her mouth. She opened her social media and was about to post the picture when she felt someone gave her a sharp punch.

(Nezuko's POV)

I watched as the girl fell down from the unexpected punch from me. I looked down at her. Blood was oozing out of her nose and she was struggling to get up.

"Why were you taking a picture of Kuroi and me just now?" I asked her sharply.

No reply.

"You should answer my question. I don't like when people take pictures of me without my permission." I told her again.

No answer again.

I grabbed her by the collar and pinned her against the wall. I lifted my fist, ready to punch absolute shit out of her. However she spoke first.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that."

Her face was the opposite of what I imagined it to be. Instead of fear, her eyes were filled with malice and deceit, glimmering with a sinister gleam. Her face was shrouded in shadow. Yet the only things that could be clearly seen were her eyes and her malevolent grin, revealing the girl's true intentions lurking beneath the surface.

My grip on her loosened and I stepped back cautiously. Who was this person and what was she trying to do.

"I'm no actress but I think in order to fool the Nezuko Kazuya, my act was definitely a masterpiece!" She said with a devious smirk on her face.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I'm Ayumi Yamamoto of SQP Organisation. No need to introduce yourself. I know who you are and everything else about you." Ayumi introduced herself.

"SQP Organisation?"

"Ring a bell? Thought so." Ayumi responded.

"What's your purpose here?"

"Well firstly, I'm glad you came here the second I struck the fire, you know? At least I know for sure that you are aware of your powers." She told me.

"What fire? What do you mean by powers?"

"Oh please, you can drop the act. Your super fake facade has already fallen off, how many more do you have?"

"What do you mean by facade?" I asked.

"Aren't you always acting cheerful and bubbly in front of everyone? In your fans eyes, you're perfect and approachable. However, behind the mask you wear 24/7, you hide your true self. Cold, unapproachable, rude, competitive, just to name a few. I told you, I know everything about you." Ayumi told me.

"So what? What if I have a fake act that I play all the time. Why does it bother you?"

"It doesn't, but it's good information to have. Anyways, back to your powers. Just make sure you're aware, you have the supernatural power of fire. You can start fire with your hands and you're immune to fire or burns. And because of those powers, you could immediately teleport here and interrogate me from the fire that I used to light my cigarette." She revealed. She spit the cigarette in mouth on the floor, crushing in with her foot. "You know, I lot that cigarette on purpose, giving you an opportunity to come here."

"So you know about my powers. You still haven't answered the question yet though. What's your purpose here?" I stated.

"I know you want to beat her, she's your biggest rival, isn't she? Join SQP Organisation, we can help you do that." Ayumi offered.

"If I join, what do I have to do for you. There must be a price to pay."

"We make use of your powers, of course. You will be in a team with others just like you. You will act as a spy of some sorts, collecting information and fighting enemies if necessary. Your safety would be our top priority if you join. And we promise this is kept a secret so as to not put your career at risk. What do you say?" She asked with desperation in her eyes.

"I remember receiving an email from your organisation a couple of days ago. Were you sent here to further persuade me and give me information?"

"Yes, that's right. So, want to join our company. I think it'll be highly beneficial for you to join. We really can help you achieve what you want and help you move to even greater heights."

"I'll think about it."

"That's fine with me. However, you should get back to me in 2 days. My organisation is fair, but we can be impatient at times due to our busy schedule. Here's my number, text me when you've decided on your answer." Ayumi handed me her business card, on it was her number.

"Is that all? I'm leaving now." I told her, turning my back.

"Sure, sure. Just remember, you can't hide behind that mask of yours for long."


A/n: Long chapter this time. I had fun writing this one though. Next chapter, our lovely main character is turning 16!!!!