The Summoning Gone Wrong [Bonus Chapter]

Yanzi's breath hitched in shock as her eyes landed on the figure standing within the summoning circle. It couldn't be! The dark robes, the black hair whipping around his face in the gust of wind... it was him. Alister.

A wave of emotions came over Yanzi. Confusion, anger, and a touch of fear clawed at her heart.

What was Alister doing here? And what in the world was he trying to summon? Her gaze darted between the figure in the circle and Kai, who stood beside her, wearing a concerned expression on his face.

"Yanzi? You alright?"

Kai asked, worried. He noticed the way her grip tightened on the strap of her bag, her knuckles turning white.

Yanzi opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Her mind raced, trying to piece together what was happening.

A thousand questions swirled in her head. Was this some kind of elaborate prank to get her back? Or was Alister truly summoning something powerful?

Yanzi forced a smile, her voice strained.

"I'm fine," she lied.

Her smile couldn't hold, though. The sight before them was horrifying. The rift in the circle had grown larger, revealing a hulking, obsidian-skinned creature with glowing red eyes. It reached out with massive, clawed hands, digging them into the edges of the portal and pushing it wider, its roar echoing through the hall.

Panic erupted. Shouts and screams rose above the creature's roar as people surged backward. A group of men with stern expressions and imposing Union uniforms pushed through the crowd, barking orders.

"Everyone back! Step away from the portal! This appears to be some sort of dungeon break!"

"Dungeon break?"

"I thought it was a summoning!"

"He's causing a dungeon break!?"

Yanzi could barely notice the commotion. Her eyes were locked on the figure in the circle, Alister. He stood rigidly, his back to the crowd, seemingly oblivious to the chaos he had unleashed.

One of the high-ranking union officials, a tall man with a stern expression, broke through the line of officials. It was Viktor; he instantly recognized who was at the center of the circle.

He strode to the front of the crowd, but he couldn't get too close due to the gusts of wind and crackling mana. His voice boomed over the commotion.

"Alister! Step away from that rift immediately!"

Alister, startled by the voice that suddenly called out to him, finally turned around. His eyes widened as he recognized the source of the booming voice - it was that Union official who visited him at the hospital.

"Don't worry, sir, I have everything under control."

"Under control? Are you out of your mind, Alister? Whatever monstrosity lurks beyond that portal will devour you the first chance it gets!" Viktor frowned as he yelled through the gusts of wind, shielding his eyes.

"Is this how you address your superiors, human? Do you defy the will of my lord?"

A new voice, deep and powerful, echoed from the swirling vortex, sending shivers down everyone's spine.

Viktor froze, his gaze locked on the rift.

'Did that monster just… talk?' He blinked, momentarily shocked.

"It seems you are in need of enlightenment."

As if on cue, the rift tore open further, revealing a colossal draconic head. Its obsidian scales glinted and its eyes burned with an intense red glow. Though many mistook it for a true dragon, the size and lack of massive horns suggested it was a drake, a fearsome predator nonetheless.

A collection of gasps and murmurs erupted from the crowd.

"The summoning has gone wrong!"

"That's a boss monster for sure!"

"I thought dragons were just myths!"

Viktor felt a wave of dread wash over him. A chilling memory surfaced – the overwhelming feeling of unease when reckless Alister emerged from a conquered A-rank dungeon.

What was this crippling sensation that squeezed his heart and made his limbs feel heavy? He was a high-ranking union official, a seasoned fighter. This feeling was alien to him.

'What is this unease?' he thought frantically. 'I'm a high-ranking official, a powerful fighter! This doesn't make sense! Why can't I move?'

"It's fear, human. Absolute, debilitating fear."

"You know, deep down, that you are nothing in my presence."

The voice echoed again in response, causing Viktor to lock gazes with the creature. He gritted his teeth and glanced at the other officials gathered. He noticed they were all terrified, frozen in place just like he was. Although they tried to hide it, he knew they were far from ready to fight this monster in such a state.

"Go get the director!" Viktor yelled at the female union member, startling her.

"R-right," she stuttered, hurrying towards the director's office.

As the woman disappeared down the hallway, Viktor steeled himself. He wouldn't let his fear paralyze him completely. He had to buy them some time. With a determined look in his eye, he turned back towards the portal, his gaze meeting the drake's intense stare.

The female union member burst into the Director's office without knocking. The spacious room, usually calm and clean, was now thrown into disarray. Papers were scattered across the desk, and a half-eaten breakfast sat abandoned beside a steaming cup of tea.

"Director! There's... there's trouble!" she gasped, her voice trembling slightly despite her haste.

The Director, Aethel, a tall, gray-haired man with a weathered face and piercing blue eyes, looked up from a report with a frown. He gave off an aura of intense power despite his calm demeanor.

"Calm down, Teia. What's the matter?"

Teia took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts.

"It's the union building... there's a... a giant monster! It came from a rift that opened up in the central plaza, and it's terrifying everyone!"

Aethel raised an eyebrow. "A giant monster? Elaborate, Teia. What kind of monster are we talking about?" he asked calmly.

She fumbled for words, still shaken from the sight of the monstrous creature.

"There's been... a summoning gone wrong. A rift opened, and a... a giant was even on the other side, wanting to come out!"

"It's… it's huge, with black scales and glowing eyes! Viktor thinks it might be a dragon!" Teia blurted out, her fear causing her to override her respect for protocol.

A look of surprise crossed the Director's face, replaced by a serious expression. He locked eyes with Teia, his gaze intense.

"Are you absolutely sure, Teia? A dragon in the Union building? Those creatures are considered myths, not to mention the highly unlikely possibility of a rift forming in the union building."

Teia met his gaze, her fear replaced by a look of seriousness. "Yes, sir! I saw it myself. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before."