Survival Or Combat Training?

'This… air… isn't this the wilderness?'

'Why would the system send me out here? How far away am I from the city?'

The figure in the shadows slowly stepped out, revealing the body of a massive wolf with white fur. The blue talent system window suddenly materialized before Alister, detailing the creature's information.

「Monster: Silver Wolf

Rank: D

Class: Medium


- HP: 1,500

- MP: 500

- ATK: 200

- DEF: 100

- M.ATK: 150

- M.DEF: 80

- SPD: 250


- Bite: A powerful bite attack that can cause severe bleeding.

- Howl: Summons nearby pack members to assist in battle.

- Acceleration: Increases speed and evasion during combat.

Total Combat Power: 2,780

Remark: They usually move in packs.」