Monsters And Men

Yuuto sighed, a look of exhaustion in his eyes. "Well, this was unexpected," he said. 

He turned toward the Union officials and the remaining humans present. His pupils glowed with a clock insignia that seemed to tick with a pulse of its own. He gave them all a cold look then said. 

"Seems I can't let the words of what happened here spread."

"So I'm going to have to make you all forget."

The Union commander, still in shock and trying to comprehend the events, took a shaky step forward. "Guildmaster Yuuto, what is this all about—?"

Yuuto didn't allow her to finish. His eyes glowed brighter, and he raised his hand as silver energy surged outward. 

"Clockwork Rewind."


A massive wave of silver energy shot through the air, rippling outward. 
