For a moment, there was only silence, broken only by the crackle of flames.
Then his grief transformed into something sharper… colder. His golden eyes burned with anger as his gaze rose to the sky, where figures hovered, cloaked in a strange energy.
"You!" he roared, his voice shaking the very earth beneath him. His eyes locked onto one figure in particular, a man with silver hair and crimson eyes, so alike yet so different from hers.
"How could you do this? How could you kill your own daughter, you monster?"
The man's gaze was cold. "She brought shame upon our race," the man replied, without even a hint of remorse.
"Her actions tainted our bloodline, and I had to rid us of the stain myself." His lips curled into a faint smile.
"Pity I couldn't find the child. I would have wiped that abomination from existence as well."