The Beginning of the Nightmare

On a day that began like any other in the Dominican Republic, Rayber heads to school with a sense that something isn't right. His friend Rohwder, along with Henry and Axel, accompany him on this routine day. In class, Rayber comments on the strange feeling that overwhelms him:

"The day feels weird."

"How can you feel how the day is?" Rohwder asks.

"I don't know, I just feel strange."

Normality shatters when Manuel, a classmate, goes to the bathroom without anyone paying attention. During a brief break, Rayber, Rohwder, Axel, and Henry gather and chat about various topics when suddenly, a shadow enters through the door… it's Manuel, covered in blood and holding a knife. Chaos ensues as he attacks several classmates, plunging everyone into shock.

Rayber, Rohwder, Henry, and Axel seize the moment of confusion to escape the classroom. They descend to the second floor where panic grips the school, forcing them to devise a plan to get out. The key is to get the keys from the school cleaner, open the back door, and escape through a nearby Car Wash. Axel, known for his fighting skills, bravely confronts the strange creatures while Rayber and Rohwder execute the plan.

After an intense struggle, they manage to open the door and flee towards the Car Wash. Meanwhile, Henry takes a moment to observe that the city seems to have been engulfed in a strange purple darkness. Rohwder proposes stealing a car to escape quickly. With the city in chaos, the group finds a truck, and while trying to get into the vehicle, Henry is attacked by one of the creatures. With Rayber's help, he manages to free himself.

Three hours later, Rayber, Axel, and Henry seek refuge while playing cards as Rohwder drives. In the distance, they see a gas station and decide to head towards it. Upon arrival, the group splits up to gather essential supplies: Rohwder looks for gasoline, Henry and Axel search for supplies, while Rayber, exploring the gas station, finds a gun but faces a dilemma: none of them know how to shoot.

While trying to solve this problem, Rohwder returns with gallons of gasoline. Reunited, they take refuge in the gas station to face what lies ahead. With weapons in hand and fuel onboard, the group prepares to embark on a journey into uncertainty, not knowing what awaits them in this chaotic new world.

Several hours have passed since Rayber and his friends fled towards La Romana. Uncertainty and worry about their parents weigh heavily on their hearts as the world around them seems to crumble. Axel tries to comfort Rayber, but anguish looms over the group.

"I want to talk to my mom, my dad, I want to see my sister," says Rayber, anguish in his eyes.

Axel responds, saying:

"Don't worry, man. We're all feeling the same."

"Not everyone," adds Rohwder.

"Are you really not worried about your parents? Not even your family?" Henry asks.

"I'm not like you guys, I just try to move forward on my own, and I don't want to keep talking about it."

"Okay," replies Henry, concerned about Rohwder.

Rayber, trying to ease the tension, decides to play music on the car's satellite radio but accidentally tunes into a broadcast that makes the atmosphere even darker.

"All of the Dominican Republic is in crisis, the APX-WET disease has broken out, we don't know what to do, please, help," announces the radio. They hear other government messages, including one from President Abinader urging the population to head to certain air bases for specialized aid. They decide to head towards Punta Cana, but Henry warns about the possible chaos in those places and suggests changing course to La Romana. After several hours of travel, they arrive at the base in La Romana and are shocked to see the chaos that has erupted there. They decide to split up: Rayber and Axel will seek information inside the base, while Henry and Rohwder will try to get the radio out of the car.

"Axel, come. Let's see what we can find. Henry and Rohwder, stay here and find a way to get the radio out of the car," says Rayber to the group.

"Okay," respond Henry and Rohwder.

Rayber and Axel walk towards the entrance, where a long line has formed. Along with other people, they decide to bypass security with the help of a former soldier, who warns them that once inside, they will be on their own. As Rayber and Axel try to enter the base, a gunshot rings out. Ten seconds later, a tremor shakes the area. Henry, inside the car, urges Rohwder to get out just as a horde of APX-WET approaches, led by a different and disturbing figure. Inside the base, chaos erupts. Rayber, Axel, and their new companions manage to board a plane piloted by a desperate man. As they take off, the ground vanishes beneath them, leaving behind the tragedy that has consumed the Dominican Republic. Aboard the plane, the reality of the situation sinks into Rayber and Axel's hearts. They look out the window, seeing their homeland disappear in the distance, engulfed in chaos and despair.

"I can't believe what's happening," says Rayber.

"No one can, buddy. But we're together, and that's what matters now. We're together in this, don't worry. When we get wherever we're going, we'll find answers and hopefully our families," Axel replies.

The pilot, visibly agitated, interrupts the conversation.

"We're approaching a safe place. Everyone prepare for landing."

As the plane descends, uncertainty hangs in the air. They don't know what they will find at their new destination, but one thing is certain: the world they knew has changed forever, and they are on a desperate quest for answers and safety amidst the darkness that has fallen over the Dominican Republic.

Axel and Rayber wake up in an unknown military base, confused and disoriented, realizing they have been recruited to fight against the APX-WET, a threat known as zombies. A soldier approaches them, offering training options. Axel chooses the infirmary, while Rayber opts for submachine gun skills. With determination in their eyes, they embark on a new mission to face the unknown.

Meanwhile, Rohwder and Henry, searching for supplies, head towards a nearby hospital. The conversation between them reflects the tension in the air. As they enter the dark building, they encounter a terrifying surprise: an APX-WET, but it doesn't seem normal like the others. The desperate struggle leaves Rohwder injured, and the only solution he finds is to amputate his hand to avoid infection.

Back at the military base, Axel and Rayber are trained and equipped for battle. Days later, with improved skills, they are sent to La Romana, where a military base has been destroyed by a massive horde of APX-WET. On the plane heading to their destination, they pick up a rare radio signal connecting the friends at the military base with Henry, who is calling for help from an abandoned hospital. The anguish in his voice resonates with Rayber and Axel, who, driven by the bond of friendship, decide to embark on a rescue mission. Despite the difficulties and surveillance at the base, Rayber devises a risky escape plan. With provisions and weapons in hand, they plunge into the dark night in a stolen car, defying the captain's orders.

Meanwhile, Henry and Rohwder, believing death is inevitable, leave the hospital. But in an unexpected twist of fate, Rayber and Axel appear, bringing a ray of hope.

The reunion is emotional; strong hugs seal the meeting of friends who, against all odds, have found each other again. The captain in command, from his position of disdain, underestimates the determination and bond among these young people. With the team reunited, a promise is forged: "Brothers Forever."

Together, they will face the horrors of a world torn apart by the APX-WET, carrying with them the hope of survival and the strength of a friendship that will never fade. Their odyssey is just beginning, but they are determined to write their own story amidst the darkness that surrounds them.