The World of the Undead

In a dark and unknown corner, Carlos communicates with a shadowy figure hiding in the shadows. The room is lit only by the dim light of candles, partially revealing the face of the man Carlos is speaking with.

"Father, I was defeated. I didn't expect them to be so powerful."

"Humans have always proven to be unpredictable, my son. But this is not the first time we have faced adversities."

"What do you suggest we do now?"

"We must be more cautious, more cunning. Do not underestimate your enemies. If they have defeated one of our generals, we need to rethink our strategy."

"I understand. But I have something that might interest you."

Carlos shows a strange device, something he has been carefully guarding. It appears to be some sort of advanced communicator.

"And what is that, my son?"

"A device I obtained from the base of an armor. It contains vital information about their upgrades and technology. We can use it to our advantage."

"Interesting. Knowing that this defeated you, I need to see it. Bring that device here. There may be hope for you yet."

Carlos nods and carefully stores the device. As he walks away, the Father's face remains hidden in the shadows, revealing an aura of darkness and deeper machinations. It seems the shadows have their own plans, and Carlos, despite his defeat, might still be a crucial piece in their dark chess game.

In the world of the Undead, where the shadows of the Founder reign with cruelty, those who have been controlled by this power suffer a harrowing and ruthless existence. The inhabitants of this alternate realm are subjected to eternal slavery, trapped in an endless cycle of suffering.

The Founder's curse has turned them into beings devoid of emotions and their own will. Their empty eyes reflect the loss of humanity as they are forced to execute the orders of Carlos, the chosen one to wield the power. In the endless streets of desolate cities, the Undead wander like puppets without strings, carrying out monotonous tasks or participating in cruel acts at the behest of the Founder. Heart-wrenching laughter and resonant wails fill the air, creating a symphony of despair.

The cruel hierarchy imposed by Carlos reflects his desire to maintain total control. Those who do not meet his expectations are punished with unimaginable tortures, pushed to the brink of madness and beyond. Blind obedience becomes the only way to escape constant brutality. Among the Undead, legends are whispered about the few who have attempted to rebel.

However, the Founder's curse manifests with overwhelming violence, crushing any attempt at resistance. Despair permeates the air as the Founder's darkness spreads like an unstoppable plague. In this cruel realm, time seems to lose its meaning. Days and nights merge into continuous agony. The people, once vibrant and full of life, now lie in the shadows of what they once were.

Every glimpse of hope is crushed by the pressure of a power that knows no mercy. While the inhabitants of this world suffer under the Founder's yoke, resistance begins to quietly take shape. Muted voices and captive gazes harbor a secret longing for liberation. Hope, though fragile, persists in the hearts of those who dream of one day reclaiming their humanity and ending the tyranny of the shadows.

In a secret corner of the universe, where shadows dance around the essence of primordial power, four individuals are summoned. These, chosen by forces beyond their understanding.

Jotean, a powerful shadow that can transform into a 60-meter giant, is a weapon that for now is not allowed to enter the outside world.

Kor, the cruelest being, even more so than the Founding Power, with his Bloodthirst ability can kill his prey with a single blink, eviscerating them with his gaze.

Autumn, a warrior who uses his swordsmanship skill with his Sword of Judgment.

Frift, a counselor with the ability to summon shadows.

As these four individuals find themselves in a mysterious place, they are aware that only one of them will be chosen to participate in capturing the human world. The shadows conspire, and the fate of humanity hangs by a thread as these candidates prepare to face trials and challenges that will change their lives and the course of the universe.