The final choice

Rayber, with "The Strength of the Gun," felt overwhelmed by the responsibility. Joe, the enigmatic figure from the world of the undead, disappeared after bestowing his power, leaving Rayber and the others with more questions than answers.

"We're in a critical situation. Joe has tasked us with stopping the shadow and the Founding Power before it's too late."

"So, what's the plan?" Axel asked.

Rayber, looking at everyone, said, "First, we need to gather information. We know the Founding Power seeks to destroy everything, but we don't know how or when. We need to find its weakness."

Sara, raising her hand, asked, "And the shadows? What role do they play?"

"The shadows are a dark force that feeds on fear and despair. If we want to defeat the Founding Power, we must deal with them first."

"And how do we do that?" Jeison asked.

"We're going to split up. Axel, Rohwder, and I will investigate the shadows. Sara, Valeria, Jeison, and Luke, focus on gathering information about the Founding Power."

"What if we run into them?" Valeria asked.

"We can't let them stop us. We must be prepared for anything."

The team dispersed, each taking on their role in this dangerous mission. Axel, Rohwder, and Rayber ventured into the shadows, facing terrifying creatures and unknown challenges. Meanwhile, Jeison, Valeria, Sara, and the rest collected data on the Founding Power, trying to uncover its weak point.

In the shadows, Axel, Rohwder, and Rayber advanced cautiously, confronting the darkness that threatened to consume them. Rayber's choice to face the Founding Power became more evident with each step they took.

"This is getting stranger by the minute," Axel said, looking around.

"Strange is standing still. Let's keep moving," Rohwder responded, gripping his machete.

"Joe mentioned that the shadows feed on fear and despair. If we want to confront them, we must stay strong and united," Rayber said, analyzing their surroundings.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness. It was a sentient shadow, something they hadn't expected.

The shadow, with a sinister laugh, said, "Rayber... you've come far. But you can't defeat what's inside you."

"Inside him?" Axel asked, readying his weapon.

"Yes, the power Joe gave you. The strength of the gun. That weapon hides something dark, something that will consume you if you're not careful," the shadow replied mockingly.

"What do you mean?" Rayber asked, frowning.

The shadow laughed, leaving a chilling sensation in the air. Suddenly, Rayber was overwhelmed by disturbing visions. Dark memories of his past flooded his mind.

"Rayber, are you alright?" Rohwder asked, concerned.

"It's like this shadow is bringing up my worst moments," Rayber said, trembling.

"We all carry a shadow within, Rayber. Your power connects you directly to your deepest fears," the shadow said, laughing.

"Rayber, don't let it control you. You're stronger than any shadow," Axel said firmly.

Rayber closed his eyes for a moment, gathering his willpower. When he opened them again, the shadow retreated, unable to withstand his determination.

"I won't let my own shadow defeat me. Let's keep moving."

As they advanced through the dark corridors, Rayber, Axel, and Rohwder reached a room where a glowing portal shone in the gloom. It seemed to be the key to advancing their quest.

"This could be our way out of here," Axel said, looking at the portal.

"Joe mentioned we need to pass through it to reach the world of the undead and find the power needed to stop the Founding Power," Rayber replied, examining the portal.

"Doesn't sound like a walk in the park," Rohwder said, frowning.

"But it's our best chance. We must face this darkness head-on," Rayber said determinedly.

As they approached the portal, the shadow that had been stalking them reappeared, surrounding them with an ominous presence.

"This portal will not only take you to the world of the undead, but it will also reveal your true nature," the shadow whispered.

"I don't care. We need to stop the Founding Power," Rayber said defiantly.

The shadow let out a chilling laugh before disappearing into the darkness. Without letting the disturbing presence affect them, the trio prepared to cross the portal.

"Here we go," Axel said, gripping his weapon.

Rayber, Axel, and Rohwder emerged from the portal into a world shrouded in darkness. The air was thick with a palpable darkness and an eerie silence. As they adjusted to their surroundings, they began to notice the shadows taking on a life of their own, writhing and forming strange shapes.

"This looks like a nightmare come to life," Axel said, looking around.

"Welcome to the world of the undead, where shadows come to life," Rohwder responded sarcastically.

"We have a purpose here. We need to find the power Joe mentioned," Rayber said seriously. The journey in this shadowy world presented them with unknown challenges.

They ventured through distorted landscapes and seemingly endless corridors. Along the way, they encountered blurry figures moving among the shadows, but they always vanished before they could be identified. As they advanced, a voice echoed in their minds, a dark, echoing voice.

"Rayber... Axel... Rohwder..." the voice whispered.

The three stopped, alert.

"Who's there?"

"I am the Shadow. I've been waiting for you," the voice replied with a sinister laugh.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness. It was a shadow, but unlike the others, this one had a more tangible presence.

"Come with me. I'll show you the way to the power you seek," the shadow said, smiling.

Rayber, Axel, and Rohwder exchanged glances before deciding to follow the Awakened Shadow, delving deeper into this mysterious and dangerous world.

Rayber suddenly found himself in a dark and desolate place. Although he still felt the tension in the air, he noticed he wasn't trapped in the time loop. He stood up and examined his surroundings, finding himself in a strange landscape filled with dancing shadows. As he explored, he realized he wasn't alone. Rohwder and Axel were nowhere to be seen. Confusion was evident on his face as he tried to comprehend his new reality.

"Where are the others?"

Before he could ask more questions, a voice echoed in the air.

"Welcome to the Temporal Rift, a space between worlds," the mysterious voice said.

Rayber turned towards the source of the voice and saw the mysterious figure who had taken him out of the loop.

"I am Maya, the Guardian of the Rift. You are here because you possess a power that can change fate," the figure revealed.

"Power? What do you mean?" Rayber asked, confused.

Maya explained the nature of his unique abilities and how he had the potential to influence the course of events.

"The Temporal Rift will give you the opportunity to train and understand your powers. But time waits for no one. The Founding Power is growing stronger, and the shadows are spreading across the worlds," Maya said seriously.

Rayber nodded with determination, willing to seize the opportunity to save his friends and stop the threat looming over the worlds.