Jake was held back by Sally who looked at him and shook her head he sighed and went back to seat down he barely met the girl he should not be around her like that .Sally just smiled there was gonna be some love between these two sooon she was seeing it just then Jude entered and went toseat with Jake and they talked.all her gaze were now fixed on him though she had not told anyone Judee was her crush in the school it started the last academy season when he saved her from a creep who threatend her to show him her panties when she disagreed he told her he was gonna use the knife he held on her just then Jude passed abd saw her even though they just talk little talk in school one he fully recognized her and said "Sally ?"he at frist thought that was her bf and Wanted to confirm so he can tell the jocks she had a bf too if she could not tell them to stop them from bullying her . because like Jake he did not really like the bullying stuff even though he was not a nerd.hevhad the same mindset with Jake that's why they were buddies they were closer to each other than they were with the nerds and jocks Sally hearing her name turned and the minute she saw jude ran to him to hide behind his back the creep seeing them said "oh tell your girlfriend to come over just wanna have a little fun with her dude "

"Keep your fucking hands off her "

Sally in that moment was really 11 cont

Scared but could not help but notice that he did not say she was not his gf the creep looking at Jude n decided he did not want to fight then walked away saying "whatever man she just had a cute ass "which made Sally very embarrassed.jude made sure she got he that day safely and since then she had the biggest crush on him .coming back to reality from her thoughts smiling she finished up her burger then heard the bell for end of recess .then walked away to the practical class which was to start soon .She saw Elsa already seated smiled then went to meet her .soon the class was filled with students and their teacher came in Mr sinder .he was one of the grumpy teachers in the class .he called the project prefect to get the materials ready then turned to addess the class "ok class am gonna share you guys in groups of two .y'all will do the frist project here then take the next one home to be worked on as a group

The frist project will be the fire head project where u will have to make am in fire balloon with out burning the balloon and it must be in the shape of a head .the project prefect us gonna call out the names of pairs and please work quickly u don't have much time on the frist project marks will go on tonyour tests so for those of you thinking of sneaking out know this is important "

He turned to the project prefect then nodded .the prefect took our a note and started calling names

Sanders and Paige

Bella and Chris

Jake and Risa

Elsa and won

Sally and Jude

Sally was all smiles when her name and Jude's own was called though she did not show it should be fun working on a project with your crush right ?

Haiely and jimmy

Justin and June



Haiely was fumming inside of her she wished she could rip the nerd to pieces she could not believe he tricked her before coming into the class she opened her shirt and showed him her boobs even let him touch just so she could be paired with Jake so she could flirt with him yet all she got was this miserable nerd jimmy she was so gonna skin the prefect alive after this .

.when the list ended and everyone was paired they found out won had some stomach problems then left and the prefect did not really get a partner so Risa was to pair with him and zoom Elsa and jake ended up pairing together

Elsa was schoked could her day get worse she turned to face Jake who was grinning like an idiot

Elsa gave him the look of dude don't you dear try it Jake just sighed this one was gonna be really hard to get he looked at himself and said inside "men am really in fucking love "he just set the materials needed then the project started everybody was busy cause it carried test marks but some were chatting too and laughing it was fun for some while it was not for others.jimmy the nerd was just setting things and doing the project while haiely was just folding her arms it was so not in her intrest to work with this guy but she also did not know what to do .jimmy was a straight a student so he kinda did not mind he was even kinda afraid of her she had bullied him many times so he even pefrerrd. If he worked alone which he was good at .Hailey just kept looking at Jake and Elsa who were working quietly with each other she felt so angry thinking that place we're Elsa stood was supposed to be hers she saw the way he looked at her during recess she was now seeing Elsa as an enemy which needed to be taken care of .Sally was having a good time with Justin who was a fun girl and she flirted with him making sure their hands touched and they made some body contact when he reached to the top shelf to bring a box filled with more materials she pretended to slip so she had to hold him not to fall which in turn rewarded her a hug she turned her face away and was really smiling now

Justin noticed the way she was and smiled it seemed this one liked cont

Him really much .Elsa saw the little stunt Sally pulled and was surprised what was her friend up to did she like that guy that she was flirting with him .she continued what she was doing she had successful kept Jake some inches from her and he seemed to not mind cause he looked serious too the fire head they were making was slightly not ok abd she needed more materials she looked at the top shelf and knew there was no way she could reach there "could you um get that box from the top pls "Elsa told Jake who looked up and reached to get it

She turned to get another balloon ready as the other already burned but stood up with her mouth hanging open Jake had just bummed really hard into her and she felt her ass press to his body which she knew he felt too she was turning to give him a slap but was surprised to see Jake on the floor the guys next to them had pushed their table hard while going to submit their finished project and it had pushed him making him bump into her and fall on the floor the whole content of the box his was holding fall on him which contained some powedery liquid which scattered all over him he looked like a mess now with powder dust scattered all over him .Elsa could not help but laugh a little Jake who was about getting up to show the guys who pushed their table how angry he was was saw Elsa finally smiling and felt like a bucket of water was poured on him e became calm and smiled too then stood up Elsa reached for the small towel near Her and started cleaning him up with it .Sally was burning whereshe was now she was the one who had made eyes singnal to those guys to do something to make Jake leave the hall so she could leave too and flirt with him in the hallway but now they ended up getting more close she walked out of the hall in anger

Fuck the test

Elsa cleaned up a smiling Jake who was now thinking of the way her ass felt when pressed to him for that split moment he felt in heaven .Elsa was embarrassed cause she knew he felt it . they finished their project the submitted it

And Sally came after them with all smiles and she abd Jude submitted their work too then they left .Sally and Jude agreed to meet the next day for their project which was weekend and not a school day she was all smiles because she got his number too .

Jake coming out said to Elsa "so it's tomorrow then "

"Tomorrow for what "

"The project "

" Oh that's right I'll come to ya shop then "

Jake smiled then said ok see ya before leaving he was just smiling Elsa had really made his day