The Plaza


[You have signed a contract with #$@*# The God of Contract, Dream, and Longing]

[You have received "The Blessing of $#*@]

'huh?' Zarius looked at the notification in a dumbfounded look. Although for Skippers view he looked like he zoned out. As for the hand that just held his is gone.

"Oh right! The hand.. don't worry, your hand will be fine.. hopefully" he said while basically whispering the last part as if he's trying not to be heard.

".." Zarius kept looking at his notification for quite a while until it fades off with Skipper's smiling face coming into the view.

"...this god.. OUR god.. Why is he doing this.. helping us, I mean" he asked, suspiciously. 'in my reality, contracts are closely associated with demons and shits' he thought. 'So, it's not bad to be careful to this one'

"Ah, you're new here for a reason." Skipper said replied, not answering his questions yet.

"As for you're question, well.. its because the contract doesn't just give what it has promised to both the parties. The contract also binds them" he said calmly.

Zarius have a few questions regarding about that alone but he stayed quiet as he realized skipper is not done yet.

"And you see, the gods need us to get stronger, though they don't need us to stay existing, without us they will be weaker to those who have a follower."

"Though the reason why they need power is still unknown. Some says they're fighting something beyond our comprehension, some says the gods are fighting with each other.. we may never know." Skipper shrugs before standing up.

"Anyway enough of that. Lets go out and spread the word about you joining, so everyone can get to know you." He said as he skips towards the room's door and opened it before urging him outside.

They spoke some more and Skipper asked some questions about him and asked his name. Which Zarius replied with the name in his stats.




At the temple's main hall where others follower of the Church are currently in. Zarius found himself following Skipper at the very center up to a stage.

Looking around Zarius felt a bit awkward with all the eyes looking at him. This would also be his first time up in a stage in both his lifetime.


"BROTHERS, SISTERS.. LET US WELCOME A NEW FELLOW FOLLOWER OF ESTOS THE DREAM GOD!" Skipper yelled joyously after clearing his throat.

With the buildings architecture his voice seems to echo throughout the temple. Making sure everyone heard him clear and well.

"He now shall be given a moniker.... Sunless!! Let us welcome Noiren The Sunless!!!!"








An hour later Zarius finally stepped out of the church of dreams and heave out a sigh of relief.

Whats more one of the followers inside have an an umbrella he could spare. And hearing Zarius' or What they know as Noiren's price he didn't hesitate to provide him the umbrella to help him have easier time.

And currently he's under its protection.

'its finally over.. this way.. i have a pretty solid cover... What's more I got something perfect for my race' he smiled as he willed his status.


[Name: Noiren Van Helsing](Sunless)

| Lvl= 1. Exp( 5/50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str : 12

Spd : 13

Agi : 10

Per : 10

Con : 5

Dex : 12

Cha : 14




| > [Regeneration]




|> [Blessing of Estas]


[Blessing of Estas:]

The god of Dreams, have looked at you and your situation and found a suitable gift to bestow upon you. But you need to keep your end of the deal. Failure to do so and you will be punished by a lightning strike.

Stats bonus: 50% increasing in overall stats at night.


He noticed that the previous gibberish is gone and has been replaced by Estas, but he paid that no heed.

'Though i did hear that lord Estas do give what you need.. but isn't this somehow too specifically for me?' he grinned widely as he saw the stats bonus it provides.. tho he got a bit intimidated by the promised punishment.

'lets not get hit by sun shall we?' he gulped.

Looking at his stats for some more he smile. 'So that one is official already? ' referring to his nickname besides his given one.

To earn them 50 or more people should know your nickname you go by first before it gets added officially in the stats menu.

What's more this game have a fame and infamy system as well. But thats for another time.

Fixing the umbrella and making sure the sun is far from touching him, he began walking to the direction of the city's center.

Having no money, he was completely forced to walk all the way to his destinations. Though it doesn't really bother him as he didn't even sweat from that.

At the moment he could be seem standing in the walkway with a black umbrella in a calm and good sunny weather.

Again. Few people began giving him unusual look for his strange behavior. Only to turn away after they see the small symbol of a crescent moon and 3 star in triangle arrangements present in his umbrella.

And the moment they see that he's part of the religion that forces or make its follower behave strangely one way or another. They straight up ignored him like he's just another dude.

Infront of him was a big circular ring. It stands horizontally like a wheel. Although there seems to be nothing special about it, an entire platoons of soldiers could be seen standby nearby it.

As for the surrounding it's currently in a wide plaza with it at the very center. The place was huge, maybe as vast as 2 football fields side by side.

'Looking at its state, it have just closed' he thought.

'Well.. i can wait, it's not that long' he nodded to himself.

Ever since he took over this body his mind seems to have been more patient.. there were even times when he doesn't notice time passing by.. almost as if the constant worrying about the time and future and everything about you is....gone.

He just have a feeling of having a lot of time on his hand. 'While waiting, lets starts planning about what we'll be doing tomorrow.. and speaking of tomorrow what should I do first?'

Walking around he found a little secluded place, an Alley way to be exact. Where he could see the inactive portal ring and at the same time not block the side walk and remain hidden, at least to those who are not actively looking around.

And then he patiently waited in there like a statue while also in deep thought.






The time passes rather quickly for him. For him it only felt like a few minutes. Whats more he was rather busy with his thoughts.

Ever since he got into this world there have been quite a lot of thoughts in his mind, he was just previously not in a good place to be thinking about that.

One thing in his mind is that he have gotten quite good at lying, his face were easier to control, expression wise. And he have a clear feeling of what he look like from others perspective.

'Maybe this is the effect of having a good stats in charisma?' he guess.

He then glanced at his charisma stats.

[Charisma: 14]

'yep, that's probably it.' he thought as he recall a random fact to about the game. From what he learn 5 is the most standard starts point for a normal and average human.

And he was quite far from that according to his stats.

'what's strange is my perception to time... It's completely different... My guess is because of my skill aswell..' he guess as he glanced at it.


'maybe it affects me psychologically too?' he thought.

'it haven't been long since I got here yet I'm already changing quite a lot' he sighed and turned his attention to an urge he have long been trying to suppress since coming in the city.

'Blood.....' he grimaced as he found himself looking at a passing lady's neck.

'this is getting quite fucked up already eh?' he laugh.. though inside he's having a turmoil.

His heart would sinks to the bottom of his chest whenever he imagine himself drinking a person's blood, or eating them.. what's fucked up is he's salivating when he thinks about it, and an unwelcome feeling of anticipation would rise to his being.

'No worries, I can hold it... for now' he sighed... Even he himself felt unsure to what he said.

'And of course, the most basic and most noticeable change if my senses' he look forward with a hint of seriousness.

Beyond the alley way where a dozen or so people could be seen passing by his place. For him there this smoke like trail with different color, no.. it's more like a same color with different shades.. it's like peach in color.. and with small different variation.

But he's sure about one thing.. 'its their scent' he said referring to people walking pass the Alley he's staying into.

He even picked up quite an interesting scent. For him there a distinct color within the sea of them. Even with a dozen of scent covering it up. He manage to differentiate it to the others.

'it's smells like a rose' Zarius thought as he closed his eyes and took a deep inhale. 'It's probably a girl' be guess as he gazed at the passing people.. tho he didn't find its source.

He even went as far as activating [Echolocation] but found nothing other than a bunch of people of no interest.

'good thing my enhanced senses is not a passive. Or this entire city would have drove me insane from overstimulation.' he thought.

Because like what he experienced back in the wailing graveyard. He could expand his sense father but he's just not that used to it yet.

Though his sense is already excellent without expanding it so expanding it to the limit is only reserved for emergency or when he needs.

And besides, the skill [Echolocation] is made for that same purpose.. so maybe expanding it and not just making it pulse is only needed for extensive searching.

'hm..what el-'

Suddenly he felt the entire plaza vibrating. Prompting him to tightly hold the umbrella in his hand.

"What the fucks happening?!?" He felt a bit of panic raising on his chest. But then it slowly fades away as he saw a blueish light coming from the ring.

And with a bright blue flash of light the previous dozen colored smoke(scent) suddenly became a thousand maybe more.

And when his eyesight recovered from the flash his eyes landed on a thousands people.

Most of them are wearing armors, some are not. Some are wielding sword, spears, and all kinds of weaponry, while some are welding a staff, wands and all fantastical tools.

Whats more there's seems to be different races as well!

'A-are those elves???!??' he exclaimed as he cought a glimpse of a tired looking elf guy.

Looking around him Zarius found that the guy has a party, and everyone's seems to be elf too.. he also saw the dream of many otakus and weebs..

A female elf.

'damn they're actually beautiful.. the guys too.. how envious' he frowned in envy.. though he might be forgetting that he's a good looking guy too because of his avatar he worked for some time back on the character creation.

There were also beastmens guys and girls alike. And just like the elf people. He saw something that the weebs yearned for.. a cat girl!!

And once again he was reminded of the reality that he's in a different world.





In the plaza a group of elves were checking the condition of their party.

"Is anyone injured? Make sure to drink your health potion! Don't start telling me how expensive it is and just drink it" he yelled across his party.

Which they followed promptly albeit a bit hesitant. But one of them didn't.

"Br-brother.. I have nothing but a scratch m-maybe we can sa-save this for emerg- the only female on their group tried to explain only to get cut off.

"NO!!.. DRINK. NOW!" The elfen man said firmly.

And the girl hesitantly drank it.

"Hahaha. You'll get used to it soon.. he might sound and look intimidating out party leader is very soft hearted" one of the elf guy said.

"Im just thinking that I shouldn't be wasting such a precious potion since im just a new comer." The girl shamefully said.

When suddenly they all tensed up. They quickly looked at their leader who's currently looking down on the road.

"Someone's watching us.. Probably one of those human scum" he said with a whisper.

"Behind me.. around the left.. somewhere in the alleys. " He said.

"Make sure to not get cought looking " he added.

Carefully looking around acting as if they're searching for something else their eyes quickly glide across the plaza and briefly passed by the alley and continue looking around as if they didn't notice anything.

"Its a human" their scout said with a frown, "Extremely black hair, pale skin, and...a G-golden eyes?" He quickly turned his head to his boss.

As he secretly look at a man standing in one of the alleys. He looked extremely ominous with his outfit his outfit being all black and his skin being pale.

His extremely black hair were also quite a surprise as its a little uncommon im this part of the continent.

Whats more his golden eyes feels like its seeing through him..

"Golden?.... Then we should should quickly report this!" One of the elf said urgently.

"No!.. not yet.. or he might get suspicious..." He said with a crazes smile while breathing deeply to calm himself.

"Finally.. our chance" he smiled even wider. "Lets not waste this opportunity"

Then the entire party nodded.

"Now lets proceed as normal" the party leader said.

And soom they began walking.. but then they heard a thud.. and looked back and saw the elfen girl falling to her knees.. as if she was overwhelmed by fear..

"I..i saw him... He.. he was looking at me!" She said almost about to cry..

"Get ahold of your self! " The leader said before coming in and carrying her.

"Lets go!"





Looking at the elf girl that fell he couldn't help but chuckle and watched as the male elf carry her away.

Looking at the faint but active portal ring.

'In game it opens up at the first sunrise every day.. seems like its the same here too' he thought and once again began drifting into his own world while he waited there. Standing and looking straight a head like a creepy weirdo.

'next stop, the dungeon'