A Reminder

Zarius weaved, ducked, rolled, and jumped to avoid all kinds of attacks the Iron Hound unleash at him. He pants and heaved for some air as he was given a few seconds of break as the wolf observed him and prepared themselves for another salvo of attacks.

Zarius felt a faint despair building up within him, he have been fighting for almost 15 minutes now. Even with his enhanced vessel he was starting to show some hints of fatigue. But there's one thing for sure, this is not his body's limit.

'Its my mind that is slowing down' he thought as he stepped and leaned back to avoid another attack from wolf 3.

'It looks like my mind have remained relatively the same despite my physical enhancement that this body provides.' he guessed as he observed his state and then he looked around and noticed that the wolves are starting to surround him and maybe they're planning in attack him at the same time again.

'This bastards' he gritted his teeth as he dashed forward himself instead of waiting to for them to execute their plan. He was running right into Wolf 3 as it currently have a glaring weakness.

The wolves noticed this as well and wolf 1 and 4 went and blocked his way and even went forward to launch an attack of their own. Both of them went to bite him, and he saw it coming as usual.

But his eyes widened as he realized.. 'I cant move my body in time!'

His body was out of synced. His mind was in too much stress, resulting in his thoughts and reaction lagging behind.

"Fu-urghg!!" his curse was cut short as wolf 1 bit him in the right shoulder. While wolf 4 bit him on his left upper arm, tearing sleeves and his biceps apart.

"URGHHG!" he groaned. He was slowly panicking, if he couldn't get out of here in time the other wolves will attack. and speaking of the other. Wolf 3 who was supposed to be his original target lunge at him as it realized he was restrained and open for attack.

Seeing this Zarius tried to stay calm and instead raised his feet up once wolf 3 was within ranged and promptly kicked the beast in the side of its head and stun it.

Then with his free right arm he clench his fist and punched the neck of Wolf 1 that wont let go of his right shoulder but the wolf didn't budge it even bite down harder in his shoulder making him groan more.

And with increasing desperation he started punching it again and again in hopes that it would let go.

"Gah! RAgghUUGHH!!"

A sudden, sharp scream tore from his throat as he felt a searing pain erupt from his neck. Something had sunk its teeth into him from behind. Struggling to turn his head, every movement a battle against the agony, he finally managed to glimpse to whatever attacked him.

It was the Wolf, the one that had been lurking at the rear of the pack. Its eyes, cold and merciless, locked onto his, gleaming with a malevolent intelligence. The creature's gaze was almost mocking, a silent taunt that sent a shiver down his spine. As if to rubbing its victory in, the Wolf tightened its grip, its fangs digging deeper into his flesh, drawing more blood and intensifying the pain.

'I'm bleeding way too much' he groaned deeply. He thought as his heart was slowly swallowed by hopelessness. 

'What should I do' he looked around frantically trying to search of any possible ways he could escape, but he found none. 'I'm dead.. Fuck' he couldn't believe it but he found no other way to get out of this situation. 

He could noticed the other wolves starting to closed into his position intending to join the others in tearing him apart which just made him more desperate. He tried taking a step and pulling himself out but the wolves kept him in place.

Amidst this struggle he was slowly starting to accept his fate and situation.. causing him to calm down as well. He started taking deep breath too as he waited for it. Strangely, death doesn't scare him as it used to do back on earth.

'Seems like my mind did changed a bit..' he smiled, at least he wont be scared shitless in his last moments right? He looked back 'Pretty sure if I was still a human I would probably be crying and begging this mutts right now right? heh' he chuckled as he closed his eyes and pretty much gave up.

And suddenly his eyes opened up.

'That's right!.. why do I keep treating my self as if I'm still a human??!!?' he said to himself as he looked back down to his restrained body. He noticed the small cuts and scratches that have accumulated throughout the fight is gone..

'Definitely not human' he said to himself. 

He also realized that even though the wolves are still fiercely munching down at him the wounds aren't bleeding as worse as he expected, specially the ones in his neck.. and slowly he started to smile.

And soon he even started laughing like a mad man.. perhaps he have indeed gone mad..

"I was a fool" he said out loud making the wolves around him flutter their ears at him as if they are listening to him closely. 

 Clenching his teeth, and his fist he summoned every ounce of his remaining strength, his vision narrowing to the wolves around him.

Zarius wrenched his right arm free from Wolf 1 with a growling yell. He felt a new wave of pain as the abrupt movement tore at his flesh, but it also offered him the much-needed release. With his vision distorted by adrenaline, he turned around and slammed his fist into the wolf's head, causing it to fall back.

He had no time to reflect. He turned to face Wolf 4, and with his increased speed, he swung a barrage of fast, heavy blows at its muzzle. The wolf let go at last, screaming in agony. Even though he was bleeding profusely from his wounds, his vampiric vessel and the adrenaline rush held him upright.

Zarius understood he needed to move quickly before the wolves could recover. Looking up he performed a powerful jump and grab a low-hanging branch, he sprang up and flung himself into the treetops.

He was out of the wolves' reach as they growled below, snapping at the air. He moved fast through the canopy, trying to get as far away from the pack as possible. He observed the wolf and found that they were still trying to tail and get a hold of him, some daring ones even went as far as climbing the trees.

And because of the dense vegetation and the rough terrain of the jungle, the wolves despite knowing the place well were having trouble chasing him. He continued until he was certain he had got them out of his tail. And soon he finally managed to escape from them. He was so tired and had lost so much blood that his body shook when he fell upon a strong limb.

Right now, he was secure. However, he was aware that in order to survive the next confrontation with the Iron Hounds, he would need to become more cunning, swifter, more merciless and more of a vampire.

And soon his vampiric healing began to take effect as the bleeding subsided, but he was aware that he needed more sleep. and blood.

"A vampire, not a monster" he groaned as he clutch his head and suppressed the dark thoughts and desire in his mind. When he finally calmed down he heaved a sigh of relief as his body started to relax and slumped. His eye were getting more heavy as well.

'A bit of rest wouldn't hurt right?'







"Out of all the stage, the Dungeon chose the worst possible options!" a huge man grumbled as he pulled his broad axe from the body of a dead Iron Hound. He waited a bit more until the wolf's body cracked and dissipate into the wind leaving behind a perfectly extracted wolf's hide. It shone in a metallic sheen even under the dark cloud covered sky of the jungle. It seems like night is about to come.

He wore few armor and wore more beast hide. Proudly displaying his bulging and ripped muscle, one look and anyone could tell that this person have a barbarian class. As for his race? He seems to be a half-human half-orc.

"You still complain even after we got a good catch?" another person spoke. This one looked completely different than the previous guy. He wore a complete set of armor and wields a straight broad sword. And in front of him two iron hounds were in the process of fading in the wind, what's more they seems to have been sliced in half. He seems to be a Knight class

When they finally disappeared one dropped 4 pair of fangs and a fair of claw. While the other dropped a complete iron hound hide.

"When you put it that way, it does make all this trouble worth it." The barbarian smiled as he turned his head to the side to observe and ogle at someone. 

And amidst them a girl could be seen standing a few steps away from them stiffly. "....Filthy mongrels.. My brother will hunt you down" she said so much hate and disgust that was surprising to someone with such an innocent look. 

She had cascading platinum blonde hair. Her fair, smooth skin glowed, and light makeup highlighted her delicate features. Her deep emerald eyes were captivating, and rose-colored lips added a vibrant touch. Her ears, slightly pointier than a normal, gave her an intriguingly unique look.

She wore a pink-magenta robe that hid most of her body, yet her modest curves and delicate, frail-looking frame were still subtly displayed. A floral fragrance surrounded her, as if she were always enveloped in the scent of blooming flowers.

The two men didn't even listened to what she just said and kept walking. Though she followed behind them helplessly, she just doesn't want to get punch in the stomach again... Just remembering the pain she went through made her shiver.. That was the first time anyone harmed her, good thing she was a healer herself or she might still be clutching her stomach.

Seeing her following behind the two men chuckled. "what's wrong? I thought you hate us?" he sneered while the girl just bit her lips in hate as she cast a furious look at them.

"Don't look at me that way miss, You're turning me on" the barbarian laughs darkly while the girl shrinks back in fear. As both men steps closer

"Aww.. little miss is scared? Are you a virgin? " the knight asked threateningly as he steps closer with a dark but familiar look in his eyes.

"Don't! ,, You! ,, Dare!" The girl spat, in both rage, fear, and hopelessness as she steps back. But when the man got closer she couldn't help it anymore and ran away. Not even caring at fact that this jungle is dangerous for a healer like her who have no party member that can protect her from the monster. 

"YOU"RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" the knight finally moved he also wanna get a taste of this girl.. I mean they were the one who caught her right? They have all the right over her as long as they haven't sold her yet!

And with the knight's speed he easily caught up to her and slap her with such force that she rolled a few times and was knocked unconscious. 

"You bastard! Don't damage her face! We need her too look nice to get a few more gold out of her!" The barbarian grumbled. But the knight merely snorted at it.

"She can heal her self" he said before grabbing her by the hair and dragging her off to the side of a tree intending to do the deeds right there.

"Since I were the one who caught her ill be going first.. You stay and keep an eye on th-" he was cut off when they both sensed something approaching them fast.....from above?!?

They quickly turned their heads up and prepared for a fight.


A solid sound was heard as a person fell from the tree... literally. He didn't even land on his feet. To be exact he landed with his head first. He was wearing all black including a black trench coat and a baggy pants, though most of it wear torn.. and it seems to soak in something?

The knight however realized it. 'He's covered in blood.. Did he got attacked?.. Or is that the blood of another' he began speculating as his eyes narrowed underneath his helmet.

Looking at the guy in front of them their eyes suddenly widened up.

He's.. Twitching? They were surprised.. the height that the man fell to was definitely lethal.. what's more he fell head first!

"Oww... fok.. a bit of rest WOULD! Actually hurt!..Damn!." the guy groaned and mumbles as he slowly got up.

But of course... they wouldn't let that happen. The knight quickly dash forward with stunning speed, his sword forward aiming to pierce the guy's heart with no hesitation.

And at the last moment the guy finally looked at his direction but its no problem, its way too late to avoid it now, the knight knew that.

"But.... why is he... smiling?"










Name: Noiren Van Helsing

| Lvl= 2. | Exp( 9/75) | BP ( 4 / 50)

[Race: Vampire]



Str : 14

Spd :13

Agi : 11

Per : 12

Con : 8

Dex : 14

Cha : 14




| > [Regeneration]



>[Vampiric Claw]



| > [Blessing of Estas]
