Chapter 67: Healing Wounds

The days following their return were filled with efforts to heal and restore. Ryu Jin and Mei Ling tended to the physical wounds of their allies and villagers, using their cultivation powers to accelerate healing and soothe pain. The emotional wounds, however, were more challenging to mend.

Ryu Jin found solace in the routines of daily life—training the young, repairing buildings, and working the fields. Each task, no matter how mundane, was a reminder of what they had fought to protect. Mei Ling, meanwhile, used her connection to nature to help the land recover. She spent hours in meditation, drawing strength from the earth and using it to heal the scorched and barren ground left in the wake of the dark energy.

Their bond grew even stronger during this period of recovery. They leaned on each other for support, sharing their fears, hopes, and dreams for the future. In the quiet moments of the night, they spoke of their plans for the village and the world beyond, envisioning a place where peace and prosperity reigned.

In the evenings, as they sat by the fire, they recounted stories of their journey to the village children. These tales of bravery and sacrifice served not only to honor those who had fallen but also to inspire the next generation. The children listened with wide eyes, their imaginations fueled by the heroic deeds of Ryu Jin and Mei Ling.