[Volume 1] Chapter 7- Valhale..

As Lucas departed, Kiera exhaled deeply and closed her eyes, seeking refuge in her memories.

In that moment of introspection, she delved into the past, retracing the intricate threads of her life.

Suddenly, Lucas's words echoed in her mind like a haunting refrain, pulling her back to the present.

Her eyes snapped open, and she uttered in a hushed tone, "Valhale house..." The mere mention of it transported her back to a time when her world had been turned upside down.

It was the time when the truth about her marriage to Edward had been laid bare, casting a stark light on her hidden reality.

She recalled with a pang the moment Rihana's mother had approached her, urging her to leave her current life behind and join them in Valhale house.

little did she know that she was about to unravel a web of secrets that would turn her life upside down.

The discovery that Rihana, whom she had known as a friend, was actually her step-sister, sent shockwaves through her being.

It was a revelation that shook the very foundation of her understanding of family and trust, But the bombshell didn't end there.

Meeting Alfred Valhale, the enigmatic owner of the house, brought forth a chilling realization.

He was the same man who had callously abandoned her mother during a vulnerable time, leaving scars that ran deep within Kiera's soul.

"Kiera," a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts, causing Kiera's lips to curl up in a faint smile.

Turning around, she made her way to the balcony, feeling a mix of emotions stirring within her, With each step towards the door and into the house.

As Kiera's footsteps echoed through the hall, the atmosphere shifted palpably. Every eye turned towards her, revealing a spectrum of emotions etched upon the faces of the gathered family members. Some wore expressions of concern, their brows furrowed with worry, while others harbored a subtle yet unmistakable hint of resentment, their gazes flickering with hidden animosity.

Kiera's keen observation caught these nuances, reading the unspoken tensions in the room like a seasoned detective.

Despite the weight of the situation, a small, enigmatic smile graced her features. It was a smile that held secrets and understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the complexities she had come to accept.

With measured steps, she traversed the space, her eyes meeting each gaze with a calm assurance.

The air crackled with unspoken words, a silent dialogue playing out in glances and gestures.

It was a moment frozen in time, where past grievances and newfound awareness collided in a delicate dance of emotions.

And in that charged moment, as she stood amidst the gathered family, Kiera couldn't help but marvel at the intricacies of her journey.

"So I really transmigrated six years ago," she murmured softly to herself, a whisper of realization amidst the silent storm of unspoken truths and simmering tensions.

I apologize for that oversight. Here's the revised version with your dialogue included:

As Kiera stopped in front of the gathered family members, she met their scrutinizing gazes head-on. Their eyes spoke volumes, ranging from curiosity to thinly veiled animosity.

The heavy silence was abruptly interrupted by a crisp voice that sliced through the tension.

"You servant, do you think you've become a mistress that you dare to laugh like this?" a middle-aged woman, adorned with opulent jewelry and draped in luxurious fabrics, rushed towards Kiera with an accusatory tone.

Her words, laden with contempt, questioned Kiera's right to laugh in such a solemn setting.

As the woman's hand hovered threateningly, poised to strike, a flash of determination flickered in Kiera's eyes.

Her heart raced with a mix of adrenaline and caution, sensing the imminent clash.

Edward's protective instinct kicked in, evident in his poised stance ready to intervene. However, Kiera moved with surprising agility.

In a swift motion, her hand intercepted the woman's raised arm, stopping the strike in its tracks.

The room fell into a stunned silence as the unexpected turn of events unfolded. All eyes were fixed on Kiera, who stood firm yet composed.

The woman, taken aback by Kiera's swift response, stared at her with a mixture of shock and disbelief.

Her initial attempt to shake off Kiera's grip only resulted in Kiera tightening her hold with determination.

Kiera's eyes met the woman's gaze unflinchingly, her expression resolute yet calm.

The room remained silent, the tension thickening with each passing moment as the standoff continued.

With sudden force, Kiera swung her arm, causing the woman to stumble and fall to the ground.

The room erupted in gasps of surprise as everyone turned their attention to the unexpected turn of events.

Shock and disbelief were mirrored on their faces as they looked at Kiera, their expressions a mix of astonishment and curiosity.

Amidst the commotion, a woman with brown hair cascading down her shoulders, dressed in a striking black dress, rushed towards the middle-aged woman who had fallen.

"Mother... Mother, are you okay?" she exclaimed, concern evident in her voice as she knelt beside her.

Kiera, who observed the scene unfold, couldn't help but smile softly. "Ah, my lovely sister," she murmured under her breath, a hint of nostalgia coloring her expression. She took a few steps forward, her demeanor composed yet resolute.

As the middle-aged woman turned to face Kiera, her features contorted with fury and deep-seated hatred. "You bitch, how dare you..." she spat out, her words dripping with venom.

In response, Kiera met her gaze unwaveringly. "Madam Anna Valhale, if you ever dare to raise your hand on me again," she spoke with a calm but stern tone, "I promise you, you will regret it."

Her words carried a weight of warning, a silent promise of consequences if boundaries were crossed again.

The room fell into a stunned silence as Kiera's words hung in the air, a stark contrast to her usual gentle demeanor.

Everyone present was taken aback, their expressions ranging from shock to disbelief.Just the day before, Kiera was known for her kindness and ever-present smile.

She had never shown any signs of anger, even in the face of insults from Anna Valhale. This sudden display of assertiveness and determination was a first for her, leaving those around her in awe of her newfound strength.