[Volume 1] Chapter 14- RT College.

"Edward, what are you doing? At least go behind sister-in-law," Maria's voice carried a mix of surprise and concern as she stood squarely in front of Edward, her eyes wide with disbelief.

James, her brother, chimed in urgently, his gaze locked onto Edward's, "Yes, brother, you should at least follow sister-in-law and try to persuade her." His tone was urgent, his words carrying a weight of expectation and a hint of desperation.

Edward's expression shifted from confusion to a subtle hint of guilt as he glanced between Maria and James.

He seemed torn, caught between his own desires and the expectations of his family. A conflicted frown creased his brow as he struggled to find the right words to respond.

Maria's posture was protective, almost confrontational, as if she were shielding her sister-in-law from any potential harm.

Her arms were crossed tightly across her chest, a clear indicator of her defiance and determination to ensure Edward understood the gravity of the situation.

James, on the other hand, leaned forward slightly, his eyes drilling into Edward's with an intensity that brooked no argument.

Edward's response was laced with irritation, his tone sharp and defensive.

"Why should I follow her? It's not my fault if she doesn't care about me and leaves this house without even telling me the reason." His words carried a mix of frustration and hurt, evident in the way his voice rose slightly in agitation.

As he pointed towards the direction Kiera had left, his hand trembled slightly with the pent-up emotions swirling inside him.

His frustrated expression deepened, lines of confusion and disappointment etched across his features.

It was clear he couldn't comprehend why the woman he had once pushed away now seemed to be slipping from his grasp just as things were beginning to mend between them.

A pained sigh escaped Edward's lips as he continued, his voice softer now but still tinged with bitterness.

"She left me, but why?" His brows furrowed in a puzzled expression, his eyes searching for answers that seemed elusive.

The conflicting emotions of love, longing, and betrayal played out on his face, creating a poignant tableau of a man grappling with his own heartache and confusion.


Edward's face morphed from irritation to surprise in an instant as he heard the distant sound of a car engine. Without a second thought, a surge of urgency propelled him towards the door.

Each step he took echoed his growing panic and desperation, his heart pounding in his chest like a drumbeat of impending loss.

"KIERA!" His voice rang out, filled with a mixture of fear and longing, as he sprinted out of the house.

His feet pounded against the ground, fueled by a primal need to catch what felt like his last chance at happiness slipping away.

As he burst through the door, the scene outside greeted him with cruel reality. The taxi was already in motion, slowly pulling away from the curb.

Edward's face turned pale, his eyes widening in disbelief and heartbreak. He broke into a full sprint, his legs carrying him with the fastest speed he could muster.

"KIERA!" His voice cracked with emotion, a desperate plea echoing in the air. But before he could reach the taxi, it vanished around the corner, leaving Edward standing there, frozen in a moment of profound loss.

The impact of the taxi disappearing from his sight hit him like a physical blow. Something inside him shattered, a sense of profound emptiness settling in his chest.

It was as if something truly vital had been torn away from him, leaving him gasping for breath and grasping at the fading echoes of what could have been.

On other side ...

As the taxi drove through the bustling city streets, Kiera closed her eyes, seeking a moment of respite from the turmoil within.

Today, a strange, unshakable feeling had settled over her, a heavy mixture of nostalgia and sorrow that she couldn't quite comprehend.

The house she had lived in for six long years, the house that had witnessed both her happiest and saddest moments, loomed large in her mind.

Her thoughts drifted back to those cherished times, and despite the resolve she had built over the years, a single tear escaped from her closed eyelids, tracing a silent path down her cheek.

This house, with its familiar creaks and comforting corners, was where she had experienced her greatest joy. Her lovely child, the embodiment of her deepest love, had brought light into her life within these very walls.

Even though she had returned to a previous time, the echoes of those happy moments lingered, refusing to fade away.

Kiera's hand moved instinctively to her abdomen, where she had once felt the fluttering kicks of new life.

The memories of those days, filled with the innocent laughter of her child and the warmth of familial love, played in her mind like a cherished movie reel.

Her fingers curled into a gentle fist, a subconscious attempt to hold onto those fleeting, precious memories.

As the taxi continued its journey, the familiar landmarks of her neighborhood came into view, each one a reminder of the life she had once lived.

Her breath hitched, and she opened her eyes, taking in the scenes outside the window with a mix of longing and regret.

Kiera wiped her tears with the back of her trembling hand, her fingers lingering on her damp cheeks as if trying to erase the pain etched there.

She took a deep breath, the rise and fall of her chest steadying as she forced herself to look away from the mirror, her gaze shifting to the window.

The sunlight streamed in, casting a golden glow on her face, but it did little to warm the cold determination that had settled in her heart.

"No, no," she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible but resolute. "You can't cry anymore, Kiera. Not like this."

She straightened her back, squaring her shoulders as if bracing for an unseen battle. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, the nails digging into her palms, grounding her in the present moment.

Each tear that had fallen was a testament to her sorrow, but now, she vowed, no more tears would be shed. Not for this.

Kiera's reflection in the window showed a woman transformed by her resolve. Her eyes, once filled with anguish, now burned with a fierce determination.

She would not be broken. She would not be defined by her pain. Instead, she would rise above it, stronger and more resolute than ever before for her child ,for people who loved her .

"Sir, please turn the car towards RT College," she said in a calm tone, her voice steady but laced with an underlying urgency.

The taxi driver glanced at her through the rearview mirror, his eyes meeting hers briefly.

He saw the quiet determination etched on her face, a look that spoke of unspoken struggles and unyielding resolve.

He nodded, his expression softening with a hint of understanding, and then turned his attention back to the road.

With a practiced hand, he adjusted the steering wheel, smoothly guiding the car onto a new path.

The tires hummed against the asphalt, the change in direction barely noticeable except for the subtle shift in the car's motion.