The Partial Truth.

Veritas witnessed the construction of the 4 spires from the start. After he had heard the Seraphim declare the solution to the prophecy, the scenery in front of Veritas suddenly shifted to the development of the towers that reached for the skies. 

Beside him, stood the king, watching his civilization grow more prosperous and work collectively to build the towers. He governed his city with benevolence, taking priority in the people first. 

The development of the towers was going great. As he had ordered them to, the sheer size and thickness of them were humanely impossible to build in such a small amount of time. 

However, the guidance of the Seraphim of Gold increased the efficiency of their work. 

With that, Veritas heard footsteps behind the hall, it had belonged to the golden haired Seraphim and it seemed as if he had business with the king.

"Great Seraphim, I am forever grateful for your help. If not for you we would have succumbed to ruin.."

"Tis not a matter of great issue, for a benevolent being such as myself to grant salvation to thine people, tis is only a commonality within us Seraphims."

"My people and I will owe you a debt for generations to come.."

"Think naught of it, Great King of Solaurum."

Veritas stood right between them but they didn't seem to notice his presence at all. They talked as if nothing was there at all. The king asked about politics, and the Seraphim gave guidance to the king. It seemed that these two had a long built relationship. 

Due to their familiarity with each other, Veritas concluded that the King and the Seraphim had built great trust with each other. However, the king seemed to have an uncomfortable feeling when near the Seraphim.

The two went on to have an exchange, the Seraphim gave guidance to the king and this continued on for at least an hour. The king revered the Seraphim as a God. It was of a higher being, thus his respect for it was through the roof. 

Now, it has turned twilight, the sun descended below the horizon and workers are now gradually leaving the premises. 

"Tis time to depart and rest.. Thou shouldst likewise.."

The Seraphim mouthed His farewells and went to leave the room where the king had resided. 

"I give you my deepest gratitude."

The king went on to bow to the Seraphim, who was already out of the room. He then gazed upon the city of Solaurum once more and left the room. 


The scene then shifts to the exact same place, the king looked down on the progress of the construction. He saw the four towers slowly getting higher up. Yet, Veritas noticed that the king looked more tired than before. 

Then a familiar footstep echoed in the room. It was the Seraphim and he had arrived to speak to the king once more. 

"Significant progress had been made, with your eminence's blessing, the full construction of the towers should be within reach in a couple of months. "

The king updated the situation to the Seraphim of Gold. The mystical being replied in a somber tone asking whether the king was doing good.

"Art thou on thy best shape?"

The king looked at the Seraphim for the out of pattern question, he knew that the Seraphim had not been the type of being that asked for the well-being of others. 

Although his benevolence was great, the Seraphim was not well-spoken in terms of social interaction. 

"Yes.. I have been handling a lot of work as of lately but it's something that I could manage."

"I.. see. I advise thee to rest thine body.."

"I will."

The atmosphere had turned dull as the king had turned more taciturn with each passing day. Although he had found the Seraphim's care to be unsettling, he had found some comfort within him as well. 

The two watched the progress of the construction for some time until the Seraphim gestured to leave. The king wished the Seraphim well, while still focused on the development of the 4 towers.


The scene shifts once more and progress is greater than ever before. Now, the tower was looming all over the city, it had been the tallest thing that the people of Solaurum had seen! This amount of progress in a short amount of time was surprising. 

It had been a sight to behold, even for people from foreign lands. Rulers from other cities could not comprehend as to why the king of Solaurum had built 4 towers of great height. However, the progress of which it had developed surprised them greatly. 

Additionally, the king had developed specialized training to those capable. He made a new group of highly trained individuals called the Kingsguard. 

Standing before the same scenery, the king gazed once more on the looming greatness of the towers. Now, he had looked haggard and tired, as if he was forcing himself to carry his stature. 

Beside him was the 4 winged Seraphim, showing concern to his well-being.

"Great King of Solaurum, thou looks.. unwell."

The Seraphim did not know much of human nature yet He still tried to understand and resonate with them. 

"I am well enough to stand on my own.."

The king rejected any form of compassion coming from the Seraphim, he formed a wall of ignorance around him that even the great being had not been able to pierce. 

"But thou-"

"Not another word!"

Any other mythical being would see the king's attitude as insolent. Yet.. not the Seraphim of Gold, he saw the king as an equal and survived many hardships with him.

"I apologize for my behavior but your concern is not needed. I truly am doing well."

The king had not looked well, his body showed signs of illness. He was weak and could barely hold himself to stand.

The Seraphim understood this and gestured to leave the room.

The king stood silent and gazed upon the landscape once more..


Veritas was greeted by a solemn atmosphere. He was in a different room, he scanned the surroundings and saw that it had been the room of the king. 

Delicate ornaments, and luxurious patterns of furniture resided in it. 

And in that luxurious bed.. lied the King. 

He looked even worse than before, he looked mad and crazed. It looked like something had taken a hit on his brain. The king muttered silent words every now and then however Veritas could not distinguish what they were.

Then a silent creak came from the door, the king anticipated it to be his old friend. Yet, coming inside was a knight clad in metal. He had come to tell the king of the great news.

"Your majesty.. I have come to tell you that the 4 spires that you ordered to be built have been finished."

The king's eyes responded to the knight's words, it looked to be determined and longed to see the newly established structures. With his weak voice, he muttered the same words over and over again.

"I want to see it. I want to see it. I want to see it."

The knight looked sorrowful at the former shell of a once great king. Ignoring his wishes as per the queen, he left the beautiful room of the king. 

The king muttered the same words over and over again. 


It was raining, individuals were wearing a darker tone of color, and they were standing in front of a golden gravestone. This area had been reserved for the fallen royalty, it was only common sense that the king's funeral would be held here. 

It was.. only for formality, those higher in power knew that his real body would reside under the crypt of the cathedral. The king was a Pathbearer, burying him in public would cause unusual events to happen. Once the Soul of the Pathbearer had no more host, it would gradually fuse with its surroundings. 

So, taking it to the crypt and sealing it is the best option decided by the higher ranking Pathbearers. 

The funeral was attended by many, be it the nobles, the royal family, or disinguished knights. Yet, amongst the crowd, the cherished friend of the king, the Seraphim could nowhere to be seen. 

He had.. been hiding in the horizon. Rather, far away from civilization. One of His abilities was somewhat related to being all-seeing. So, standing in the mountains near Solaurum, the Seraphim gazed upon the solemn atmosphere of the funeral.

For once in His life, he had felt loss, it was an unpleasant feeling but the Seraphim felt more understanding towards humans. 

Thus, the rain poured down the mountain, leaving a stream of water on the muddied ground.


The scene switched to a dark one, only candles lit up the area and a 4 winged individual sat on a distinguished coffin. The coffin was exquisite and golden, it belonged to a certain noble individual. 

Outside, water has risen up and flooded the buildings of Solaurum, destruction was all that came. Except for one particular cathedral, it looked intact almost as if no damage had been sustained by it. 

The 4 winged Seraphim sat atop the golden coffin and hummed a solemn tune. 

After a few moments had passed, the Seraphim stood up and smiled at the golden coffin.

"Tis time.. I bid thee farewell, old friend of mine."

Suddenly! A shining radiance came from within the Seraphim's body and exploded all over the surroundings. 

Everything and everywhere had been turned into gold. The radiance of the sun reflected in the shiny metal, forming a brilliance that expanded all throughout the horizon.

The entire city had been transmuted into a bright gold landscape except for a gothic cathedral, it's mundanity stood out amidst the excellence of gold.

The 4 winged Seraphim however, grew another pair of feathered wings. His radiant golden hair shone brightly in the darkness and his eyes were filled with satisfaction.

Veritas, gazing from the shadows, had finally learned of the truth. His eyes were shining brightly due to the radiance caused by the Seraphim.

He had felt all sorts of emotions, he had lived through the life of a king. He saw the king come from grace and watched him fall to the bottom. He had also witnessed the creation of the towers. 

It seemed like a life suddenly flashed in front of him, however it wasn't his..

Suddenly, a set of runes suddenly appeared in front of him.

[You have learned of the Partial Truth]

Veritas stared at the runes with acceptance. Then, he noticed the text underneath it and his eyes widened.

[Would you like to learn the Complete Truth?]

He was dumbfounded at first, speechless at the sudden development. He thought that he had finally learned of the true nature of the Golden City!

'...the complete truth?'

Words could not be conjured in his throat but Veritas already knew the answer.

"Yes.. I would like to learn of the Complete Truth"

Then.. his vision turned dark once more.