Chapter 17

Planet Hulk Arc Part 1

A/N: Made this by myself no AI was used at all except for grammarly.Please be honest is it any good I'm really trying hard to better my writing and give you guys smth to actually read and like and not just read because there's nothing else to read.I wanna make an actual good story for you guys and nothing cringe.So please lmk and if you have advice or suggestions I should put in the story lmk.

'Man space sure is weird'Kade thought as he could've sworn he saw a raccoon and a Tree flying a ship as he flew closer and closer to the last known location of the shuttle that carried Bruce Banner/Hulk.

'The tracker says it should be up ahead but I don't see anything' Kade said to himself when he got closer to the planet the Illuminati was sending Bruce a giant portal was on the other side hiding behind the planet.

Pieces of metal and debris were all clustered near the portal he got closer and saw a piece of the shuttle he was looking for getting sucked inside the portal.Of course things weren't going to be as simple as he thought.

Kade rocketed towards the strange portal ready just in case he has to go in guns blazing.He was met with a red desert like planet and looked for signs of the hulk on the surface when all of a sudden he felt weak and plummeted from the sky crashing into the sandy wasteland.He felt weak really weak he hadn't felt this way since he was back home his original home.

"What the hell is happening to me"Kade said as he looked up at the sun his eyes widened it wasn't the regular yellow sun he was accustomed to back on Earth this one was red and from what he knew red suns and yellow sun powered Kryptonians like Superman do not mix well.

Just as he was about to collect himself he heard a large screech and looked into the distance to see a small band of bug like creatures heading towards him weapons in hand."I guess this is the welcoming party,and they sure don't look too happy about me being here" Kade said as he manages to get up.He might be de powered but compared to humans he still has superhuman strength,speed and durability thanks to his Kryptonian biology.

The creatures got closer so Kade took a fighting stance he made sure to take fighting lessons from Daredevil on the weekends,he didn't wanna be a muscle head who uses his strength for everything.

"HISSSSSSSS THERE IS ANOTHER TAKE HIM HE WILL FEED THE HIVE" one of the creatures said as they surrounded Kade.One lunges towards him with speak like weapon but Kade was able to side step and round house kick the creature in its face throwing it back knocking it out instantly.

"Your going to have to come at me with more than just pointy sticks if you intend to capture me".Kade said as he punches another creature in the face and quickly disarming another.

"HISSSSSSS IT HURTS USSSSS IT HURTS THE HIVE KILLLSS IT EATS ITTTTT"The lead creature said as they all rush Kade.Just as Kade was about to be overwhelmed there was a loud horn and red humanoid soldiers in golden armor came.

"This one shall go to the arena as well to serve the Red King now leave creature"The lead soldier said as he gestured for his men to take Kade.

"NOOOO YOU HAVE TAKEN THE MONSTER ALREADY THIS ONE SHALL GO TO THE HIVE"The orange insect said as it looked up to the golden armored soldier despite the height difference.

"You dare go against the Red King the ruler of Sakaar you should be grateful he gave you lowly life forms these lands for your dying hive"He than gestured towards his men and they began to kill the insectoids.

Kades eyes widened as he saw the golden soldiers killing the insects as they tried to fight back but were easily slaughtered.

"NO,STOP!!!" Kade yelled as he tackled a soldier but was grabbed from the back by another.He quickly moved his leg behind him and judo flipped him over his shoulder something he was taught by Daredevil many times always being on the receiving end.

Just as he was about to grab a fallen insectoid he was by a soldier with a strange gun and his body went limp.He tried standing up but was electrocuted he felt like he had ants dancing in his skin.

"You'll be a good gladiator for the emperor along with that ugly green brute"The leader said as he smiled holding a remote pointed at Kade.The mention of a green ugly brute got Kades attention and he using his remaining energy tackled the man throwing them both to the ground.Still weak from the red sun that drained his powers he was easily thrown and knocked aside.

"Restrain this fool and prepare him for the auction"The Captain said as he wiped his bloody nose and growled seeing his own blood and gave Kade a hard kick to the gut taking his breathe away.

One of the soldiers came and knocked Kade out with the butt of his spear putting chains on him and dragging him away towards the market.

(Kade POV)

"Ugh my head I haven't felt this way since Reed made me that sciencey drink that gave me the chance to actually get drunk" I said aloud.I looked around me and saw a bunch of different aliens of different shapes and sizes just staring at me one thing we all had in common we were all in chains.One pink skinned lady came out from the crowd in front of us in a blue and pink garb grabbed my face and I guess it seemed like she was inspecting me.

"This one will do just fine"She said as she looked at me and licked her lips.I know that look I've gotten it many times and it spelt nothing but trouble.

"Listen ma'am I'm flattered I really am but well you see I've got someone waiting for me back home and we've been hitting it off pretty well and I don't really wanna leave her all alone at the ball" I said gently removing her hand and standing up to my full height stretching my arms and back that began to crack.

"I love when my prey try to fight back not knowing their fate has been sealed."She said as she smiled at me and walked back to the crowd all I could do was frown this lady and this place was nothing but trouble.

'Yeah i definitely need to find a way out of here' I looked at my bound hands and began to pull at the chain attempting to break it.It was hard extremely hard it seemed like a basic metal nothing like vibranium or adamantium but today at this moment it was close to it.

'That damn red sun if it was yellow I would've snapped this thing like a twig and been gone'I thought to myself as my arms began to statin as I began to push harder and I heard it finally begin to creek under the pressure.I smiled I was close just a bit more and I'm free but before it was about to break I felt pain all over my body.


I looked to the side and saw another pink skin man but this one wasn't wearing any armor he did wear what seemed like expensive cloth and he stood up straight with a smug look on his face as he held out what seemed like a staff that glowed blue and was pointed at me.

'Great a smug rich bastard it seems like Tony has some competition'.

"Behave now slave or I'll make sure that command disk fries you to ash before you can have your next thought" The merchant said as he scowled at me before putting on a smile and turning to the crowd that formed in front of us.

"GREETINGS my lords and nobles I welcome you all to Valads auction where we have only the highest quality of slaves,just today we caught this one who fell from the great portal above it took 50 men to restrain him before we were able to put a command disk on him"The merchant Valad said as he pointed at a Skrull?

Me and the Skrull locked eyes his widended and mine just glared at him I knew this Skrull this wasn't just a normal Skrull it was a Super Skrull and by the way he was shocked seeing me he knows me.

"NEXT we have this one a very fine specimen which I see has caught the eyes of many of you fine noblewoman"Valad said as he gestured toward me to where many of the females all gave me "that" look.

"LET THE AUCTION BEGIN starting off with the green one he is strong very fast and durable perfect for the arena bound to draw lots of blood and take many heads"Valad said glazing the Skrull.The Skrull on the other hand had a small grin on his face he was eating up the attention nothing new their whole society was based off of glory and fame and their crazy religion.

"I'll take him for 10!!!"




"SOLD may this slave bring you glory and fame"

'Great this place is based of off Ancient Rome hope there isn't someone who's going to avenge their dead wife and son' I said to myself.

Valad continued his auctioneer pitch, his voice grating on my nerves. "NEXT, we have a particularly strong specimen, captured from a hive raid! Observe his physique, his fighting spirit! Perfect for the arena!"

A burly alien with blue skin and four arms was dragged forward, snarling at the crowd. He looked like a formidable fighter, his muscles rippling under the harsh lights.




The bids kept climbing, and I realized that if I didn't act soon, I'd lose my chance. I discreetly tested the piece of metal in my sleeve, making sure it was still there.

"300! SOLD to the nobleman from the southern territories!" Valad announced, beaming as the blue-skinned alien was led away.

Now it was my turn. The crowd's eyes bore into me, and I felt the weight of their expectations. Valad's voice boomed, "And now, the final and most coveted lot of the day! This one has shown exceptional resilience and strength. Imagine the glory he'll bring in the arena!"

'That sure got their attention'Kade thought as the entire crowd looked more eager to buy him.

"He's not all just looks ladies but strong as well it took 8 Royal guards to restrain him all while he was fending off a hive he is surely very valuable" As Valad said this all the women in the crowd and some men? Jumped up yelling




The bids soared higher and higher, each one a testament to the desperation and greed of these so-called nobles. I had to make my move soon, but I needed the right moment.

As the bidding war reached a fever pitch, I caught sight of a familiar figure in the crowd. It was the Super Skrull, watching me intently. His expression was unreadable, but there was a glint in his eye that made me uneasy.




Valad's eyes gleamed with excitement. "SOLD for 2,500 to Lady Elia!" The crowd erupted in applause as Lady Elia stepped forward, her eyes fixed on me with a predatory gleam.

"That's the governors wife"

"What's lady Elia want with a slave"

"I heard she sleeps with countless slaves and eats them after"

Sigh 'Rumors don't sound too good I can tell what kind of lady she is already she's a spoiled rich girl like Emma Frost who thinks she can do whatever she wants just because she has money'.

One of the guards grabbed me and brought me to a dark room and fired a hose with some strange liquid at me and threw a towel on the floor.

"10/10 customer service im definitely rating this place 5 stars on yelp" I said as I grabbed the towel off the dirty floor and began to wipe myself.I finally had some privacy so I can take some time to think and plan first things first I have to find a way to get this command disk off of me.

I looked at the disk it was embedded in my skin so I couldn't just use pure force to rip it off,I'd either have to get it surgically removed or find a way to depower it like an EMP just small enough to short circuit it.I looked around me and to my luck I was able to find a small piece of metal on the floor perfectly shaped and sized for a weapon and tool.Making sure no one's seen me I tucked it in my sleeve and walked out.

I was escorted off the platform and led to a lavishly decorated carriage. Lady Elia sat inside, her gaze never leaving me. "You will entertain me tonight," she said, her voice dripping with anticipation.

I nodded, keeping my expression neutral. Inside, my mind was racing. I had to find a way to use the metal piece without alerting the guards or Lady Elia.

The carriage ride was uneventful, giving me time to plan. Lady Elia seemed content to admire her new acquisition, while the guards remained vigilant.

As we arrived at her estate, I was led to a luxurious room. The guards locked the door behind me, leaving me alone with Lady Elia.

She approached me, her eyes filled with a mix of desire and cruelty. "You will entertain me now," she said as she removed her clothes, her voice low and commanding.

I nodded again, but this time, I was ready. With a swift movement, I pulled the metal piece from my sleeve and struck at the command disk embedded in my skin. Sparks flew, and pain shot through my body, but I gritted my teeth and continued.

Lady Elia's eyes widened in shock. "What are you doing?!" she screamed, reaching for a nearby alarm.

But it was too late. The command disk short-circuited, and I felt some relief on my body. I grabbed Lady Elia, covering her mouth to silence her screams.

"Listen to me," I whispered fiercely. "I'm not your toy, and I'm not staying here. You're going to help me get out of this place, or things will get very unpleasant for you."I lied

She nodded, her eyes wide with fear. I released her and stepped back, ready to make my escape. The guards outside would be a problem, but with my strength returning, I was confident I could handle them.

Lady Elia led me to a hidden passage in her quarters, her hands trembling. "This leads to the stables. From there, you can find a way out," she whispered.

I nodded, stepping into the passage. "Thank you," I said, not unkindly. "You might have just saved your own life."

With that, I disappeared into the shadows, determined to find Bruce and get off this cursed planet.