Chapter 25 may or may not change it

A/N:that's right I ain't dead I'm alive unlike someone.There will be no more progressing chapters after this not because of a drop I'll never drop this but because instead of going forward we are going back.I'm going to be fixing all the chapters before the Sakaar and Planet Hulk Arc cuz I ain't gonna lie those are all ai chatgpt generated bullshit I did to make time go by fast but now I actually have ideas and will go back to fix them and actually give our character a good story and background.I will keep some things like saving that suicidal girl in tribute for the actual All Star Superman comic.

Anyways on with the Chapter

World War Hulk Arc Part 3 

The ruins of the city lay in smoldering piles, fires flickering like desperate signals in the dark. Kade stood amidst the wreckage, breathing heavily as his eyes scanned the haze. His ears caught a faint, rhythmic sound, like distant thunder, and then he saw him—Hulk, emerging from the smoke. But this was not the Hulk Kade had known. His massive body glowed with a blinding green radiance, veins pulsating with gamma energy, each step sending seismic waves that rippled through the ground, shattering the remaining buildings. He was the Worldbreaker.

**Thoom… thoom… thoom…**

Each footstep made the ground beneath him tremble, made the air grow heavier. Kade felt the vibration deep in his bones. The sound became louder, the ground shaking harder, cracks spidering across the earth in every direction. 

"Oh, no..." Kade muttered under his breath, his fists clenching as he steeled himself. "This is what I was afraid of."

Kade's heart pounded as the ground beneath him quaked, but there was no time for fear. Worldbreaker Hulk's eyes locked onto him, filled with a mix of fury and pain. Each breath from Hulk was like a gale force wind, pushing Kade back a step as he struggled to maintain his footing.

"KADE!" Hulk's voice was a deafening roar, reverberating through the city like a god's wrath. "They took everything from me! And now... I'm going to take everything from them!"

"Hulk, I know you're angry, but you have to stop!" Kade shouted, trying to reach whatever remnants of Bruce Banner might still be in there. "You're going to destroy everything! Earth can't take this!"

But there was no response, only rage. Hulk lunged at Kade with blinding speed, his glowing fist colliding with Kade's jaw and sending him crashing through several skyscrapers, the structures collapsing like dominoes in his wake. Kade skidded across the rubble-strewn ground, his body slamming into a crumbling wall that finally stopped his momentum. He wiped the blood from his mouth and pushed himself up, his vision swimming.

"I didn't want to do this, Bruce," Kade said, his voice pained. "But you're leaving me no choice."

Hulk charged again, the ground splitting beneath him. Kade barely had time to brace himself before Hulk's fist plowed into his stomach, the impact sending shockwaves through his entire body. Kade gasped, the wind knocked out of him as he was hurled into the air like a ragdoll.

"You should've stayed out of my way!" Hulk bellowed, his voice cracking the air like thunder.

Kade spun mid-air, righting himself and flying back at Hulk with everything he had. The two titans collided, their blows shaking the earth, causing buildings miles away to tremble. Kade threw a punch, but Hulk caught his fist effortlessly, squeezing until Kade's bones creaked.

"You can't stop me!" Hulk roared, his eyes wild. "Not this time!"

Kade winced in pain but managed to free his hand, delivering a series of rapid punches that barely phased Hulk. Hulk responded with a devastating backhand that sent Kade sprawling across the ground, his body carving a trench through the concrete.

Kade struggled to his feet, his ears ringing, every part of his body screaming in agony. He knew that at this rate, the planet wouldn't survive their fight. Already, the ground was fracturing, lava seeping through the cracks as the planet's crust struggled under the stress of their battle. He had to end this, and fast.

Kade charged at Hulk, feinting to the right before launching a powerful left hook that connected with Hulk's jaw. Hulk staggered, just for a moment, but it was enough. Kade seized the opportunity, grabbing Hulk by the arm and spinning him around. With a mighty heave, he launched Hulk into the sky, chasing after him in a blur of motion.

They broke through the atmosphere, the force of their battle leaving a fiery trail across the sky. Kade flew faster, catching up to Hulk and wrapping his arms around him, dragging him further and further from Earth. Hulk struggled, throwing wild punches, but Kade held on, steering them toward the icy dwarf planet on the edge of the solar system.

They crashed into Pluto, the impact shattering the celestial body into chunks of rock and ice that scattered into the void. Hulk roared, throwing Kade off him, and the battle resumed. Every punch, every kick sent shockwaves through what remained of Pluto, the once-quiet planetoid now a battleground for gods.

Kade grunted as Hulk's fists pounded into him, each blow cracking ribs and drawing blood. He couldn't keep this up; Hulk's rage seemed limitless, his strength growing with every second. But Kade had a plan, a desperate one.

"Hulk!" Kade shouted, dodging a massive punch and countering with an uppercut that sent Hulk reeling. "You've got to calm down! You're going to kill us all!"

But Hulk was beyond reason. He lunged, grabbing Kade by the throat and slamming him into what was left of Pluto's surface. Kade's vision blurred, stars dancing before his eyes as he struggled to breathe. He felt Hulk's grip tighten, the pressure threatening to crush his windpipe.

With the last of his strength, Kade brought his legs up, kicking Hulk off him and sending him flying. He staggered to his feet, his mind racing. He couldn't beat Hulk in a straight fight, not like this. There was only one chance left.

Kade launched himself at Hulk, catching him off-guard and throwing him with all his might. Hulk hurtled through space, crashing into the gas giant Jupiter. Kade didn't stop to watch the impact; he turned and flew toward the sun, his body aching with every movement.

As he neared the sun, he could feel its energy washing over him, revitalizing him even as his injuries weighed him down. He plunged into the star, the intense heat and radiation searing his skin. But instead of burning, Kade began to absorb the solar energy, drawing it into his body, his cells soaking up the power.When learning martial arts from Iron Fist he made a theory that with how they can control chi it was possible he could do the same but with solar energy straight from the sun enhancing his power even more.It was a dangerous and untested method but he had no time.

"Iron Fist, you better be right about this," Kade muttered, his voice strained as the solar energy surged through him, making his muscles tremble with newfound strength. He floated in the core of the sun, letting the energy build until his body glowed with a radiant yellow light, brighter than ever before.

Kade exploded out of the sun, his form a blazing comet streaking toward Jupiter. He could see Hulk, now leaping off the planet, charging at him with fists clenched. Kade pushed himself harder, every ounce of solar energy fueling his speed, his power.

They collided in the cold void of space, the impact releasing a shockwave that rippled through the solar system. Kade poured everything he had into the punch, the force of it sending Hulk crashing into the remnants of Jupiter. The gas giant exploded, the blast obliterating what was left of the planet and sending debris hurtling through space.

Kade hovered there, panting, his body still glowing but dimming rapidly. He had done it. He had stopped Hulk, but at a great cost. His vision swam, and he felt the heat of the sun fading from his veins, his injuries catching up to him. He looked down at his hands, the once-bright glow now flickering.

Hulk floated nearby, unconscious, his massive form shrinking back down as he reverted to Bruce Banner. Kade flew over, his movements sluggish, and draped his cape over Banner's body. He held the unconscious man close, feeling the weight of their shared struggle.

"I'm sorry, Bruce," Kade whispered, his voice weak. "I couldn't save them all."

Kade's vision blurred as he looked back toward Earth, his heart heavy with regret. He had done what he could, but the toll was too great. He felt his strength fading, the solar energy no longer enough to sustain him. He closed his eyes, letting the void take him as he and Banner drifted through space.

'Damn I didn't even ask her out yet'Kades last thought drifted to a girl and her beautiful smile before gravity took place.

As they re-entered Earth's atmosphere, Kade's grip on Banner loosened. The two of them, one a hero who had lost everything, the other a hero who had given everything, fell toward the ground. They crashed into a desolate field, dust and debris billowing up around them.

Kade lay still, his body broken, the glow gone from his eyes. Banner stirred, his own body battered but alive. He looked over at Kade, the man who had fought to save him even at the cost of his own life. A tear rolled down Banner's cheek as he pulled the cape tighter around his shoulders, shielding himself from the world.

The battle was over, but the scars it left would never fully heal.The air was heavy with silence as the dust settled around the impact site. The remnants of Kade's cape fluttered gently in the wind, torn and scorched from the battle. Bruce Banner knelt beside Kade's lifeless form, his hands trembling as he touched the symbol on Kade's chest, his fingers tracing the iconic 'S'. Banner's breath hitched, tears welling in his eyes as the weight of what had happened crashed down on him.

"Kade… I'm so sorry," Bruce whispered, his voice cracking. "I couldn't control it… I—"

He choked on his words, the sobs wracking his body as he clung to Kade's cape. He had seen the destruction he had caused, felt the power that had driven him mad, but now, kneeling before the body of the man who had fought to save him, he felt nothing but guilt and regret.

Around them, heroes began to gather, their expressions a mix of shock, sorrow, and disbelief. Doctor Strange arrived first, hovering above the ground as his cloak billowed behind him. His face was solemn, shadows under his eyes showing the toll of the recent events.

"Bruce," Strange began softly, his voice heavy with remorse. "This wasn't your fault."

Banner looked up, tears streaming down his face, his eyes filled with anguish. "It is my fault… I should've stopped… I should've—"

Strange stepped forward, raising his hands. A soft glow emanated from his fingers, and Banner's sobs slowed as his eyelids drooped. "I'm sorry, Bruce," Strange whispered, his voice breaking slightly. "You need to rest."

With a gentle wave, Strange put Banner to sleep, his body slumping to the ground beside Kade's. Strange knelt and placed a hand on Banner's shoulder, his own eyes glistening. "I wish it hadn't come to this."

The other heroes gathered closer, their faces somber. Spider-Man was among them, his mask pulled halfway up his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. He looked at Kade's body, the hero who had fought side by side with him countless times, the hero who had never backed down, never wavered in his resolve to protect those he cared about.

"Kade…" Peter's voice was barely a whisper, his throat tight. He sank to his knees beside Kade, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed openly. "You were supposed to make it through this. You were supposed to be okay."

Peter reached out, his fingers brushing against Kade's chest, as if hoping to feel a heartbeat that was no longer there. He clenched his fist, his anger bubbling to the surface as he turned to see Stark, standing off to the side, his face pale and stricken.

Stark couldn't meet Peter's gaze, his eyes fixed on the ground as though he could will himself to disappear. A single tear traced its way down his cheek, the weight of his decisions hanging heavily on his shoulders. He knew what was coming, and he braced himself for it.

"You!" Peter shouted, his voice raw with pain and fury. He scrambled to his feet, rushing toward Stark. "This is your fault!"

Peter's punch landed squarely on Stark's jaw, the force of it sending the billionaire staggering back. Stark didn't fight back; he didn't even raise his hands. He simply stood there, taking the hit, his eyes squeezed shut as Peter's words cut deeper than any blow could.

"If it wasn't for you, Kade would still be here!" Peter screamed, tears flying from his eyes as he threw another punch, this time catching Stark in the chest. "He was just a kid, Tony! He was trying to help, and you let this happen! You let all of this happen!"

Peter's voice cracked, and he collapsed against Stark, his fists pounding weakly against Stark's armor. "He was my friend… my brother… and now he's gone because of you."

Stark caught Peter as he fell, holding him tightly as Peter's sobs echoed through the field. Stark's own tears fell silently, his guilt and sorrow swallowing him whole. He knew Peter was right. If it hadn't been for the decisions made by the Illuminati, if it hadn't been for their arrogance and hubris, none of this would have happened. Kade would still be alive.

"I'm sorry, kid," Stark whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm so, so sorry."

Peter pushed away from Stark, wiping his face with the back of his hand as he looked back at Kade's body. "Sorry doesn't fix this. Sorry doesn't bring him back."

The other heroes watched in silence, their hearts heavy with grief. Hercules, knelt beside Kade, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Kade fought valiantly," Hercules said, his voice soft but steady. "He was a warrior without equal, and his spirit will live on in the tales we tell of him."

Wolverine stood at Hercule's side, his expression grim. "We should have done more. We should have been there. He shouldn't have had to do this alone."

"None of us should have," She Hulk added quietly, her eyes red but dry. "But Kade always had a way of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders."

The group fell into silence, the weight of their shared loss pressing down on them. They had seen loss before; they had all suffered in their battles. But this was different. Kade wasn't just another hero—they had all known him, fought beside him, trusted him. And now, he was gone.

Stark finally moved, stepping forward and kneeling beside Kade's body. He hesitated, then gently reached out, his hand trembling as he brushed a strand of hair from Kade's face. "You deserved better, Kade. You deserved a lot better."

Stark's voice broke, and he bowed his head, his shoulders shaking as he finally let the tears fall. There was no armor to hide behind now, no iron shell to protect him from the pain. Just a man grieving the loss of someone who had become like family.

Peter knelt beside him, his anger spent, replaced by an overwhelming sadness. He placed a hand on Stark's shoulder, his grip firm but not unkind. "We all did what we thought was right… but Kade always did what he knew was right."

Stark nodded, unable to speak, his throat too tight with emotion. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, battered photograph—a picture of Kade and the Avengers, all smiling after a hard-fought battle. It was from a simpler time, a time when they had all believed they could save the world without losing anyone they loved.

Stark placed the photo gently on Kade's chest, tucking it under the torn remnants of his cape. "We'll remember you," Stark said, his voice a mere whisper. "We'll make sure the world remembers you, too."

The heroes stood around Kade, their heads bowed in a moment of silence. The wind rustled softly through the grass, carrying with it the distant sounds of a world that continued to turn, unaware of the loss that had just occurred.

Doctor Strange stepped forward, conjuring a soft light that enveloped Kade's body. "We'll take him home," he said, his voice steady, though his eyes betrayed the sadness within. "He deserves to rest."

As the light grew brighter, Kade's body began to lift gently from the ground, cradled in Strange's magic. Peter watched, his eyes never leaving Kade, even as the glow became too bright to look at. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Stark, his expression one of shared sorrow and silent support.

"Goodbye, Kade," Peter whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for everything."

The light faded, and Kade was gone, leaving behind only the memory of a hero who had given everything to save the world. The heroes remained surrounded by the damage and destruction around them, united in their grief and their resolve to honor the legacy of the man who had stood with them until the very end.