Chapter 3:Nika fruit and Makino!

A group of pirate's,called the Crane pirates could be seen attacking a merchant ship.Their captain,an ugly man who had been lucky to find the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Crane, hence his pirate crew name.He had a bounty of 7 million berry.He had ordered them to take everything that is valuable and all the preety women back to the ship.The guards of the merchant ship were apprehended quickly by them.Just before they could start looting,they were stopped by a voice.

"Can someone tell me,who was the one who disturbed my sleep, because I want to teach that bastard a lesson".The owner of the voice was Yami.He had finished his training in his room and was taking a well deserved sleep,but these idiots had to be loud and disturb his sleep.He was angry.The pirate's looked at each other and laughed at Yami.Thinking he was crazy to say something like that,does he not see that they, the Crane pirates,were one of the top feared pirates in East blue!

Yami looked at the pirates on the merchant ship,and because he was pissed,he thought of using them as targets,to see how he fairs against them.He took a deep breath before his hair started to get spiker,while his eyes turned red with slits,his nails grew,and an orange aura surrounded him.When the pirates saw the person they were mocking suddenly use a devil fruit power,they were shocked and scared.While the merchant's on the ship were excited as this young man seemed strong,which means that they may be able to escape with Yami here.

Before anyone could utter a single word,Yami disappeared and appeared infront of a trio of pirate's and punched one of them in the face while kicking the other two away!They were knocked out cold,with the pirate Yami punched having most of his teeth broken.Yami was shocked as he didn't intend to make them injury to this extend.He quickly decreased his power,before he blitzed the other pirates on the merchant ship.He quickly freed the guards while telling them to tie up all the pirates.He then jumped on the pirate ship.

When he landed on the ship,he saw the pirates looking at him with fear,but they soon became confident as their captain walked forward to confront Yami."You have quite the nerve to beat up my crew and step on my ship as if you own the ship" said the captain.Yami didn't reply as he hadn't seen these pirates in the anime,so he was sure they were some no named pirates who acted tough.Seeing Yami looking at him as if he was not worth anything infront of him.The captain got pissed and activated his devil fruit power.

Yami was a little surprised to see that the no named captain was a devil fruit user.But that was it.Hs didn't care anymore after he saw that the captain turned into a crane. Normally cranes are beautiful,but because of this ugly bastard,he got to see the world's first ugly crane.He didn't want to waste his time as he needed some sleep so he could train some more later.But....

Looking at the pirate's,an interesting idea came to his mind.If it worked,he would not only get the Nika fruit,but also a beautiful bartender as his crewmate.But first he needed to remove this bastard from here.The bastard himself flew towards him to die,and he needed to experience killing as he didn't wanna hesitate and be like Sakura who hesitated to destroy obitos rinnegan because she was not used to killing.

Just as the crane was about to claw at his face,he appeared on top of him and broke his wings so that he would not try to fly away.As the captain screamed,Yami prepared himself while pulling out Sandai kitetsu,which vibrated a little for blood.He quickly slashed the cranes wings and legs so that it will stay still.Then he put his hand on the crane head as it begged him to spare him and slashed it's head off.

The crane turned into the pirate's real body without his hand and legs,while Yami stopped himself from puking from his sheer will,and quickly put his hand on the body,from which a white ghostly like aura manifested and converged to form a white orb on Yami's hand.Yami looked around before pointing at one of the scared pirates and telling them to bring a fruit.The pirate quickly ran inside the ship and returned with an apple.He took it and placed the orb against it.The orb got absorbed by the apple and it transformed.It turned White in colour ,while swirls appeared on it in a shape of features.

He looked at the pirates while declaring,"From now on this ship is mine,and since I am a nice guy,I will let you go after you do one of my tasks.".The pirates nodded frantically while thanking the gods, probably SKM,for their luck to not die.Yami walked away while telling them to head towards foosha village and to destroy the pirate flag and clean the deck, till then he will rest.He went to the captain's room's direction after inquiring about it,then placed his backpack he brought from the merchant ship on the table and stored the devil fruit inside it.After which he found a dustbin and puked in it,as he was showing a strong facade,but he was really sure,that it will take some time for him to get used to killing.


A ship could be seen docked on the outskirts of the mountain present in the Foosha village.Yami silently looked at the mountain,as he knew luffy was located on the mountain.He suddenly sensed a danger comming from the sea,he looked and saw the sea king at the beginning of the story appear and attack the ship.The pirates were scared shitless,but Yami did not care about their reaction and used the power he had been holding of so much till now.Yami's eyes flashed red while a huge pressure was released from him.The pirates were rendered unconscious within a second,while the sea king was scared shitless by Yami and swam away.

Yami stopped using conqueror's haki and smirked.This feeling is better than he expected.It feels like the shackles that were placed on him because of the fear of that Imu,as he didn't know the end of one piece and he didn't know what to expect of him/her, so he was a little afraid of him/her.Yami sighed as he looked at the unconscious pirates before him.He woke them,and told them to stay put as he will return with someone and then they will fulfill his condition before he releases them.They nodded like a woodpecker pecking the tree.

Yami left the ship and jumped from one tree to another.Parkour is one of the training he went through as he knows anything could happen on the battlefield,so he had to be able to maneuver through tough situations.After some time he stopped as he looked at his Target.Luffy, the sun god,Joyboy,was walking away from a lake while there was a huge crocodile on his shoulder, probably becoming food for luffy.

Yami took a deep breath as he mentally apologized to all the one piece fans,Oda,as well as his clone self who was probably watching as SKM saw his actions and wrote it on webnovel.He jumped from his hiding spot and landed infront of luffy.Luffy was startled at first,but then he looked at Yami curiously with a.....Luffy expression."Hi I am Monkey.D.Luffy!who are you?"He asked,to which Yami declared his full name of this life,as well as his final goal."I am Yami Fujiwara and....I am gonna be the future Pirate king!"

When Luffy heard this,he got an angry look while saying,"No! I am gonna be the king of the pirate's!".Yami looked at luffy while saying,"If you want to become the pirate king,you should know that the trip for that title is dangerous and all those who have gone to search for the one piece have either died,have given up,or are still trying."He then said,"If you are gonna bet on your life to become the pirate king,then have a fight with me!If you win I will acknowledge you as the future Pirate king and become your first mate!But if you lose...then prepare to die."After he finished speaking he took out both Yubashiri and Sandai kitetsu.Luffy also got ready to fight(Yami's other intention was to provoke luffy for the fight by saying he would be the pirate king).

Luffy, being luffy,attacked head strong by sending a pistol at him,to which Yami dodged as his eyes shined red, observation haki! Orange energy washed around his body,as he went initial Kyubi transformation(the red eyes,nails,thing used against neji).He dashed at luffy while slashing at him,to which luffy dodged and sent a kick as his feet elongated.Yami dodged by jumping and putting both his blades on his sides while shouting his own sword techniques he is learning by combining the sword skills from the animes!

"Batsu Kaiten Slash!"He spinned mid air and appeared behind luffy as there were two slashed marks on luffy's chest and back!

That attack took much more energy than he thought to injur luffy.He did not get the chance to breathe as luffy attacked him with a pistol from behind while putting his other arm at the wound he got.Yami blocked it with armament haki covering his forearm.Then he took a deep breath and jumped in the air while aiming both his swords at luffy who also jumped at him with both his arms aimed at him,Luffy shouted,"Gomu Gomu no pistol shot!",while black moon shaped particles appeared on Yami's swords as he used one of the 3 breathing styles from demon slayer,he was learning to form his own techniques,"Lunar Slash!"

As luffy's fists kept attacking him he dodged using observation haki to the max,till he got near luffy and slashed at his elbows, cutting both his arms as black coloured cresent moons were shot behind luffy that cut through many trees!As luffy shouted in pain,Yami covered his blunt end of Yubashiri with haki and knocked luffy out.

Yami looked at luffy while muttering silently,"Nika fruit capture... complete"After which he sat on his ass while trying to catch his breath.Damn,luffy was really strong,he still had to grow stronger if he wanted to face the future enemies he planned to fight and win to become the pirate king.Yami looked at luffy while saying softly,"Although I would have liked to be friends with you.Hell i would have allied with your crew!But....I have my own dream for this new life.And that live a luxurious and free life in this world,which is not possible till you stand at the top.And I don't want to follow anyone because...I want to become the own protagonist of my story,not some side character who follows the MC around.And I know that you would not join my pirate crew,but I need the Nika fruits power as that fruit have scared the 5 elders and Imu so much that they want to destroy it.So I am sorry luffy."He said as he slowly made his way towards the tree he was standing on,where his trusty backpack was kept.

He pulled out the medkit and walked towards luffy before sitting down and applying Stitches and bandages to stop the bleeding.He then pulled out a sleeping drug he bought from the black market,with other things,and gave it to luffy.He then hoisted him on his back and went towards his ship.The plan which was only to get the Nika fruit has changed a little as he had got the perfect Idea to pull Makino on his crew with the help of those crane pirates.And luffy will be the hammer on the nail for this plan to work.Man,he is starting to sound like Aizen!

When Yami boarded the crane pirate ship, the pirate's looked at the boy on Yami shoulder,with both his arms missing,and shuddered as they were even more scared to be in his presence,and were wishing for him to let them leave.Yami looked at their scared expression and sighed,'How did I become so ruthless.....well this world will need me to be ruthless.',He thought while putting luffy down and telling them their roles in his plan,and if they failed or told anyone of his plan,then they just have to look at luffy before even thinking about it.

After he finished explaining his plan,they nodded while wrapping luffy with chains as Yami didn't want to take any risks with luffy.Then he left the ship while giving them a final warning.He rushed through the trees towards the Foosha village,where the next part of his plan will start.He was running for some time until he finally passed some bushes and the village came to his view.And he had to say,this village looked beautiful.

He walked towards the village,while looking for his Target.After some time he found it.A bar named Partys Bar.He walked inside while looking around, seeing many men drinking booze while laughing and singing.Then he saw his Target,a beautiful green haired women serving beer to some men before walking towards the counter.'She looks more beautiful then the anime,who could be that bastard to deflower her in the anime!'He thought as he made his way towards the counter while starting his plan.He sat on the stool while making a troubled face and asking for a beer.Makino placed a jug fool of beer on the counter,but seeing his troubled face she hesitated before asking."Ano,is something wrong,you look a little troubled."

'The plan,to acquire Both Nika fruit and Makino starts...Now!'he thought as he opened his mouth to say that,...

(Find out next time on One piece:Nine tails)