Chapter 9:Two new Members!


Yami and Arlong clashed with each other,their swords grinding as they keep slashing at each other.As Arlong goes for a sneak attack by sweeping Yami's legs,Yami does a handstand and jumps away from the Slash that would surely give him a deep injury."Cheap move,as expected from a fried fish."Yami taunted Arlong to make him slip up,and it worked as Arlong rushed at him in anger.

"Lunar eclipse."Yami muttered as his sword glowed and a dark moon blade was sent at Arlong,who jumped and avoided the attack.But that is what Yami was aiming for as he rushed at Arlong and gave a Slash to his hand,which held his sword, damaging it and letting his sword fell away from him.Arlong roared in furry."DAMN YOU HUMAN!"His speed suddenly increased as while Yami was in midair from the jump he used to distance himself,he was hit in his stomach by Arlong's fist which sent him flying near the pool.

"Yami!"Makino shouted as she tried to go towards him,but Zoro blocked her and said,"Don't worry,we should have fate in our capitan.He will not go down that easily."Hearing Zoro's word's, Makino,and the Sisters behind her who also wanted to check him stoped but still looked worried about Yami.

Yami got up and spit some blood before he looked at Arlong and wiped his mouth.He threw his swords at Zoro who caught them and gave them to Nami and Nojiko as they keep them in their sheaths."Play time is over."Yami said as an orange aura surrounded him,his nails grew and his hair became spikey,his eyes turned red as they have slits.He had entered the Kyubi initially cloak.

"So you really are a devil fruit user."Arlong said as Nami,Nojiko and Makino watched in awe at Yami's transformation,while Zoro observed the transformation and pondered all the abilities this aura provides his captian.Yami didn't say anything and rushed at Arlong at high speeds.Arlong was caught off-guard by Yami's speed, before he was hit in the stomach and sent flying in the air.

"It's not over yet!"Yami shouted as he jumped at Arlong in the air and kicked him in the pool.Arlong,who was smashed into the pool,came out of the pool surrounded by water as he used fishmen karate and sent a large wave of water at Yami."Do you think I will stand here and take a sea water hit."Yami muttered and Dodged the attack before he thought that this was getting boring.

"Let's finish this."Yami said as Arlong roared again."No one can defeat me! Especially a human like you!"He rushed towards Yami covered with water like an aqua jet,but suddenly an oppressive aura came out of Yami as he Unleashed Conqueror's haki on Arlong.Arlongs attack was stopped and he crashed infront of Yami.He was still concious but was kneeling."Owari Da"Yami stated as he kicked Arlong's jaw, rendering him unconscious as Yami exited his transformation.



"He did it!"Nojiko shouted as Nami started crying as her torment was finally over.Nojiko hugged her and cried as well.Zoro just smirked while Makino rushed towards Yami to check his injuries and found the punch that Arlong had landed on his stomach was healing as the black bruse was fading away slowly."Don't worry Makino,we zoan have a good healing factor. Especially me who ate a mythical type."Yami said as Makino breathed a sigh of relief.

Yami and Makino then regrouped with Zoro,Nami and Nojiko. Immediately, the two sisters hugged Yami and cried while thanking him,he awkwardly patted their backs to calm them down while blushing at the soft mounds that were pressed on his chest.Makino looked at Yami and pouted a little as she looked away from him with a "hump",While Zoro was starting to feel like a 3rd? wheel or 5th? Wheel here.

Yami looked at the villagers that were gathered at the gates, probably to see his fight as he had announced it when he got in the village and the people who heard him gathered all the people.These people were crying as well as they cheered for him."Can someone help me with a problem."Yami asked as he still hugged the sisters while looking at one of the villagers who came forward.He gave him some instructions,which the villager obeyed as he brought more people and all of them gathered the Fishmen and tied them up.

Then they started to make a pit while the sisters broke Yami's hug reluctantly as they were feeling a stranger emotion of warmth and wanted to feel it more.Yami went towards the gate while motioning for Zoro, Makino,

Nami and Nojiko to follow him.

As they arrived outside the gate,they saw Marines have arrived and the one leading them was Colonel Nezumi."You guys, arrest these fishmen,one of you also go towards that orange grove and take those berri as they should be reaching 100 million.And don't forget to inform the headquarters that the strongest Pirate's of East blue was defeated by Me,Colonel Nezumi!"He said as his eyes showed a greedy expression,while the villagers,the sisters,and his crew looked angrily at Nezumi.This guy wanted to take the credit for Yami's work,while also wanted to rob Nami's money that she had worked hard for.

Yami pulled out his sword and slashed at the ground infront of the charging marines as a moon blade slised the ground and the marines stopped dead in their tracks."You are not going anywhere Nezumi.From what I know,you were the one who did not report about Arlong's actions on Cocoyashi village for 7 years due to the money he was giving you.For harming Nami,Nojiko,and the people of this village.I will give you the appropriate punishment."

"D-Do you know what you are doing!Mendling in the Navy's Buisness will make you pirates!

I can report you guys to the Headquarters!" Nezumi shouted as while he was scared,he showed a triumph look.But that soon changed to horror at Yami's words."Then do it. I am Yami Fujiwara, Captain of the Kitsune pirates.I will gladly welcome my first bounty."

It was only now that the villagers,Nami and Nojiko,who were scared that their saviour would be troubled by the Navy, remembered that he was also a Pirate!But Nami and Nojiko thought that he was definitely different from the Arlong Pirates.Especially Nami because she had seen all kinds of pirates in East blue,but none of them were like Yami and his crew.

"Zoro,Makino,do you want to deal with them or can I finish them off?"Yami asked as Makino shrugged as she will do whatever Yami wanted her to, while Zoro pondered as he looked at the marines before he showed a bored expression."These guys are definitely weaker then those fishmen.So I will pass."

Hearing Zoro's answer,Makino also nodded.So Yami shrugged as he glared at Nezumi before a wave of conqueror's haki erupted from him, making all the marines and Nezumi unconscious."You guys,tie them up as well,but put Nezumi with the Fishmen,and free the other marines when we leave as they will be unconscious for a while.If they ask,say that we tied them up."

Hearing Yami's command,the villagers accepted his order,while genzo approached them with Nami and Nojiko."Thank you for defeating Arlong and giving justice to us.You don't know how much we have suffered from him."Genzo said as he bowed to Yami,Zoro and Makino.While Makino tried to make Genzo stop bowing and Zoro and Yami shrugged at Genzo,a villager approached them and said that the pit is ready.

Yami approached the pit and looked at it for a moment,before he erupted with a red aura,and its power was at a terrifying level compared to the orange one as Zoro,Makino,and the others were pressured by the aura Yami was releasing.The red aura condensed around Yami as suddenly the aura took shape of a fox cloak,with long ears at Yami's head,while there was a tail on Yami's back.(1 tail mode).

He launched the tail at the Fishmen and grabbed them with it, before he threw them in the pit.Then he grabbed Arlong and Nezumi,and also threw them in the pit.He deactivated the cloak and due to being thrown,everyone woke up."W-whats going on!?""How did we get here?""Why are we tied?""Please spare me!""DAMN YOU HUMAN!"

"This is your punishment for all the things you did to hurt Nami and Nojiko."Yami stated as his swords were burning with solar energy."Why are you even doing this for those girls!"Arlong questioned as Yami stopped and looked at Nami and Nojiko, before he motioned for them to come near him.

As Nami and Nojiko approached him,he looked at Arlong before saying."You are asking why I am doing this?"Arlong glared at Yami."You are right, I can't do this because I have nothing to do with nami and Nojiko."He stated as he looked at the sisters who were shocked and felt something breaking in their heart,but soon that feeling went away and was replaced by a familiar warmth when Yami said."That is why,Nami,Nojiko,do you want to join my crew.If you join it,then it will be a legitimate reason for all the things I have done here."

Nami looked ready to give a positive answer as she can become Yami's Navigator,but Nojiko gave a troubled expression as she said."I-i don't think I can be of any help to you,Yami san."Yami shook his head as he pointed at Makino."Makino was a regular civilian,but i helped her reach the strength she has now.If you both follow me,you will gain the strength to protect yourself,those you care,and see to it that no one will experience the troubles you both experienced and went through if they had a problem that was similar to Arlong."Hearing Yami and seeing Makino nod,Nojiko and Nami smiled as they answered."We will join your crew and follow you,Captain Yami."

Yami smiled as he took both their hands,while they blushed a little,but it went away as he placed their hands on the handles of his swords."You both should be given this chance to burn all your problems your life has been through.Your mother will finally rest in peace when these guys are burned away from your life."Hearing Yami's words,they hesitated a little,but remembering Bellemere,they made a determined expression as they thrust the swords at the people in the pit.

"Taiyō shi no kasō"(Solar death cremation) Yami said in a low voice as the swords sent solar flames at the Fishmen and Nezumi.They screamed in pain as they were being burned alive.Nami and Nojiko quickly looked away,they were hugged by Yami as he had put away his swords as he patted the sisters backs while watching these scum's die.

The villagers also looked at the Fishmen and that bastard Nezumi die with an expression of a slave who had just got his freedom.Zoro didn't say anything as he looked at the burning people,as they were guilty for their crimes.Yami had said to him that they will only kill people who are guilty.Makino also didn't say anything as she was slowly getting used to the killing,she also knows that this was their punishment for all the torture these villagers and the sisters were out through.Soon the screams died down as the Arlong pirates and the Marine Colonel Nezumi were burned alive by Yami Fujiwara,Captain of the Kitsune pirates.

(Find out next time on One piece:Nine tails)