Chapter 11:Bounties!

"Are you guys ready?"Yami asked as he was standing on the Bowsprit of the ship.Luna was standing near the wheel of the ship, giving a golden energy to it,while Zoro was in the crow's nest.Nami and Nojiko were standing near the rails as they were waving at the crowd of villagers with Genzo in front of the group in tears.Makino was in the kitchen preparing food while checking if every supply is full."Then let's set sail!"Yami shouted as Luna commanded the Ship,Saikō Fune,to go onwards!

'Luna's devil fruit is really handy.'Yami thought as he remembered the discription of the fruit at the note Luna got from SKM.The ship-ship fruit gave the user the ability to summon a ship which the user can control by using the solar or lunar energy Stored in the body of the user during the day or night.The ship can heal itself,can transform into a flying ship or submarine,has unlimited ammo that is made by the solar or lunar energy,has a big cannon stored inside the ship that can be brought out to fire all the stored energy from the ship for a final attack.And it's attack power is no joke, because if Luna used all the power of the sun and moon energies,the power of the cannon will likely wipe out an island like the thing imu did to lulusia.But Luna can't do that as to use that cannon at full power will need her to awaken her devil fruit.And the awakened powers are also nuts,but no spoilers for the awakened fruit for now.

Another interesting thing is that he can recharge luna's reserves by letting her absorb his solar and lunar attacks.So they don't have to worry about her going on low reserves if she has Yami by her side or if she learns the solar and lunar breathing on her own by him.And the most broken ability of this fruit at the unawakened state will be it's ability to transform into a giant Robot like transformers!The only downside it it will need a high amounts of energy,and Luna will have to expand her reserves that are like chakra reserves if he had to give a reference.He is already dreaming about doing a cool entry in marine ford using the robot.

Luna looked at her captain with a dull expression as he was again fantasizing about the ship while looking at her and giggling and saying mega zord or something.She had gotten to know everyone in the crew.Her captain was reliable, strong,but was a chunibyo and a little pervert as he sometimes looked at her and other girls when they stretched,were bending or anything.Zoro likes to practice swords,is less talkative,likes to sleep and can forgive you or do your work if you give him booze.Nami likes money,is caring and can sometimes be scary if money is mentioned.Nojiko and Makino are like big sisters of the group as they take care of everyone,but the looks the three girls besides her give Yami is not like a look given to a little brother,but something different.

As the Ship was sailing,Yami called nami and told her the destination they were heading."Syrup village?"Nami asked as Yami nodded."I heard that there is a rich girl that has some health problems,she was aspiring to become a doctor.I was gonna try to recruit her,but when I saw the image of her butler,I have thought of saving her.The butler is none another than a pirate named captain kuro.He is likely playing with that girls feelings before he takes her property and kills her."Hearing Yami's words,the crew were silent as their captain was really strange.

He is literally saving people like them,well, minus Luna who was saved by Yami's Sensei.But they think that it's ok as they are really happy to follow this chunibyo captain."Oh,it's the news coo."Luna said as a bird appeared flying towards them.Yami smiled as he pulled out some berry and gave it to the bird.The bird happily chirped as it gave today's news paper to Yami and flew away.

When Yami opened the newspaper,3 bounty posters fell out infront of the crew.They were shocked and shouted loudly as Zoro was also woken up as he arrived at the shouting group,with Makino also coming from the kitchen to see the commotion.The duo were also shocked to see the bounty.Its because the three bounties are of Yami,Zoro and Makino!
















"WE GOT BOUNTIES!"The trio shouted in happiness,well,Zoro and Yami did,while Makino said bitterly as she has finally stepped in her path,but looking at the happy Yami,she smiled as she was not gonna stop.

"H-hundred Million!What did you guys do to get this much!"Nami shouted in despair as Nojiko tried to calm down the crying nami while Luna started muttering about when she will get her bounty.

While the Kitsune pirates were celebrating, except the despairing nami,the world was also shocked to see a newcomer from east blue to get a starting bounty of 100 million!There were many power factions that were interested in this group.A giant man with horns at his head looked at Yami's and Makino's bounty posters with a certain gleam.A giant ugly women laughed while stuffing food in her mouth.A clocked figure looked at the bounty with calculative look.A red haired man with a missing arm looked shocked at the bounty of Makino.A person sitting in a coffin looked at Zoro's bounty with a contemplative look.

"For getting our first Bounties,i think it's time for Celebration!Let's party!"Yami declared as the others also cheered as Makino and Nojiko started making food for the party while Zoro and Yami were drinking and dancing while putting their hands on eachothers shoulders. Nami and Luna also shared a light drink.

(Find out next time on One piece:Nine tails)