Chapter 16: History,Part 1!

The Kitsune pirates were gathered together as they looked at their captive. Tashigiri had tears in her eyes but looked defiantly at Yami, as if to say that even if he gets his evil ways with her,she will not give in to him.Yami's eyebrows twitched as Zoro snickered while the girls looked at Yami flatly and Barto was muttering something along the lines of,'as expected of Senpai'.

"I am not going to do anything that you are thinking, Tashigiri."Yami said while tashigiri glared at him."Then why did you kidnap me!" She knew that she was only a Colonel,that to in the weakest sea,so him kidnapping her without wanting her body didn't make sence. "It's because of your potential."Yami said as that got tashigiri and his crew's attention. The group didn't expect their perverted captain to say something like this.

"Zoro,when you fought tashigiri,you should have gauged her strength.What do you think. How would your fight have gone if you haven't trained with me."Zoro was silent,before he spoke."It will be a little difficult,but i could still defeat her."Tashigiri looked startled at his admission before Yami continued."Exactly, now imagine her potential if she learnt haki and the sword technique I know.Her level can definitely be at the division captain level of the 4 emperors if she gets training under me for 2 years,with a good devil fruit."

Tashigiri and the others were surprised by the words spoken by Yami.'M-me?At the level of an emperor division captain?' Tashigiri thought before Yami continued."Also,I did not wanted to waste her potential or let her be used by the world government against us or be seen by the celestial dragons.Imagine what those bastards will do to her."The Kitsune pirates looked at Luna who had a pensive expression as she looked at the sea.

"W-what are you talking about.I am not that strong,and what is this about the world government using me and me meeting the celestial dragons?"Tashigiri asked as she was getting more and more confused by the second.Yami's nails grew as he Slashed the ropes that tied tashigiri, surprising her as he sat on the ground and motioned her and everyone else to sit as well.

"Let me tell you everything that happened 800 years ago."Yami said in a serious voice as he started telling them everything he knew about the world government.He was gonna need everyone who can help him,and these guys needed to know just what they were gonna face.

"800 years ago,this world was in peace under the leadership of a kingdom which was considered to be the strongest kingdom in the world.The kingdom ruled the world and maintained its peace and tranquility for a long time.They even had made three

Powers for the major problems everyone faced when traveling in the sea."

Yami showed his index finger as he continued."The first was called Pluton which was used to help people cross the sea safely while being able to one shot giant sea kings that were at the size of an island or even three times bigger than an island.It was said to be the perfect and strongest ship in history and it still holds that title."The group shuddered when they thought about what kind of monsters lived in the sea that were this big.They were also shocked by the power of Pluton described by Yami.'There is such a thing made by people!?' Hana thought as she wondered if she could reach the level of the genius that could make this ship.

Yami showed his second finger as he continued."The second is a power that was born in the royal family of the Fishmen island.It belongs to the mermaid princess, called Poseidon.It gives the user the ability to control and command the sea kings.And you could guess what kind of mayhem it could cause if used by the wrong people.But she was kind as she used it to help people while making connections with the strongest kingdom so that the people of Fishmen island could one day come and live on the surface of the sea instead of staying in the depths of the sea."

The second power made their jaw drop as it was a perverted ability.Anyone could basically rule the sea if they used it for their evil intentions.It was good that the mermaid princess was kind and only used it to help people.'There is such a power present in this World?'Tashigiri thought as she looked at Yami, forgetting that he was a pirate for a moment as she was in a trance by the information Yami was giving them.

Yami showed his third finger as he said."And the final power is called Uranus.It is a machine that can be used to control the weather as the grandline has ridiculous type of weather.One second it is raining while the other second it is a hailstorm."The group were surprised that a machine that can control weather was made 800 years ago."Things were going peacefully in the world,but then, the worst happened."Yami said as his face showed a serious expression.

"A person name imu appeared at that time.He wanted to rule the world,so he schemed against the strongest kingdom and somehow made 20 kingdom's follow him as they attacked and destroyed the strongest kingdom.After destroying that kingdom,Imu gave the 20 rulers of the supporting kingdoms who followed him the status of celestial dragons while bullshitting about them being the descendents of god's to fool everyone in the world."Yami said as the group paid rapt attention when Yami mentioned imu while tashigiri,Barto and Desire were surprised by the actions of imu.

"One of the rulers of the kingdom,the queen of alabasta Lily,for some reason rejected the idea of joining the celestial dragons and left the alliance.Imu created a system called the world government to control the activities of the world by using the organisation he created called the marines.He let people join the Marines thinking they are doing the right thing by following the descendents of the gods and bringing justice to people from pirates,who appeared because they opposed the rule of Imu."

"The marines are created for his use!?" Tashigiri shouted as she looked at Yami who just nodded at her."If you don't believe me,then wait for a while as I will be meeting someone soon who will answer your questions,which definitely will make you Willing to join me to overthrow Imu."The group wondered who he was gonna meet to make tashigiri believe his words and make her join him.

(Please give some power stones.)

(Find out next time on One piece:Nine tails)