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The empress laid on the private room bed in the hospital he was admitted to. He's body connected to all kinds of varies tubes and wires. True to Ress's words Aria had sustained a few broken ribs, a punctured lung, concussion and a damaged liver. But as a strong willed fighter would strive to live, Aria wasn't joining the dead anytime soon."When will mommy wake up?" Ariel asked as she held unto her mother's motionless hand. She was seated on her maternal grandmother's lap, whilst Aaron and Alex stood by king Paul's side. Kathy was also present, holding Anna in her hands as they stood by Aria's bed."Very soon, my love. Mommy just needs a little bit of rest ok?" Adela said as she kissed Ariel's forehead. The little girl nodded her head as she sniffled and held her grandmother tight.Eunuch Ress had gone to his wife as per Aria's request and was now spending time with his wife. Some may think it a horrific thing to do, leaving your master on their sick bed to go and canoodle with your wife, but Aria's words are words that hold weight and eunuch Ress knows not to cross them, even as a best friend.Tyler was outside the room, along with his guards and of course favorite imperial concubine. King Paul was livid when he saw the duo walk down the corridor that led to Aria's room. He made sure that the emperor couldn't get inside the room at any cost, they were divorced and Tyler didn't love Aria so he had no reason to be here. He never cared for Aria and Aria is the one who's hurt and not the children thus reason why he has absolutely zero reason to be in front o the room of the wife he abused."King Paul, I have new news." The doctor said as he entered the occupied room. A room that looked more like a hotel suite than a hospital room. All the heads except the children turned to the doctor."Yes?""It seems like the empress-""prince." Kathy interrupted."I'm sorry ? " The doctor asked clearly confused."The prince, he no longer holds the empress title." King Paul explained."Oh. Ok. As I was saying the prince, was pregnant and-" the doctor said before getting interrupted yet again."WHAT!" The adults present yelled, scaring the poor children out of their wits."Wait a minute. What do you mean was?" Meredith asked."It seemed like, he was pregnant with two zygotes, but he lost one. He lost too much blood and the stress his body endured made him have a miscarriage. The other one seems fine but I can't make any promises, I mean it's still intact on the uterine wall, but like I said no promises because we're not sure if it won't fall off in a few days, let's just hope for the best." The doctor said as he looked at the shocked family. He left the room after a few minutes of checking Aria's vitals.He did get stopped out side by Tyler and the emperor received the same news. Tyler was a hurricane of emotions after hearing the news. He was elated and sad at the same time. Rose on the other hand was fuming with anger, for what you won't know. Her daughter is already the crown princess, the heir to the throne and she herself is the only woman the emperor ever beds with.To be angry at an ex wife of her husband, an ex wife who gave her daughter treasures and a royal title, a title given to only the children of the monarch couple is more than propestrous, it's revolting beyond words. Aria no longer held his hand around her throat. Aria is not the reason why Tyler is infront of his room, the emperor chose to be here and Rose tagged along when she strictly was told not to. "Why didn't he just die?" Rose whispered to herself not knowing the emperor heard her. Tyler looked down at the woman in her arms and glared at her.Rose who was looking down felt the cold stare and she looked up to meet with Tyler's cold eyes. She shuddered under his gaze, sure she knew that Tyler was bark but no talk, Rose still knew that this man could make one question their whole life with just a stare."Don't ever say that!" Tyler all but whisper yelled. The duo were in a different country and had no advantage here. Hearing the concubine of another nation curse the death of the prince was beyond treacherous."Sorry, but I just think it'll be easier if he was gone." She continued maliciously."We're literally divorced Rose, he's not coming back. Jasmine is the heir to my throne. What more do you want from him? We're also about to severe ties and the only thing that'll keep me and them connected is those four children in there, five now given that he's pregnant. Other than that, we're not related." Tyler practically whispered this was confidential information, information a concubine should know nothing of, especially this now grinning concubine."So tell me Rose what more do you want from my ex empress? You're literally as powerful as an empress because of Jasmine's title. Be joyous about that and stop being malicious at my ex wife's condition." Tyler said heavily. His chest was heavy, he didn't know why he felt that way or may he did because it only hurt when he looked at his ex wife from a distance. A door that kept the former couple apart from each other, a couple whose relationship crumbled because of an egoistic emperor. An emperor so blinded by the wrong love that he didn't see genuine love from his wife, but it was too late now.Soon enough war will be upon Tyler and only Aria can stop it, but what if that same war was brought upon Atlia but it's former empress."So he's pregnant again huh?" King Paul said sighing."Don't say it like that." Adela said looking at her husband."Like what?" The king played dumb."Like you don't want our Aria to have another child.""Aria can have twenty children for all I care , I just don't want Tyler's blood fused with my baby's." The king stated calmly."The quad?"" I love the quad. I don't like their father , heck they don't even know their father more reason to hate the bastard.""Language Paul." Adela said covering

Ariel's ears. The king chuckled and mouthed a small sorry making the queen smile herself. Kathy just sat there holding Anna and Aria's hand.

She was elated that Aria was pregnant again but she was definitely sad at the current stage her son in law was in."I'm sorry I'm late!" The crown princess, Anita, Aria's sister said as she entered the room."Nita?" The king questioned."What Didn't expect me to come?" Anita asked with a snicker, her fiance Josh in tow."That's not it Nita and you know that." The king said with a small smile. He had missed this bundle of sassy joy."How's he doing anyway?" The young lady of twenty six years old asked. She looked towards her brother's body with a sincere, sad and full of love smile."Hanging in there, but you know your brother he's a survivor. He'll get through this I'm sure." Adela said looking at her daughter with love and worry."He's pregnant too.""Dang it! Again." Anita said in a disappointed tone."What?" The king asked."Why can't I get pregnant like him? He's always lucky. Josh and I have been tryin multiple times but nothing's productive." Anita said sadly, Josh put his arm around her shoulders in a loving manner."Anita. Don't rush it I'm sure you'll get pregnant w-""When the time comes, I know, but when is it that time. I'm growing impatient." She asked and the king just shrugged his shoulders."Look at how grown your nieces and nephews are." The queen said changing the topic and she did successfully because Anita played with Aaron and Anna who were still awake. The other two were already laid on the couch asleep.Kathy's mind was very occupied at the moment. The attack on Aria's fleet, Tyler will be going to war soon and the new unborn baby. It was a mess honestly and Kathy didn't know what to do."Kathy. You do know what comes next right?" King Paul whispered in the queen empress' ear. It startled the old woman at first but she soon composed herself."Yeah, but hopefully I think you should wait for Aria to recover before going after his ex husband. The attack on Aria's fleet on the other hand should be dealt with quickly, I'll also help where I can and get them trialed. Beheaded at most." The queen empress said. The king just nodded his head in acknowledgement."I won't attack your people though, just the palace." He added before walking out of the room.I'm coming for you and you will pay. The king mouthed to Tyler who stood up when king Paul exited the room. The king had a sinister smile on whilst relaying that message to the emperor.