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The Golden palace was elated to receive the news of their master's return and we're eagerly waiting for Aria by the palace hall.The Golden palace had a huge long hall that greeted it's guests upon arrival from the main door. The hall were the remaining maids that stayed when Aria was in Allira were stood waiting for their empress to return."Welcome back your highness." The maids said all at the same time bowing their heads in respect."We hope you had a pleasant trip back your highness." Mia said as she approached the empress."It's good to be back." Aria lied through his teeth. A lie he intends to keep on going for the sake of keeping his husband and best friend alive.If Rose was able to shoot down his plane, then she was capable of doing much worse and as much as Aria did now want to return to Atlia, he didn't have much of a choice even though he knows damn well that's a lie."We're back! Hello aunt Mia." Aaron said jumping into the maid's hands. The rest of the three came running in to the hall, rushing towards their favorite maids. Each child had three assigned maids for them, one who the two other maids listened to with no questions asked.Aaron's maid was Mia, she was the Head of her maiden duo, Anna had a maid called Risa, who also had two maids under her. Alex had Annivia and two others and last but not least was Ariel who had a total of four maids, Rita being the Head of her maiden trio.The Heads maids of Aria and his children were noblewomen from Allira who volunteered voluntarily to be of support to Aria and his children. They were of noble and gentry blood. They were no ordinary women either, the whole of Aria's entourage was specially trained, some more than the others.Eunuch Ress, Eunice, Mia, Risa, Annivia and Rita were all personally trained by Aria and we're the best at protecting the family of five, six now. Aria had yet to tell the court that he was yet again pregnant, at present only he's children, maternal family, in laws and Rose knew that he was bearing another royal heir.He intends to call for a royal gathering to announce the news to the kingdom."Eunice call for the emperor I need to see him urgently in my study." Aria said, heading towards his study, usually he'd be the one going to Tyler's study if he wanted to talk to him, since it was proper manners for a Monarch's wife to go to him instead of the other way round."Yes your highness." Eunice said, pulling out her mobile phone to text the emperor's eunuch, Leonard to tell him of the empress' request."You're pregnant." Eunice whispered very low that only Aria heard him, along with Rita, Risa, Mia and Annivia. Making the four Head maids turn their heads towards the empress and were shocked to see him shrug with a happy smile. Sure they'd be happy for him, but thinking back to how the child was conceived, they're not sure how to feel.Although they got to hand it to Aria for being calm and collected about the baby."Yes indeed." Aria said turning a corner at the end of the big hall."Your majesty the empress requests your presence in his study." Eunuch Leonard said as he read the text sent by Eunice."Growing balls huh Aria?" Tyler mumbled under his breath."You said something your majesty?" Leonard asked."No Leo, nothing of importance, let's go to the empress at once." He said standing up from the bench in his garden.Although the emperor stayed at Allira for the past two months, he's working spirit wasn't stagnant. He worked even from another country, although some of his ministers were against it, they could do nothing but grumble in protest and not take action."Your highness, the emperor has arrived, should I let him?" Eunice asked as she opened the door to Aria's study, to which she received a nod and proceeded to guide the sovereign in. Tyler walked in through the door and took a look at Aria's study, a place in the mysterious Golden palace he never entered. He doesn't even know how many rooms are in the Golden palace since it wasn't built by him."What does my beautiful wife need from me to have called me all the way here." Tyler said as he walked towards Aria, who was seated behind his big oak desk."Greetings to you too your majesty. And please be seated." Aria said formally, too formal for Tyler's liking."My bad where are my manners. Greetings to you too, your highness." Tyler said as he sat on the couch in front of Aria's desk.The study room didn't look like it hadn't been used for the past two months, it looked like the empress has been in here the night before, but contradictory fact being that Aria just arrived in Atlia today itself. It looks well kept, as expected of the empress' maids."So my wife, what is it that you called me here for today?" Tyler asked as he put one leg over the other and sat comfortably looking at Aria with a smile."I want us to resolve our divorce agreement as fast as possible, I want to give you the contract about my army and to retake my role as the empress of Atlia. These are the main points for what I want us to discuss, is there anything you want to add to the list so we can see to it?" Aria stated as he closed the file he was looking into."About our divorce agreement....

..... I never signed it nor got it legally approved..." Tyler said slowly waiting for Aria's reaction only to receive non.

"Will Jasmine still be the crown princess though?" Tyler asked as he saw that Aria had no intention of relieving the awkward tension that was beginning to build up."Your daughter will still be the crown princess yes. Why do you ask?" Aria questioned."The heir to the throne is a direct descendant of both the empress and emperor of the country. If you retake your role as empress that means it will shift the rights for the throne to your children." Tyler said carelessly failing to notice the way Aria's face contorted when Tyler said your children.They were his children too, they were their children, not only Aria's but Tyler's too, but he doesn't even acknowledge that.Aria knew he shouldn't have chosen to come back but it's not like he has a choice now. He does though, have a choice, but he's adamant on choosing to ignore the whole damn thing and think of himself as choice less empress."Your majesty, I know your concerned about me wielding absolute power over your country if my children are reinstated as the heirs to throne-""That's not what I meant, I-" Tyler interrupted Aria but he himself got interrupted too."Your majesty I'm still speaking. As I was saying, I will not take back my decree from two months ago, but I will revise each and every one of them. So rest assured, Crown princess Jasmine will be the crown princess by name until she is actually coronated on her eighteen birthday, thirteen years from now, but I can't be sure if that will happen or not. So for now she is indeed the crown princess and heir to the throne. Our children will be exempted from the right to the throne until further notice." Aria explained elegantly whilst sipping a cup of creamed coffee."Any other problems your majesty? Oh and those twenty new concubines will be disposed off by tomorrow, only those willing to stay will stay. I mean it can't hurt to have some new company in bed now can it your majesty." Aria said with a small smirk at the end of his sentence."You know I only lay with Rose. So why keep them?" Tyler asked genuinely curious."To build alliances for my dear husband of course and if you only lie in bed with Rose, why am I three months pregnant and she's not a single month pregnant again yet you've been in her bed for how long again... oh yes for fifteen years?" Aria smiled looking Tyler straight in the eyes and saw that the emperor's ears were a shade pink and he's face was a little red.Tyler indeed was blushing and he was borderline embarrassed about it. He ran a hand across him face and stood up very quickly."Ummm..... Uh .. have ..a-a .. nice D-Day. Aria." Tyler struggled to say, he had never felt so hot in his entire life and the look Aria was given him wasn't helping at all. The empress had a hungry and lustful look in his eyes, the same look he saw the second time he met Aria fifteen years ago."Where are you going? We're not done yet your majesty." Aria said like a coy little mistress."Ummm. W-we're not? Uh.. umm w-what's l-left?" Tyler asked genuinely confused."Why are you all red, my love?" Aria asked innocently like he didn't know why Tyler was having a full on mental breakdown because of him."Uh.. n-nothing. It's j-just hot in here.... Yeah i-it's hot." Tyler said fanning himself like mad."The AC is on I don't feel any heat." Aria said pointing at the air-conditioner which was working perfectly fine, blowing in fresh cool air. Contrary to what Tyler was talking about."Oh my gosh! Is it that your majesty is blushing?" Aria gasped so poorly one would see he was acting and acting horribly at that."N-no .... NO! I'm not. I-I'm n-not blushing." Tyler retorted swallowing hard and trying to rip his neck button open."Your majesty must go rest if your sick. Which I highly doubt is the cause, but anyway we're done for now." Aria said completely calm and unaffected by Tyler's antics.When the emperor heard this he dashed out of the study like a chicken bolting towards food. Once Tyler was gone, Aria bust out into fits of laughter."What did you do to make the emperor run like a man running for his life?" Eunice said as she entered the room. Aria just smirked and shrugged, the head Maid didn't need to think too hard to know the answer.Tyler's face said it all.