Chapter 13

All this time, the fallen angels, the ones that were under Raynare's control were beginning to fear for their lives. The rumors of one of the larger legions of fallen angels being killed by the, supposedly through rumors, the same person that killed the great Tiamat had brought pure fear into the small army that Raynare had created.

"Who the hell is behind all this?" Raynare thought while sitting down on the little throne that she created. "Thousands of fallen angels, all were killed in a single day. Who would be this monstrous to do something like this?"

She began worrying if she would be next. If her small army would be next. She had her little scared gear, which should be able to handle some blows. How would it fair against someone that could incinerate thousands of middles to high-class fallen angels? "I need to be smart... I need numbers against the world. I can't sacrifice my comrades just yet."

Raynare thought about it. She was the strongest in the army that she created, and she was barely able to reach the point of obtaining four wings. The person behind the massacre turned four winged fallen angels like her into nothingness.

"We must hide but where? Every area around the globe has a powerful supernatural world faction that would be waiting for us." Raynare began sighing, she hated thinking hard about doing things.

However, on the other side of the spectrum.

"So, that was what happened. I was surprised to see that you were losing control of yourself. Luckily, I was able to direct your anger into the Boosted Gear and turn that into a desire."

"That makes sense. Tiamat was a Dragon King. Killing her would definitely throw the supernatural world into a little bit of a panic. Seeing one of the more powerful being dying would make sure that the supernatural world would be on guard."

"Don't worry about that, I killed her at such speed and the sudden death of the dragon king brought more confusion than panic. Remember, the world has grown to the point a dragon king won't be much of a threat. She was just a simple warning to them."

"Gotcha! Now, with this Balance Breaker, how powerful should I be?"

"Partner, never let the thought of being enough to get to you. Even with the Balance Breaker, the more powerful leaders of the supernatural world could still kill you off pretty easily. Your aura isn't weaponized but rather a reactor. It's not harnessed to the greatest potential. I want you to continue training. With your aura alone, you should be able to get to the level of a dragon king in your base form bare minimum. Combine that with the Boosted Gear and you'll be touching the territory of the Heavenly Dragons. I want you to reach that level before trying to deal with the world."

"How powerful am I currently?" Issei was very clueless about how powerful he was. He didn't know the rankings of the fallen angels; he just knew the wings meant more power.

"Just you alone without your aura, you're about as powerful as the weaker high-class beings. Pretty good for a hatchling. However, the moment your aura is included, your power becomes more of a nuclear-ticking bomb. Easily soaring past all high classes and reaching peak high class. Apply Balance Breaker and your aura, you could deal with... Powerful beings." Ddraig was careful with his words, he didn't want to give Issei too much confidence in his abilities. He didn't want to make him... Confident that he was powerful enough to face off against beings that he knew he couldn't.

"Okay, what's the next plan, boss?"

"Run around the place with a projection of..." Ddraig stopped speaking and forcefully moved Issei's hand and formed a projection of a large dragon. It was a projection of Ddraig. "Me on your back."

The moment that Ddraig landed on Issei's back, the ground cracked from the pressure. "What the hell? Why do you weigh so much?"

"Magic." That was all that he needed to say. "Now, start moving those legs and start running because to make it harder for you, the ground will begin to burn behind you."

"What?" And with a single snap from Ddraig's finger, the ground behind Issei literally turned-on fire. "Oh shit! Here we go!"

However, after the entire massacre that Issei had caused, the one that took the most damage was the leader of the legion. Azazel, sitting down in his office while thinking to himself, he was frustrated with himself.

"Who would do such a thing? Killing off thousands of fallen angels within a single day. This type of violence was only seen during the Great War. I thought that we had moved past those days..." Azazel thought while sitting down and exploding in anger. His magical presence easily dwarfed anyone in the area, all the fallen angels in Grigori were floored by the pressure of the original fallen angel, the one that started the race itself. "Was it Rizevim? Has he started his approach? Vali, where are you?"

At the moment that he said the name, the door opened to the office and in came Vali. Taking a few steps forward and seeing Azazel, he immediately began talking, "It was brutal."

"Describe it and tell me everything that you found."

"Nothing but a desert filled with lava lakes flowing throughout the terrain. The life that existed there was in ruins. Not a single trace of a fallen angel was found in that area. They were incinerated by something extremely hot. This gives me the impression that a dragon must have done it. This leaves me with questions of who would have done such things?" Albion spoke through the wings on Vali's back.

"Alright, thank you for that. For now, the person behind this is still unknown. For whatever we know, this person could have been doing this in self-defense. I will order the entire faction to make sure that they double-check their surroundings when going on missions. I fear that making an enemy out of this person would be a terrible decision, but if this happens again. Vali, I'm going to need you and the other Cadres to work together in taking this monster down."

"Yes sir!" The thought of fighting this mysterious individual put Vali on edge. Someone that was able to defeat Tiamat. Juggernaut Drive will be needed to defeat this individual.

"Now leave! I have a bunch of announcements to deliver." Vali left the room leaving Azazel deep in thought. It couldn't have been the Red Dragon Emperor. For someone's strength to increase from low-class to ultimate-class bare minimum in a couple of months is unheard of. That would be an impossible idea. That would be an even larger anomaly than Sirzechs, far larger of an anomaly than him. "Could it have been him? No, it couldn't have been Crom, that monster wouldn't waste his time with my troops. He could fight against the Gods and fold most of them into nothingness. Why fight against my troops? Then again, the destruction that was said was pure incineration. Could it have been one of the other evil dragons?"

Azazel began rubbing his temples while getting up. "I'm getting too old for this shit. I need to raise that child more carefully because I need someone to take over my position. I hate being the leader. No wonder Michael and Sirzechs cry about their job so much."

Grabbing a mug of coffee, Azazel sipped it and began to feel pleasure like never before, "Humans... They are such precious creatures. Making these amazing food and drinks, humans must be protected."

This situation slowly began dying down... The only change that happened was that all the factions were left on guard. They began fearing for this individual. Most of the faction began deeming this monster as, "He who slays." The name was given for how a dragon and fallen angels were slain by this individual meaning that no one was safe from this being. The leaders continued doing whatever they needed to do, paperwork and a bunch of meetings. Issei, however, was beginning to finally grasp more control over his aura...

"Just like that." Ddraig said while helping Issei with his flow of aura. "Begin thinking that the aura is flowing through your body. Focus on your hands first. Once you feel the aura, then slowly begin moving to your forearms. Just that step alone will open up many different ways of using your aura rather than using yourself as a nuclear bomb."

Issei closed his eyes and began doing that. Over the course of a couple of days, he had gotten the most experience in using his aura than ever before. He began feeling what his body feels when his aura expanded. His body begins to feel heated, but the type of heat that felt good.

Feeling that same heat, Issei began feeling that in his hands. Watching as his arms began being engulfed by a blue aura. What Issei had noticed was that anger and sadness fuels his power. If he was to memorize this feeling of his aura and how he brings it to his forearms, then he could subconsciously do it during battle even when he loses control of his mind.

Closing his eyes, Issei began sensing the same heat slowly moving towards his forearms. Continuously, he continued doing so... He didn't have much time before his mind would randomly begin going toward negative thoughts. It continued... Issei began feeling the heat crawling up his body. "No way, this is far better than I thought."

Ddraig was shocked and impressed beyond belief. He was expecting Issei to fail continuously because of how unstable his aura could potentially become when even a single negative thought would invade his mind. However, in front of him was his partner having his arms entirely covered by his aura.

Issei opened his eyes when hearing the impressed Ddraig. He smiled upon seeing his advancements. "With just this small advancement, you could concentrate on making a barrier against dragon slayer-type weapons."

"Wouldn't that be useless for my current goal of becoming more powerful rather than becoming more defensive? Versatility is great... But it could only go so far."

"That may be partially true, but now the supernatural world will begin using any sort of weapon against you. If a single rumor comes out that you have the Boosted Gear with you, they will spam dragon slayer weapons against you. Having this could lessen the impact and if mastered to a certain extent, build pure immunity to those types of weapons."

Issei nodded along with that. It was inevitable that he would make his grand appearance as the Red Dragon Emperor in the supernatural world, having something to counteract his weakness would help his survivability. He needed to survive to make his dream come true.

"Not only that but having this much control will lower your chances of being detected since you don't need to entirely rely on your aura exploding."

"True, now what's for the physical part of training."

Ddraig smiled and started laughing, "Time for some shadow boxing... You may have some experience in fighting the fallen angels, but not nearly enough for my taste."

"Speaking about that, I had this question in my mind for a little while. How am I going to catch up with the experience that these older, more ancient beings have in combat?"

Ddraig continued laughing, "Novice at its finest. Age doesn't give you experience in combat. Tiamat was just as old as me, but I ended her in a single strike and predicted every movement that she did, could have done, and would have done. Even with a weaker body, she was stronger and more agile, but she didn't know how to fight like I did... She became rusty over the years. The same could be said with most of the leaders in the supernatural world. Trust me, partner, just being advanced will be enough for now."

Issei smiled, with one of his concerns out of the way, he was ready for some actual training.