Chapter 23

Issei had left his parents another letter saying that he would be back in a week. He needed to do something very important but in reality, Ddraig had brought him to the other side of the world, the United States of America, to train. The reasoning was quite obvious, he wanted to have Issei fight against the Greek Gods there. Most of the Greek Gods would love to fight against someone powerful, and this would be the perfect experience for Issei. Issei decided that he would explore the jungles, explore the forests since they had barely any humans around.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round-"

"Could you please stop that?" Ddraig calmly said.

"Ddraig, you're ruining my fun."

Ddriag growled, "What type of fun is this? How bored must you be for you to sing that childish song for an eternity?"

"Ddraig, I feel hurt. I can't believe you find that boring."

"I can literally sense your emotions and read some of your thoughts... You're bored beyond belief." Ddraig wasn't lying, but Issei didn't want to admit it.

"Best buddy! This is the fun you have been missing out on for years."

"I'm glad that I have been dead. I can't imagine doing this for fun."

Issei pouted as he looked around the forest while he jumped from tree to tree, "Fine, if you're not going to appreciate my musical talents, I'll just enjoy the scenery in silence. But mark my words, Ddraig, I'll be singing this song and will strike fear into everyone."

Ddraig snorted, "Fear, huh? I'm sure the Greek Gods would be quivering in their sandals at the mere mention of your bus song."

Issei crossed his arms defiantly. "Oh, they would, Ddraig. Just you wait. They'll beg for an encore! 'The Wheels on the Chariot' will be a hit!"

Ddraig couldn't help but chuckle at Issei's weirdness. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to liven up our journey with a little entertainment. Just promise me you won't break into a dance routine."

Issei gasped dramatically. "No dance routine? But that's half the fun! Picture it, Ddraig, me grooving to the beat, slaying monsters with my killer moves. The Gods won't know what hit 'em!"

Ddraig shook his head, a mix of exasperation and amusement in his eyes. "Issei, I'm not sure if the Greek Gods are ready for your dance battles. Let's focus on honing your combat skills instead."

Issei sighed dramatically, feigning disappointment. "Fine, fine, you're right. I'll save the dance-off for another time. But mark my words, Ddraig, the day will come when I unleash my secret weapon—the Funky Phoenix!"

Ddraig raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "The Funky Phoenix? Is that some kind of legendary technique?"

Issei nodded, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Oh, it's legendary, all right. Picture me bursting into flames, disco lights sparkling all around me, as I take down my enemies with irresistible rhythm."

Ddraig couldn't help but laugh heartily, his deep voice rumbling like thunder. "Issei, you never fail to surprise me. But I have to admit, the Funky Phoenix does sound... intriguing. Perhaps we can work on it after we're done with the Greek Gods?"

Issei's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? You mean it, Ddraig? The Funky Phoenix lives!"

Ddraig nodded, a twinkle of amusement in his dragon eyes. "Yes, Issei. The Funky Phoenix lives, and together, we shall unleash it upon the world!"

Issei and Ddraig continued roaming around the place, the jungles are quite a large place, and exploring them and seeing all the wildlife was something that amazed Issei, but bored the hell out of Ddraig. The ancient dragon had to rely on speaking with Issei to fill his amusement, especially when Issei would stop and investigate some animals on what they do. Sometimes, Issei would poke birds in the air to see what would happen to them while they flew. Needless to say, most of them flew right into trees.

While Issei was sitting next to a squirrel, looking up at the trees. This was the most peaceful Issei had been. Nothing was out trying to kill him yet, Ddraig was practicing some new moves to try out in combat. Speaking of which, Ddraig did say that he was using a humanoid form in the boosted gear to train, Issei wondered what he looked like.

"I look badass. That's all you need to know."

"Where's the source? The evidence?"

"Trust me, bro!" That was when an arrow was shot directly at Issei. Dodging the arrow and turning to see who it was, but he didn't see anyone. Strange...

"What the hell?" Issei went silent after that. Watching the forest, he knew that someone was out there. Leaping into the air, Issei quickly landed on the top of a tree branch. The speed of that arrow made it clear that the arrow was shot by something from the supernatural world.

Looking around, using more of his draconic powers, Issei waited for the next arrow to come at him. The moment that he felt something approaching him, the moment that it was released from its owner, Issei disappeared from sight and appeared right in front of a woman. This woman had a tethered rob, beaten and ragged, wrapped around her entire body while having plentiful of feathered arrows attached to the robe. A bow in one hand, and her other hand was already approaching Issei to smack him. Without hesitation, Issei punched the woman right in the jaw, sending a few pieces of her teeth flying off while her body was spiraling through the forest. She wasn't alone... Once noticing her presence and connecting the dots, Issei was beginning to feel several other signatures similar to the woman in front.

Turning his head to the right, there were four aiming their bows at him; his left had the same, but he wasn't worried about them. From what he was sensing, they had no significant source of power that he should be aware of...

"Partner, be very careful of what you do. These are the huntresses of Artemis. One of the very few Goddesses that I hoped you never encountered." Artemis... Issei had heard from Ddraig, before they had arrived in this forest, of her hatred of men. Her views on men could be summed up as her seeing them as these monsters only good for evil.

"What the hell do I even do? I already punched one of her huntresses." Issei continued being on guard.

"Try and speak with them."

"Alright, quite the hiding. Come out and speak. You draw your weapon at me and expect me to do nothing about it?" Looking in the direction of each and every huntress in the area, they began emerging seeing as though their camouflage didn't work.

"You don't ask the questions, disgusting pig. We are the ones to ask. This is our territory." One of them spoke.

"And you aimed to end my life before we spoke." Issei remained unfazed by the insult. He would try and remain as calm as he could. Fighting against Artemis would be detrimental for him, especially when this would lead into a specific Thunder God being angered by what he has done. He wasn't on the level of the upper Gods in the supernatural world... not yet.

"It doesn't matter." Now this was beginning to fuel Issei's anger. "Just wait here and wait for our lady to show up."

Shit... this was going far worse than Issei had imagined. What was he going to do? He could easily disappear from these women's sights, but they would easily risk the chance of Artemis being informed and letting the others know of his whereabouts in this country. He could stay and face Artemis and potentially speak with her and get off free without any problems. "Listen, remain here for now. Artemis could be easily persuaded. Hopefully. Zeus and the others, once being informed of you being a threat, will cause an even larger problem. Hades being involved will cause even more problems. Just stay here and if things go south, I will get involved."

Deciding to wait it out, Issei decided to sit down against a tree and relax. He was paying attention to his surroundings, but he made sure to direct his eye contact away from any of these women... He remembered something about Artemis having a huge disliking towards men. Her huntresses were all that she trusted so if they informed her of him doing anything suspicious then shit will happen to him.

The huntresses decided to stay around him, keeping their bows aimed directly at him. A few minutes passed to several minutes which felt like an eternity as Issei waited. The tension in the air was palpable, and the insults and accusations that awaited him in the presence of Artemis loomed over him like a storm cloud.

Finally, Artemis arrived, her presence emanating power and authority. She looked at Issei with disdain, her eyes filled with contempt.

"So, you're the filth who dares to trespass in my territory," Artemis sneered, her voice dripping with venomous disdain. She looked around, noticing one of her huntresses being knocked unconscious by a near tree. "What happened here?"

They all pointed towards Issei, all of the huntresses did. "Wait... She shot the arrow first." Issei tried to defend his position. However, this further angered Artemis, who was glaring at him with pure hatred.

"Listen... If we want to leave this area without any problems. Just take in a few insults..." Ddraig was really trying to maintain Issei's anger. The stakes were high... If it released that Issei was any sort of threat to the Greek Mythological Gods, then they would try their best to hunt him down. He didn't want Issei to face the likes of Zeus or Hades just yet.

Mentally nodding, Issei maintained his composure, refusing to rise to her provocations. He knew that he needed to choose his words carefully if he wanted any chance of persuading her to let him leave unscathed.

"I mean no disrespect, Lady Artemis," Issei spoke respectfully, his voice calm and measured. "I merely stumbled upon this place by chance. I assure you; I have no ill intentions towards you or your huntresses. That woman shot an arrow at me, and I unconsciously swung my hand in self-defense, fearing for my life. It was after I landed the blow when reality dawned upon me of what I have done." It really hurt Issei to play nice when he was being accused of being disgusting once more.

Artemis scoffed, a derisive smile playing on her lips. "Oh, I'm sure. Men like you always have an agenda, always causing trouble wherever you go. I have no reason to believe your empty words. I trust my huntresses' words more than yours."

Issei's frustration grew, but he forced himself to remain composed. "Lady Artemis, I understand your disdain for men, but I am not here to challenge you or disrupt your domain. I only seek peace and wish to leave without any further conflict."

Artemis laughed mockingly, her voice echoing through the forest. "Peace? Men like you don't know the meaning of peace. You're all the same, driven by your desires and lust for power."

Issei's patience began to wear thin, but he held himself back, determined to find a way out of this predicament. "Please, Lady Artemis, I implore you to listen. I bear no ill will towards you or your huntresses. All I ask is for the chance to leave peacefully and avoid any unnecessary escalation."

Artemis remained stoic holding up her bow towards Issei. "Sorry... but I don't deal with men." That was when her face changed to one of pure disgust. "Perversion, raping... Robbing... Men are just being of pure evil. My huntresses have seen it all. We have seen the news."

Then something just snapped, something inside of Issei. He didn't care anymore. He didn't care about staying out of conflict with Artemis, he didn't care about being free. He didn't care if he lived. He didn't care about anything! And then... His mouth moved on its own. "Cheating, divorcing, prostitution, false accusing, what else do you want to hear about women?"

Artemis was a little shocked just being told this abruptly. "What?"

"Taking only the negative views of men... how about taking the other side? Cheating, betrayal, breaking men down, divorcing, false accusing just because they were scared, ... breaking a man's heart into a million pieces and then killing that same very man. We can keep playing this game." Issei snapped. "There are two sides to both genders. They both can be monsters!"

"Boy... If I were you, I would be very mindful of that tongue of yours." Artemis said. However, Issei didn't care... He wasn't going to be talked down upon anymore. He only did so because he feared for what would happen if all of Olympus was to jump him, but he wouldn't risk the chance of talking to a delusional woman.

"Well, seeing as though you won't be letting me go freely-"

"A quick death is the only mercy I will show upon thee." Artemis spoke while charging her bow.

"Then, looks like I'll be taking down an entire hunt." Instantly, Issei entered his balance breaker state, shocking the entire crowd. "Blood... Is all that will be left."