Chapter 4: Beyond The Woods (-34-)

-34-Miriel lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. The curtains were unfurled, the doors closed, the sole light in the room was the lighted lamp near her bedside atop a table.Her thoughts returned to the day's events; the spindlefell, the soldiers, and Mark.She recalled Mark's confession as thoughts swam in her head .What should they do? Can he get better? Should they call for healers? Would they be helpful when it was neither disease nor infection? Would it be fine to tell them? What if he doesn't get better? What if it worsens?As thoughts swamped her mind, she placed a palm over her forehead and closed her eyes.After a while, she opened them again and turned to the lamp beside the bed.She opened it, snuffed the fire out with a tool, then closed it..She covered herself with a quilt and slept.-A girl and a boy stood together with their heads bowed while a man stood in front of them."Why didn't you tell anyone where you went, Miriel? We were really worried.""Sorry Father." Said the girl."And you, Mark. If you knew where Miriel was, why didn't you tell anyone? If an accident happened how would we find you?""Sorry Sir." Said the boy.The man knelt and stared at the girl. The girl raised her head and met his eyes."Miriel, I know you are sad that Risley is leaving but please don't hide somewhere far away. If something bad happens to you, I will be very sad as well.""Okay, Father." The girl replied."If you want to stay somewhere alone, you can stay in my study. I'll get Louis to turn the servants away. Just don't hide somewhere we can't find you, okay?""Mm," The girl nodded her head."Promise?" The man said."Promise." The girl replied.She extended her pinky and interlocked it with the man's pinky.-*thud*thud*"My lady, are you awake?"Miriel faintly heard some knocks and a voice from the door as she lay on her bed with her eyes closed. Was she half-awake or still half-asleep?"I'm coming in."She covered her head with the quilt as light entered into the room. Then turned her head to the other side as even more light entered the room."You really should wake up now, my lady. It's way past when you usually do." Anne said as she tied the curtains and opened the windows.Miriel barely opened her eyes, then closed them again.She slowly pushed herself up to sit on the bed, then opened her eyes as slits. Anne was standing at the foot of the bed, staring at Miriel with her hands on her mouth."Oh, how precious…" She mumbled."Nghow' nghar' hu' ho' haivly' Han'?" Miriel said, or at least tried.It was likely Anne slept even less than she did."Let me help you to the basin my lady. You'll be better after you wash your face." Anne said.She went to Miriel, helped her off the bed and guided her to the bathroom.-Miriel covered her mouth with a palm as she yawned. She rubbed her eyes as she sat by the table in the dining room, wearing a brown dress..The table was lengthy, perhaps half as long as the room. There were a number of chairs nested against it.In front of her was a filled teacup and plates serving bread and cookies.Miriel nipped on the bread and sipped the teacup. She exhaled, and rubbed her eyes again."Lady Miriel, Mister Louis said to hand this to you." Anne said as she entered the room and went to Miriel. She stopped beside Miriel and handed her a parchment.Miriel took the parchment and skimmed it; it was a report on the spindlefell."I shall read this in my father's study. Will you be joining me, Anne?" Miriel said."Louis gave me another errand, so I'll go do it first. I'll be there right after." Anne replied."Is Mark done with his lessons for today?" Miriel said"I think so. I saw him heading towards the barracks when Louis gave me the paper." Anne said."Do take care not to trip Anne.""I'll be back really soon my lady." Anne rushed out of the room.Miriel lightly shook her head.She wiped her mouth with a cloth, stood and headed to her father's study.There, she flattened the report on the table and read it as she sat, drawing lines under certain lines and words;; creature, spindlefell, forest, captain, loud, chopped, minced, buried, none dead, multiple wounded, anomaly, rogue, other, unlikely.After she was done, she set her pen down and sank into the seat. The sunrays entered through the panes and she could see birds and leaves flying outside."May I come in, my lady?" Anne said from the door."You may." Miriel replied.Anne entered the room and stood before Miriel."Are you done with the report, my lady?" She asked."Mm," Miriel nodded, while staring at the windows."Did it say what the spindlefell was like? How did they kill it? Was that really loud shout from Captain Hursltead?" Anne asked, as her eyes glistened."You may read it if you wish, Anne." Miriel replied."Oh, thank you so much my lady." Anne picked up the parchment from the table and read it gleefully."After you are done, let us head to the barracks to find Mark." Miriel said."Okay my lady." Anne replied, eyes fixed on the report.-At the barracks the soldiers were training in the clearing with the captain watching them from the side."Mark does not seem to be here." Miriel said."How strange, he's usually training with them around now." Anne replied with an eyebrow raised.Mark was nowhere to be seen, neither among the soldiers nor in other places around the clearing or the barracks."The captain is calling for you Anne." Miriel said."Hm? He is?" Anne looked at the captain standing on the clearing. He was watching them with his arm raised high and one finger extended.Anne pointed one finger to herself and the captain nodded."You may go, Anne. I shall return to the mansion.""Are you sure, my lady?" Anne turned to Miriel and asked.Miriel nodded.Anne bowed and ran down the slope to the clearing.Miriel watched them for a moment, then turned and walked towards the mansion.Along the way, she paused and changed course.As she neared the stables, she saw a figure leaning on a stall gate, feeding a horse grass stalks."Mark," Miriel said as she closed the distance.He jolted. Mark slowly turned his head and faced her."Erm, hey Miriel," He said, scratching his head with a hand as the horse ate the grass the other held."Are you avoiding me?" Miriel asked."No, not at all," He shook his head, "Just been, well, busy."The horse bit the hay and moved away with it. Mark turned his head to look at the horse, then turned to Miriel."Busy? This is when you are busy training with the soldiers, is it not?" Miriel narrowed her eyes."I changed my mind today and I'm feeding the horses." Mark bobbed his head."Horses that the stable hands feed everyday?" Miriel replied."Uh, yeah." Mark turned his eyes away."Why are you avoiding me, Mark?" Miriel asked."Well I…" Mark stopped.He sighed and crouched, staring at the ground with his arms folded."Mark?" Miriel repeated."I'm embarrassed, okay?" He replied.Miriel stared at the brooding Mark for a moment. "Is it for what you said, or for bawling like a baby?" She said.Mark kept his silence and didn't respond.Miriel walked to him, bent down and cupped his cheeks."Thank you for telling me, Mark. Now we have to talk about how we will heal you."She slowly straightened, and Mark stood as she did. She dropped her hands and stared at Mark, who stared at the ground with his head lowered.

"Should we call a healer?" Miriel said.

After a moment, Mark shook his head and looked at Miriel."No, they don't know what to do. Nothing the physicians and herbalists at the barricade did worked." He replied."What of tonics and potions?""They didn't work either. I tried a lot of stuff at the barricade, even some uh, strange stuff." Mark averted his eyes."What strange stuff exactly?" Miriel narrowed her eyes."Anyway," Mark coughed, "We don't know if we can trust them. If word gets out, it'll cause you problems.""It might also sever our betrothal." Miriel said."That too," Mark nodded.Miriel blinked and stared at Mark for a moment, who scratched his neck and turned his head away.She lightly shook her head."What are we to do then? Merely searching with hope?""Well, we can search discreetly," Mark said,"Ask around or find out if there's a hermit or some potion that can help. But we have to make sure they can't link it back to us.""So, we trace rumours and buy information?" Miriel asked."Mm," Mark nodded."I recall someone was averse to relying on rumours," Miriel said."I'm not at the barricade anymore. Not a soldier." Mark shrugged."Do we tell Louis and Uncle?" Miriel asked.Mark thought for a moment, then shook his head."No. We will only make them worry. It is best that only the two of us know."Miriel frowned, but nodded."I know there is more you are keeping from me. Will you share those as well, Mark?"Mark scratched his head. "I did tell you the crux but…Someday, Miriel. Someday I'll tell you.""Fair enough," Miriel continued,"And what do we do for now? Are you to just endure it?""I have to. Herbs don't help with the nightmares. But I can manage and there won't be other problems if I avoid the woods."Miriel pondered for a moment, then looked at Mark."There's something that might help. You won't like it, but will you try?" Miriel asked.Mark grimaced, then nodded.