Chapter 4: Beyond The Woods (-37-)

-37-Miriel waited outside the living room with Anne standing beside her, who was constantly checking and fixing her clothes, as her feet tapped the floor."It will be fine Anne. Her highness will not take issue with minute flaws." Miriel said."But I can't not be nervous, my lady. It's the first time I am seeing her this close, and I've only seen her from drawings." Anne replied.Miriel stared at the doors as they waited, twiddling her thumbs with her hands clasped to her front. They were in there longer than she expected.The doors opened and Elle walked out."Oh, Miriel, before aught else, I wish to be out of these gaudy clothes. Pretty as they are, they may well be burying me with their weight." Elle said.Miriel glanced at Anne beside her - who was gawking at the princess, mouth wide - and faced the princess."This is my maid, Anne, who will be serving you for your stay here, your highness. She will guide you to your room." Miriel turned to Anne.Anne briskly bowed from her waist."I am Anne, your highness! Lady Miriel's maid! I am the eldest of seven siblings and am very quick and lively! I am very glad to be serving you!" Anne said as she bowed, her voice echoing in the corridor."My, how commendable. Very well, Anne, please lead me to my room." Elle smiled at the bowing Anne."Right away, your highness!"Anne straightened, turned around and briskly started walking."You have quite an adorable maid, Miriel." Elle giggled - hand covering her mouth - and followed after Anne, who was already a distance away.Miriel sighed as she watched the two.She turned back to the living room and saw Mark walking out with his shoulders slumped."Mark?" Miriel said, squinting her eyes.He stopped in front of her."Told you she was crazy…" He mumbled, with his head lowered."Hm?" Miriel replied"She knows," He raised his head and looked at her, "She knows my…problems."Miriel blinked."You mean?"She didn't continue, while Mark bobbed his head."How?" Miriel's eyes widened."I don't know either. She said she could tell just by looking at me." Mark sighed."Is that even…" Miriel paused."Was it from the barricade? Perhaps the healers and nurses?"Mark shook his head."I don't know. She said they never remember their patients. She also said that we didn't have to worry about other people finding out because no one else will be able to tell.""You think we can trust her on that?" Mark asked, his brows slanted and his voice weary."I am uncertain Mark, but I believe we should." Miriel replied."Okay," Mark nodded,"But what do we do? Will she cancel the betrothal now that she knows? I told you she was crazy, Miriel!""Hush, she might hear you."Mark covered his mouth and bent, turning his head around to see if anyone was nearby.Miriel pondered as she held her chin."What else did she say?" She looked at Mark."Uh, nothing much," Mark shook his head,"She asked a bit about our childhood before that and that's it.""Really?" Miriel stared intently at Mark.Mark bobbed his head."Then it is probable she did it out of concern. In all honesty, it is her edict that our betrothal relies on. Perhaps she would see to its fulfilment.""Or she's just obsessed with you." Mark replied.They stared at each other for a moment."Nothing has changed Mark," Miriel said,"If anything, we might ask her for help.""I don't know, things seem pretty different to me. Do you really think she'll be that receptive?" Mark asked."Same situation, Mark. We do nothing, nor can we do anything, and there is no harm in asking.""Okay," Mark shrugged,"But you take this one. I don't think she likes me.""Give it time, Mark. I thought the same the first time we met." She replied."Really? You didn't?" Mark's eyes widened as he looked at Miriel. Miriel smirked."You think I would? You were crying so hard the ground below was wet, and your nose was running.""Then why'd you come up to me?" He asked."Think about that, fool."Miriel turned and walked, while Mark stood in a daze.-In the room they fashioned for the princess, Miriel watched as Elle inspected her dress in the mirror.She wore a blue dress, simpler than the dress she wore before, or any of her dresses."I must say this is marvellous. Light, snug and soft, so much better than those weighty dresses." Elle said."Please do not exaggerate, Elle. You wear them half the time, only to balls and events. And why did you wear that here?" Miriel asked.She sat on a sofa, with her chin on her hand. Her eyes would turn to Elle, or around the room."My maids believed I was heading to another of my dreary meetings. I could not give them the slip otherwise." Elle repliedMiriel wondered how the maids would react. Would they be searching for their master, or biding their time? Either way, Elle would smooth it over somehow, probably."Your highness Elle, what did you speak with Mark about?" Miriel said."About how adorable young Miriel was, and what his time at the barricade has afflicted upon him," Elle turned to Miriel, her arms extended as she leaned left and right, "It is stretchy and does not chafe at all.""Please be easy on him, Elle. His situation is quite hard on him.""I am, Miriel, much more than you would realize," Elle replied,"And it is him alone who is struggling."Miriel turned her head away.*thud*thud*They heard a knock and turned to the door."My lady, and, um, your highness, may I come in?""You may enter." Elle replied.Anne opened the doors and entered the room."I've told Mister Louis to prepare the carriage, my lady, and your highness," Anne said, hands clasped in front."Thank you for being so earnest, Miriel has a wonderful maid." Elle said."Though I worry you may trip, Anne. Do take care, neither Miriel nor I are so harsh as to make you scamper." She continued."I will take your words to heart, your highness!" Anne shouted with her head bowed.To the side, Miriel was smoothing her creased brows with her fingers. Her eyes darted to Anne and Elle, then Anne again, then Elle."Elle, are you certain you wish to venture out?" Miriel asked"Oh, certainly! This is a rare occasion without my maids. I shall relish it and not waste it cooped in some place. And," Elle continued, "I wish to see what my knights and soldiers are doing."Her eyes sparkled as stared at the windows.If the princess wills it, who was Miriel to say no? To the farms they would go.If the people at the Capitol ever knew…Hm? It was nothing particularly odd among Elle's antics. It was the maids who she had to worry about. Miriel dearly hoped it wouldn't set them off."But we must only tour and watch, Elle. Please do not join in while they work." Miriel said."Of course, of course. We will simply be seeing here and watching there. Now let us be off."The princess picked up a straw hat from a table, put it on and left the room, with Anne in tow.Miriel sighed.She rose and trudged behind them.