Chapitre 1

What is it like? 

Love, I mean.

Is it like in books and movies? 

Does it burn like fire? Is it as red as passion?

Does it taste like death? 

Those were the questions I always wondered when people talked about their romantic lives. 

I wanted—no, I needed to know if it was really worth the game.

But I thought I wouldn't ever feel it, or at least not the same way. 

I would probably be like my mother. 

I would graduate from university and then settle down for the best suitor among the masses. 

I would build a happy little home, far from the thrills and sparks of a spicy adventure.


My love life would be as insipid as my parents: no passion, no danger, no nothing.


Or that's what I thought until...

I met him: Roze Tarensio.

The most attractive and dual-minded man I have ever met in my life. 

He was everything one could ever dream of: feline, charismatic, smart, and horribly sexy. 

Even now, I still remember our first encounter, over four months ago. 



It was during the summer of my first year at university, during my vacation in Barcelona.


My friend, Jazzy, and I had decided to go downtown to pass the night. 

We went to a relatively famous—and apparently upper-scale—club. 

Differently from how I dressed habitually, I had decided to wear a mini red dress—long enough to barely cover my buttocks. 

To match it, I wore some golden jewelry and a pair of black heels with red soles. 

To finish, I had left my long, wavy hair down, cascading along my bare back. 

As for Jazz, she took out the cocktail gown, which was long and shiny, while she tied her hair in a tight ponytail. She was stunning. 


Upon entering the club, the atmosphere instantly caught my eye. 

Everything was on point; the room was illuminated by red lights. 

There was an open bar with attractive bartenders and a full crowd of fiesty people. 

Moreover, overall, it had this catchy and classy vibe. 

" Wow! Fuck! I think it's the first time I have been in such a classy club." I uttered openly, not hiding my fascination. 

Jazzy laughed at my remark. 

"That's because you only went to two. And they all sucked!"

"You're the one who got me there, though!"

"Well, everyone makes mistakes…" she replied, shrugging her shoulders. " Come! We have to go take a shot first!"

Like usual, the alcoholic I had as a friend went directly for the drinks. 

As we navigated through the maze of people, I could feel the touch of skin rubbing on me and the scent of perfume mixed with sweat.


Alternately from the center, when everyone danced like crazy, the open bar was more calm and 'chic'. 

The bartender was a handsome young man, around my age, wearing the classic formal uniform: a black and white suit with a black tie. 

As soon as he saw us, he flashed a bright smile before asking what drink we wanted. 

"A martini."

"And for me, it'll be just a soda, thanks." 

"Oh no! Not again… Don't be a bore, Cycy! We only have two days left; we should enjoy!"

Sighing, I decided to compromise for one time. 

I had to confess that sometimes I could be quite close-minded and strict with myself. But what can I do? It was the way I had been raised! 

"Okay, then. A martini too, please!" 

" Yeah! Finally !" She cheered, finally satisfied. 

"So you're not from around?" I asked the bartender, who was conversing with us. 

"Not at all. We're actually from France." I replied to Jazz on a friendly note. 

'And here we go again,' I silently thought. 

The beautiful blonde was at her expertise again—flirting. 

I bet she would bag him before the end of the night, the poor boy longing for her under her terrific claws. 

"From France, really!? I love it there."

"That's true? Did you ever go there?"

"No, never. But I hope one day, yes!"

"You should really come! And if you want a guide, I am available." 

' Liar' I interjected in my head, following their dialogue while sipping my martini. 

We two knew that she would never do that. 

She had this one-time principle—never fuck with someone you had a nightstand with—that made it impossible for her to ever deal with 'sex stranger'. 

And it was clear as day that the bartender would fall under that category of strangers. 

After a few minutes of listening and sometimes talking there and there, I became a little drunk on the three past alcoholic drinks I had. 

' Okay, time to go dance!' 

I stood up, staggering a little bit, before slowly dancing to the dance floor. 

As I approached, I began to dance a little, tuning myself to the rhythm of the music. 

I moved my hips from right to left, undulating my body with sensuality. Then, I did my signature white girl move—lifting my hands above my head, my martini still with me. 

Soon, I felt someone's hands above my hips, in the hollow of my back. His big and rough, moist hand felt horribly hot against my bare skin. 

As I continued to dance, I turned myself, looking at him. 

Suddenly all the noise stopped, making the noisy music a mere background noise. 

I could feel my heart pounding—boom, boom, boom—inside my chest. 

My lips, like a plant in the desert, felt incredibly dry. I was thirsty. 

The man before me was probably the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life. 

With his mesmerizing green eyes, half-long brown hair—so dark it looked black—and suave and straight pink lips, he looked so unreal that any description wouldn't be perfect enough to convey his handsomeness. 

He was dead-dropping. 

Feeling thirsty, I brought my drink to my lips, moistening them. 

"Hello there!" He said with his deep, rocky voice. 

My hands couldn't help but shake over his voice. 

" Hello." I replied in a whisper, still in a trance. 


Obviously understanding the effects he had on me, he smirked, visibly amused. 

He knew his charms and played them perfectly. 

His gaze, as hot as fire, slowly went down to the rest of my body before raising it once again, settling for my brown eyes. 

No words could describe the power this stranger's profound eyes had over me. 

He melted me down, the girl known for her self-control and utmost patience. 

Right then, I forgot who I was. My name, my age, and my plans. The only thing I knew was that I needed him. 

No … I craved him. 

It's like I revisited the word "horny" all over again. 

Because yes, I was horny as fuck right now.