Downfall [Part 2]

Red and black lightning whirled around Lucius. It felt as though the energy of an entire storm was centered on this one boy. All the other magical affects and Arts that he previously engaged had vanished, so the enemies were able to move around like normal again.


"Oh, now that is interesting. Not even a fraction when we fought in the mist, but powerful indeed. Alright everyone, buckle down for this one." Shiyani shouted through the crackles of electricity and the constant rumbles through the sky above.


It was very rare for a storm to occur in a desert, yet the sky above appeared as though a torrential rain would begin at any moment. The once overbearing sunlight was gone, covered by dark, gray clouds.


"Shiyani, Mia, Paul, Lethen." When he spoke, the air itself seemed to vibrate. "Die."