Representatives [Part 1]

"Lord Lionel, are you ready?" A slender, man in a perfect butler's uniform was bowing deeply to a young man that was currently polishing one of the many swords hung along the walls of his room.


The gentleman in question was lord Kristof Lionel. He was one of the most renowned members of the younger generation of nobility in the kingdom of Docia. As the first seat in the Docia School for Combat, he was a very talented young man.


Kristof's servant was asking him if he was prepared to leave for the Kingdom of Arcadios to participate in their special exhibition this year. Every member nation in the Five Kings Union was participating in this joint exhibition as well as Eroa and Aedrider. The beast nations of Alorek and Raleron as well as the elven nation of Haedda had all chosen to abstain.


"Yes, yes. I am prepared. Shall we head to this nation of forest dwellers?" Kristof said with a sigh.