The Undead Horde [Part 3]

Even though he had yet to come to trust Desmond, and doubted he ever would, Lucius was not too pleased to hear the change in plans that separated the man from his side. He was not afraid to admit that Desmond had great potential and for someone of the Intermediate Rank, he was a skilled fighter.


Lucius knew that his compatriot was no match for him with his Channeling, mark, and general combat prowess, but Desmond was still useful in a fight. Instead, he was stuck with a team of five Advance Rank fighters. He did not bother to learn their names, but one was a mage, one was an archer, and the other three used various one-handed weapons with a shield.


For a moment, he was unsure if the six of them would be enough to figure out the source of the undead and destroy it, but he had to make due with what he was given. One thing that helped keep his sanity was knowing that Desmond would assist Rena and Natali.