How Many?

Nearly a month had passed since the incident at the academy and things had been strangely calm. The people following Lucius seemed to stop for a while according to Lyrah and Natali. If her daughter knew who they were, she did not share that information.


Of course, it was unlikely that her daughter did know. After all, Oracles looked at the far future… or at least that's what Adellia had taught her. Looking into the future too frequently or too near to the present would result in debilitating headaches and pains.


Often the Oracle would have to suffer through these experiences while trying to scan through the potential futures based on possible actions. It was an unpleasant experience that felt like someone split open your skull with a rock, healed it, and repeated the process over and over again.


"Lady Adellia…" Mylene gently called out.


"Oh sorry… just lost in thought."


"Is it about Lord Kane?"