Snake King

All of Raleron was covered in dense, hot jungle. It was a harsh yet lush land of plenty. Of all the kingdoms on the continent, it had the highest concentration of dangerous animals and monsters that stalked its land.


Many of its citizens lived in villages built amongst the canopy of the trees. Like the capital city of Eroa, these cities and villages were beautiful. Yet, unlike Eroa, the cities had no ground-level construction. Other than what was required to grant access to the levels above, the ground floor of the jungle was left uninhabited.


The palace of Raleron was constructed much in the same way as Eroa's palace. However, much of the palace and surrounding capital city were damaged. Over the last few years, the heirs to the throne had gathered allies and waged a quiet political war behind the scenes. But, after years of tumultuous peace, the dam finally broke, and a multi-sided war erupted within the capital.