Gett vs Kalliope [Part 1]

Crowds roared in excitement and anticipation for the fights to come. They had already been treated to a handful. Some of which had major upsets. They won a few brave souls a lot of money, while costing those playing it safe their earnings.


Such was the way of gambling on fights in the arena. However, the next few rounds would be easy bets. No one would win much because they already knew the outcome. But if they did choose to bet on the unlikely winner, then they would walk home very wealthy men.


Kalliope knew this already. She had been fighting non-stop for a while now and was still undefeated. Everything they had chosen for her to fight with was to try and put her at a disadvantage. Short of pitting her against higher-ranked opponents, they had failed. She beat all the challenges. In fact, she had started to find them entertaining and wondered if they would give her any sort of edge in future spars with Lucius.