12. The Warehouse

After being captured by the beast-trapping team, they travelled for 3 days. They only stopped to let the horse carrying the beast cages rest and give the beasts enough to keep them from dying.

Zion wouldn't make any sound when the woman came to give him things and would just stare at her with his lilac eyes.

She always quickly left to get away from his staring. On the 3rd night of travelling, they stopped to rest, and once again, the woman gave Zion some food and returned to the small camp the two men were at.

"That's it! I can't stand that stupid white fox anymore. Every time I feed the beasts, the others cower away from me or snarl and try to bite me. That one? It just stares at me with its creepy purple eyes. It's freaking me out!" She complained as she sat down.

The one who caught Zion, a man with black hair in a bowl cut, looked at her and snorted, "It's just a stupid beast. It's not even that strong. I bet It's just a D rank. You're getting freaked out over nothing." He said.

"I don't know, Cavan. Willow has a point. There's something strange with the way that fox just stares at us. Even now, it's just staring." The other man, a guy with short and spikey sandy blond hair, turned to look at Zion, who was staring at them. He was trying to learn the language by listening and observing them.

The man quickly turned away again.

Cavan just snorted again, "You too, Ivan? Whatever. We should arrive in Reles City by nightfall. Then we can sell the caught beasts to the slave market." He waved his hand dismissively.

The other two glanced at each other before sighing and agreeing, trying to put aside the strange feeling that fox always gave them.


That night, the carriage with the covered beast cages passed through a checkpoint and soon reached a large building.

Zion woke up to the sound of large doors closing behind them. Raising his head from its sleeping place on his tail, the cover on the cages was removed, allowing some light to shine on them.

They were now inside what seemed to be a large warehouse filled with cages. He could see in a few of the cages closest to their location and noticed a couple of humans in them.

His eyes narrowed, 'A slave storage house or something like that... Makes sense. Where else would you sell a bunch of beasts.' He looked around to see the trio of trappers talking to a large guy. And by large, this guy had the hugest belly he had ever seen.

He wore clothes that looked quite fancy, and they seemed to be silk. He also had quite a few eye-catching sparkling jewellery pieces on his fingers, wrists and even on his neck.

He looked like a stereotypical, fat and wealthy nobleman.

The wealthy man gave the black-haired guy, Zion had managed to pick up his name, Cavan, a small brown bag that jingled.

The trio looked into it, and their eyes shone with greed as they quickly bowed a little to the man; then, a few giant ape-like creatures with 4 arms began to unload the cages, placing them in various warehouse locations.

As one of the apes grabbed his cage, Zion couldn't help analysing it.

[[Species: 4-Armed Strong Ape.

Rank: B

Owner: Ran Chran.


Analysis level too low to see targets stats.]]

'Woah... these things are B rank? And it's the first time I've found something I can't see... I can see up to C ranks at level 4 of analysis, it seems.'

Zion was pulled from his thoughts as his cage was picked up and moved from the carriage. He was placed just above a couple of captured human females who were barely clothed and so thin that you could see their ribs.

Zion looked at them and frowned faintly before looking up again. Once the carriage was completely emptied of occupied cages, leaving only about 4 empty ones, the trio got onto the carriage and rode it back out. The door shut behind them loudly, cutting them off from the outside world.

They were now trapped and stuck, waiting to see what their fate would become in this dark and cringy place.