20. Meeting Aala Again

That night, Sarah passed out after being made to run around the house a few times. She became exhausted and passed out when her head hit the pillow.

Zion stuck out of the window and leapt down to the ground, then headed to the forest where he had met Aala.

He walked to the same tree, then sat and waited silently as he looked at his status screen.


Race: All Seeing Rainbow Fox

Name: Zion

Level: 7 (EXP: 475/700)

Rank: D

Magic Affinity: None

HP: 300/300

Mana: 270/270

STR: 22

AGL: 26

CON: 22

DEF: 23

INT: 27

CHA: 29


Bite (Lv6/10)//Slash (Lv6/10)//Analyse (Lv4/10)//Pounce (Lv5/10)//Kick (Lv4/10)//Tree Run (Lv3/10)//Dash (Lv3/10)//Tail Flick (Lv2/10)//


Mind Talk (Lv1/10)//]]

Zion frowned at the screen. It had been a couple of weeks now, and he hadn't made any progress apart from those mole-rats, and they only gave him more EXP, but not enough to level up.

He sighed softly, 'I need Abraham to take me out so I can get more experience.' He frowned softly.

"Hi, Zion!" That familiar childish voice spoke from above him. He raised his head to see Aala smiling down at him from a branch above him.

He smiled back at her, '"Hi Aala, how have you been?"' He leapt up to her branch and sat beside her.

"Hmm. Well, my father was angry that I ran off the other day. I told him that I just got distracted by some animals, which he believed, since I do that often. Oh, my grandma baked me some fairy bread yesterday." She giggled and pulled out a loaf of bread that sparkled even in the darkness of the forest.

'"Woah... that's pretty cool looking bread."' He tilted his head, studying it.

"It replenishes mana, too. Nana said that many fae keep some on them for an emergency since mana potions that humans make are gross tasting." She grimaced, thinking about the taste of them.

'"I wouldn't know. I haven't had any since I don't use enough mana to warrant using one."' He lay on the branch, letting his tail hang down, swaying gently in the wind.

"You'll taste one eventually. Everyone does at least once." She giggled, then looked towards the Veilstone mansion, "The little girl, is she okay?" She asked.

'"Sarah is fine. Actually, due to the attack, she decided to start training with her father."'

"Really? She's courageous. I was taught that humans only usually start training when they start attending the Academy."

'"I learned that from the books in the mansion. 5 years in the kingdoms academy, then if you're in the top 30, you go to the central academy."' He recalled what he had read.

"It's not just humans!" She smiled, "Even other races can go to the central kingdoms. In my home, we have a limit of 30 from each tribe as well. I believe the elves and beastman get the same." She tilted her head, "Ooh, how awesome would it be if we all got to go!" She giggled happily.

'"Aala, that sounds awesome, but unless I get to evolve to take a human form, I won't get a chance to attend."' He frowned softly at her.

She shook her head no, "Nah ah. You are Sarah's contracted pet, right?" She looked at him.

He gave a silent nod, not sure where she was going with this. She smiled at him again, "Then you'll be able to attend with her as long as she reaches the top 30. Contracted pets count as fighting methods because some actually use beasts to fight. So, being her contracted pet, you'll go with her no matter where she goes." She grinned widely, showing off her pearly white teeth.

'"Huh... that makes sense. I didn't read anything about that, so I guess it didn't even cross my mind."' His eyes widened as he thought about what she said.

Aala nodded, smiling, "Yup. Fae often have at least one contract familiar with them, so we were taught that."

'"You've at least settled my mind about that."' He chuckled softly and yawned, '"Well, I gotta go. I need to sleep, and Sarah has training tomorrow, so I'll probably join her. I'll meet you next week."' He leapt down from the tree and waved his paw at her before leaving.

She waved as he walked away, then stood up, "I really hope you will reach there, Zion. I would love to meet Sarah officially." She smiled faintly, but her smile showed loneliness as she spread her dragonfly wings and flew off.

In the early morning, when the sun had barely risen, Zion and Sarah were woken up by Abraham when he tore the blankets off them with a shout, "Wake up! You are to run around the house in 20 minutes, so you better be ready to go." He then walked out of the room.

Sarah sat up with a sleepy groan, "Maybe training was a bad idea..." She mumbled.

Zion stretched with a yawn, then jumped down from the bed and walked to her wardrobe before turning and facing her, letting out a yip.

She smiled at him, "You're right, Foxy. I must keep going! I promised you and Daddy I could do it!" She tapped her face to wake up, then immediately got up and changed her clothes.

Zion chuckled, watching the little child rush around, 'She'll do just fine.'