33. Complete Evolution

The three days of Zions evolution time passed very quickly, and he soon blinked his eyes open, then yawned widely and stretched his body before standing up.

The first thing he noticed was that he again was bigger. He was now around the size of a great dane. He glanced at himself, 'Hm. I won't be able to share Sarah's bed now.' He thought to himself as he moved to the window and looked out.

He had woken up in the afternoon, so the kids were currently training, and Sarah's window pointed straight out at the field.

He smiled, seeing them running, then sat down, 'Alright. Status.' He called.


Race: Oracle Rainbow Fox

Name: Zion

Level: 10 (EXP: 955/1000)

Rank: D

Magic Affinity: None

HP: 495/495

Mana: 450/450

STR: 32

AGL: 37

CON: 35

DEF: 32

INT: 45

CHA: 40


Bite (E) (Lv8/10) - Slash (E) (Lv8/10) - Analyse (SSS) (Lv6/10) - Pounce (D) (Lv8/10) - Kick (E) (Lv6/10) - Tree Run (D) (Lv5/10) - Dash (E) (Lv5/10) - Tail Flick (E) (Lv4/10) - Triple Strike (D) (Lv1/10)


Mind Talk (B) (Lv5/10) - Prediction (D) (lv1/10) - Dispelling Eye (D) (lv1/10)]]

'Let's see... my stats have jumped a little. My intelligence has gotten the bigger boost, but the evolution I chose focuses on magic, so that makes sense.'

He then focused on the three new skills and spells, 'Let's see, two spells and one skill.'

[[Triple Strike (D): The user strikes the target 3 times in a row. Causes an extra 100% damage per successful hit for a total of 300% more damage.]]

[[Prediction (D): Allows the user to predict the opponents attacks. Costs 30 MP per minute.]]

[[Dispelling Eye (D): Allows the user to see through illusions. Costs 20 MP per use.]]

'Those are especially helpful. I had no defence against illusions before, but now, with this Dispelling Eye spell, I do.' He heard his stomach growl, causing him to look down, then chuckled at himself.

'Of course... three days.' He moved to the door and pushed it open. Thankfully, their doors are lever styles, so he can open them on his own.

He walked down the hallway and soon exited the dorms. He looked around, 'Now... being a beast, I can't exactly walk up to the cafeteria myself.' As he was debating where to go, he spotted one of the dummies they used in the test near him.

He tilted his head, 'Huh... well, why not? I'm curious.' He moved over to it and crouched down slightly. Now, his strongest attack was his Triple Strike attack, so he, of course, used that. He slashed at the dummy 3 times in 5 seconds, then leapt back.

The dummy vibrated, and then the number appeared above its head, 'Level 7. I'm only a little stronger than Sarah.' He smiled and nodded at it before he left the dummy alone, heading towards the training zone.


Once Zion had left the area, one of the figures wearing completely black clothes appeared next to the dummy and stared at its still-displayed number before turning to look at the fox walking away.

'I was told to keep an eye out for any strong students but found a strong and smart pet. I will report this to the headmaster. He'll be curious as well.' The figure vanished from his spot again.


Zion reached the field and looked around for Sarah's location. He soon found her jogging alongside Ithil and Aala again.

He smiled, glad to see her getting along with others and decided to wait for her to finish her training, so he lay down on the ground and crossed his front paws as he watched them.

After an hour and a half, they were finally told by Ivan to stop and that today's training was done.

Sarah, Ithil and Aala stepped to the side, laughing softly when Zion walked over to them, '"You guys pace yourself well when training."' He smiled at them all jumping, hearing his voice suddenly in their heads.

All three turned to look at him. Aala had a broad smile while Sarah squealed happily and hugged him, "You're finally awake!"

Zion chuckled at her enthusiasm, '"Yes, my evolution finished."' At his words, Sarah stepped back to look at him properly, "Woah. You got big." She laughed.

"That happens with evolutions, Sarah." Aala giggled as Ithil just nodded in silence.

"Oh, I bet you're hungry, aren't you, Zion? You haven't eaten in 3 days. Come on guys, let's go get changed, then get food." Sarah spoke happily as she got moving towards the washrooms.

Zion waited outside for them to come back out then they all went to the cafeteria. Zion drew some attention which he guessed was probably because of his 40 charisma he now had.

He told Sarah which meal he wanted and when they sat down, he ate quietly and happily.

Sarah explained to Zion what had happened during the time he had been unconscious, including the punch to Krakow for bullying Ithil.

Zion scolded her for loosing her cool and attacking in anger but did tell her she did good to stand up for her friend so she was still quite happy.

They had mostly been doing laps during the training although a few students had tried to ask for a break and ended up wearing the weights Sir Ivan said he would make them wear, so no student asks now.

Zion would chuckle during her tall. When she got excited to talk about something, you couldn't stop her. She would just keep going until she talked off your ears.

As he ate his ears twitched as he heard Sarah's name. He focused his hearing towards the voice and overheard some talking.

"That stupid little girl Sarah... she broke my nose and then I got scolded for bullying. It's all her fault."

Zion let out a soft internal sigh, 'Well, looks like Sarah has made an enemy within a week of coming here.' He let out a small smile.